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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Looking for a toilet (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Lyons Falls NY
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Profile of G2C
This may sound odd but does anyone know where I could get a fake full scale toilet either made for me or wher I could but one. I am looking for a toilet that is a lot lighter than the real thing but can still with stand the weight of someone sitting on it wether it be on the tank part or the seat. Im currently working to desing a new illusion that revoles around a toilet. Thanks! Also if anyone has any ideas of how I might be able to make a realistic toilet on my own that be great to. Sorry I cant give more details about the effect at this point but ideas would be welcome. thanks again.
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Lyons Falls NY
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Profile of G2C
Oops! I wasnt trying to make a joke when I was asking where I could buy one I hit the t by accident sorry.
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Profile of silking
You might try some store display companies. They have a variety of items and you might get lucky and find .

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Lyons Falls NY
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Profile of G2C
Ive attemted to do that but have unfortunately come up empty handed so far. Thanks for the thought!
George Ledo
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You might try companies that do foam work for the entertainment industry. Two I worked with a few years ago were Sightline Studios in Starke, FL, and Quadriga in Orlando, FL. I don't know if they're still around, but they did some very nice work for me.
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Profile of AndrewBarbour
Just a thought... you may want to try searching for a plastic toilet for an RV or boat. I have not seen any with tanks - but you could add a foam tank easily.

Dave Fiscus
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Profile of Dave Fiscus
Most toilets are porcelain which is made by casting in molds in factories then glazing. Perhaps you could make your own mold by using a junked toilet,separating the tank from the seat part and making two Plaster of Paris moldsfrom these. Cast your toilet from fiberglassor another suitable material.
Also, aren't there stainless steel institutional toilets that might be lighter in weight than a porcelaine toilets? Could you just pint one of these white?
Dave Fiscus
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Re my above post: (Spelling/proofing check) "Pint" is paint, "moldsfrom"=molds from, "fiberglassor"=fiber glass or, and porcelaine should be porcelain. I must either proof better or type more slowly!
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Do you need a toilet or can you use one of those handicap toilet seats that you put over a real toilet. It sits higher. I use on of those for my paper balls over the head routine.
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Lyons Falls NY
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Profile of G2C
Thanks for the ideas that have started to come in. As far as specifics go for what I am in need of I need a toilet that looks like one you would find in most everybody’s home bathroom. A white porcelain one. For me I need one that is considerably lighter than the real deal.(mainly I need it to be light for easy of moving around and transporting.) But it needs to be able to support the weight of someone sitting on both the tank part of it and the actual seat part. Plus I don't want to have to spend a lot to have one made so cost efective would be great to.

Again thanks for the ideas that have come in so far keep them coming. I'll look into the idea of making a cast and molding my own out of fiber glass or plaster.
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Lyons Falls NY
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Profile of G2C
Any more ideas are welcome
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Profile of phill
There are "camping" type toilets that use a 5 gallon bucket and a typical looking toilet seat. Kind of like a "porta-potty"

Scroll down, it's the one in red

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Profile of kaytracy
So, take an old toilet, make sure it is nice and clean!
Whip up some paper mache', the long strip kind, not the mushy pulp.
Grease the toilet with PAM or other spray release, and make a paper mache' shell. I suggest two halves you can mache' together after you remove them from the core.
Use a 5 gall pail for the inside to hold the weight of whoever sits on it- pickle barrel form the local burger joint.
Get a couple cans of white spray paint, and a couple cans of grey primer spray. I also suggest a can of spray or brush on shellac for sealer- to be used before the primer, then white paint.
Kay and Tory
Lou Hilario
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Profile of Lou Hilario
I agree with kaytracy. I would first make a shell with paper mache then strengthen it inside with fiberglass.
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Bill Hegbli
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A fiberglas company can make one for you. I know Dick Stoner made one for his 'Dick and John' act he put together years ago. If you want to email him at he may even be willing to sell his model. I am not sure though.

He had it cast around a real toliet and the water tank was all hooked onto a roll-on table. It looked like the real thing.