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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Not very magical, still... :: An Apology (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Andy Leviss
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Hi everyone,

I just wanted to make a quick note to apologize if I've upset anybody with my admittedly quite blunt postings. Sometimes I forget how flat text-based communications systems like this forum are and, coupled with my tendency to be a bit too blunt at times, my postings seem to come across as a lot more angry than I mean them to.

I'll try and tone down a bit, and I want to truly and honestly apologize if I've hurt any feelings unintentionally. Please understand that it's not personal. I'll try to be friendlier (as those who know me can attest, I really am a nice guy once you get to know me, Smile and I promise, as harsh as I may come across, I don't really bite Smile


P.S. - Okay, if you try to rip off an effect from an inventor without paying for it, especially when that inventor's a friend of mine, yes, I'll bite. But under normal circumstances, I don't! Smile
Note: I have PMs turned off; if you want to reach me, please e-mail [email][/email]!
Dennis Michael
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A study of personalities clearly gives the one whos studing an advantage. They learn why people say the things they say and why they "come off" as they do.

Although people fit into numerous categories, their core personality will peek through in the way they talk, the things they collect, the space around them, how they dress, and the office/room space around them, there is much more but one gets the picture.

An individual is either an introvert or an extorvert. (Introvert/Extrovert) aspect of a person.

Then there is the People/Task oriented people. One focuses on the person and one focuses on the task.

You might want to review material such as this to clearly understand what it is that you want to change. (If change is even necessary.)
Dennis Michael
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Profile of Andrewdavidson12

I know exactly what you mean! I sometimes read emails or responses on forums like this and think "wow what is wrong with that guy?!". Can I say emphatically that you do NOT come over like this but it's something we all should be aware of.


ps Let me know if I sound like a jerk! Smile
Scott F. Guinn
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"Great Scott!" aka "Palms of Putty" & "Poof Daddy G"
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"Speak the truth in love."
"Love God, laugh more, spend more time with the ones you love, play with children, do good to those in need, and eat more ice cream. There is more to life than magic tricks." - Scott F. Guinn
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Profile of BroDavid
I heard that Ambrose Bearce once said, If you make a speech while you are angry, it will likely be the best speech you will ever regret.

Speech, or discussion, or newsgroup, or BB posting; I think this truism applies to all of these - and a few more scenarios besides.

Thanks for having the courage to apologize, Andy.

If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.