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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Food for thought :: Magic Video Demos (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Profile of EvanMagic
Hey everyone,

Just expressing my opinion here...

I just find it a huge buying turn-off when people who invent tricks decide to make a really bad demo video (looks rushed to make) to give the effect to the customer. For me, seeing this type of thing over and over (replaying) can help me decide how the trick is done.

You have to logically think magicians who invent these tricks make a video to further their profit. But for a majority of tricks, depending on how well it is performed on the video, can actually decline total unit sales.

Having a background in both business and magic, adding a demo can be a HUGE factor into total unit sales, but in a magic world, perfection is key.

Any further opinions and comments welcome!


Evan Morgan
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Profile of leapinglizards
I have wondered this myself. Having been absent from the magic field for about 13 years, the whole video thing was new to me. If they had this when I was a kid, I would have saved a WHOLE lot of money!

On the other hand..... SEEING some of these awful demo videos if folks STILL buy the item then I would hope they would be more satisfied with the end purchase.

Same reason I offer fairly large free samples of all of our books. They give people enough of an idea of what the book really is or is not, so that they can make an educated purchasing decision.

I am not CERTAIN however, if that is what they intend from many of the bad videos- I think they are just bad videos. Smile
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Profile of tommy
I agree but I think it is a pity that some can't spot a rough diamond when they see one.
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Any other opinions?
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Profile of johnnymystic
Videos are not what sell me on a product, there are far more factors to consider in the purchase of a magic trick than whether or a not a demo is good or bad.

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Well you have to consider that it is a demonstration, not necessarily a performance. Not that that is an excuse, but, as a magician, you should be able to see the merit, or lack thereof, by seeing an effect presented to you in the most minimal of ways. It's your imagination and creativity that breathes life into these effects.
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Profile of RickyD
In general, a demo video is just like a demo at a brick and mortar magic shop. Its main purpose, in my opinion at least, is to show you the basics of a trick without teaching you the secret behind it, just to give you some basic idea of whether the trick is something you want or not. It's really just a nice, extra service they're offering you, vs. just having you read the description of it.

In magic shops, the owner has a huge collection of magic effects and it's nearly impossible for him/her to master every one of them, so it's understandable that if you point to a trick and say, "What's that one do?" or "Show me that one!" the owner may not have the absolute best presentation of it. Same is true for some online shops, like Penguin Magic for example.

One interesting thing the O.P. mentioned, though -- trick INVENTORS doing shabby performances of their OWN tricks. I can't say that I've seen anything specifically like this, so my comments here on out should be taken with a grain of salt. But again, the purpose is not to ENTERTAIN you with the demonstration but to INFORM you of the basics of the trick. So it sounds like technically it's getting the job done. Should they put more time and effort into it, if it's a trick they came up with? Sure. Does it detract from the overall image of the trick? Not in my mind, but I'm not the only magician out there ...
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IMHO if an inventor of a magic trick cannot perform his own inventions well then what kind of message does that send to someone looking to purchase the product?

To me the message would be "Hey this is a good trick but not worth my time to perfect it. And obviously I'm not doing this trick for my real performances, as you can tell by my demo."
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Gregory The Great
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I think edh is correct, (((rushed.))) I don't understand it myself.
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I may not be able to do it anymore but I can still teach it!

Vernon said that and was quoted by Zarrow on his great DVD. I think it's a bit shallow to look at teaching stuff based on the performance.
If there is a single truth about Magic, it is that nothing on earth so efficiently evades it.

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Profile of EvanMagic
Thanks for the above comments.

What really boggles my mind is the fact that most of the "instant downloads" on penguin magic can be figured out. Instant downloads are tricks that can be done with items found around the house. All you have to do is find a logical explanation. Replaying the video, and catching moves when the camera zooms in when it is not necessary. This has saved me a LOT of money.

Very controversial topic,

Doug Higley
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My Wife who is NOT a performer nor does she have a background in magic (I did buy here a little magic set a couple of years ago though) can USUALLY figure out a method by seeing the demos. Of course so can I. For me a download's only purpose is to act as a visual instruction sheet. Demos on the other hand are ridiculous for the most part, badly shot, poorly performed and in so many cases (as mentioned above by others) tips the method with a 2nd or 3rd viewing. Dealers: Downloads for sale YES. Demos: No. Unless you want to LOSE sales. For the rest of us...Saves us a bundle!

Of course not all Tip the trick...but if my Wife can figure it out...well...there ya go...
Higley's Giant Flea Pocket Zibit
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Profile of tanselkaya
Other than Penguin do you know of online magic suppliers doing systematical demos?
Phil C
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As a business owner myself, these are my thoughts.

When it comes to business, strategic decisions have to be made. The ultimate purpose of any decision is to maximize profit. In these video cases, I have to decide whether or not to do demos.
Revenue = Profit generated - Cost of making these videos

There can be 3 options
1. Do not make a video -> costs $0
2. Make an unprofessional video -> if a digital camera is present, costs $0
3. Make a professional video -> professional studio, lighting, camera crew, etc, costs a lot more

If I am the business owner, I have probably tested with my website how much adding a video affects sales. Thus, the bottom line is, if it is cost effective I will do it. Otherwise I won't.

It's all about the profit Smile

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Profile of vinsmagic
Two shools of thaught.. Dr Sachs Dice routine has been around for over 50 years
try and fingure this out off a written page.....
But seeing someone perform and explain the moves is the only way to go weather the video is good or bad.
if david Copperfield said he had a trick for lets say 5 bucks he would make thausand s.. however if Joe Blow down the street had THE SAME EFFECT WITH OUT A DEMO HE WOULD NOT MAKE ..............JACK
It depends who si selling the product.
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Jonathan Townsend
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Option four: Ethical contract with magic community NOT to mess with stuff just because you saw the demo. all the coins I've dropped here
Bill Palmer
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First, name a trick that is on a Penguin video that Penguin has invented, and I will tell you why it's a bad demo.

The bad demos I have seen by inventors have been by people who shouldn't have been selling things in the first place.
"The Swatter"

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I think demos (and magic video clips for the matter) are generally evil. Mostly because I've saved so much money just by watching demos and videos, and generally because it goes against the 2nd Golden Rule of Magic (as stated in most children/beginner magic books) of "Never repeat a trick".
While a well done (honest) video can withstand 2 or 3 replays, they usually cracks after that, given some basic sleight knowledge. Especially the more sleights based effects.

Of course, there are some effects that by virtue simplicity/brevity of handling, can withstand endless replay (e.g. Invis Deck), but most(?) effects are not that straight forward, especially if it's a full routine rather than just a single sleight effect like the snap change.

If only there's a way to ensure each person can only view a demo ONCE.....
Bill Palmer
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Some tricks actually reveal themselves the first time you watch the video. This can save you a lot of money if all you see is the ad.

I saved a chunk of change by watching a demo of a new telephone trick involving a spectator and a freely selected card.

It wasn't a bad demo. Just a very obvious trick.
"The Swatter"

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My Chickasaw name is "Throws Money at Cups."