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Profile of ShawnB
Hello everyone.

I have been performing on the streets for about a year now.. And I want to
take my act from coins and cards to a larger scale act..

I want to perform a real show..

I think the best place to start is learn to juggle. What DVD would you recomend
for a beginer who wants to learn advanced moves as well...

Should I start with balls? Or can I start with clubs?

My girlfriend is going to be my partner so I would love a DVD that has some
partner stuff.

Also where should I go after juggling any recomendations?

Thank you.

Al Angello
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Collegeville, Pa. USA
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Profile of Al Angello
You have come to the right place. There is only one place to learn lots about juggling all at once, and it is at your local juggling club. Where do you live? Go to click "clubs" click "Country" and join the closest jugglers club to your home. When you get there ask as many questions to as many members as you can, and you will learn lots of stuff in a reletively short time, but never forget that you are teaching yourself to juggle so hours of daily practice is essential.
Al Angello

PS Others may disagree, but I still like "juggling from start to star" by David Finnigan, but it's only availible in book form.
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
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Profile of ac-magic
For balls (do you live in the UK) go to and get rh ultimate ball juggling DVD. It's a little dated, but it is fantastic value at £6 for 2 1/4 hrs of juggling.

A Smile, mind reading, funny escape artist wanna-be
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Profile of itshim
For large street shows your best bet is to invest in a giraffe unicycle after learning to ride and hover on a small one. For time invested v monetary return it will pay better than most juggling acts. You can also mix magic with it. Famous English comedian Eddie Izzard started off doing a street act where he escaped from a straight jacket whilst on a giraffe unicycle.

Big street shows are all about visibility so anything that brings you higher than the audience will increase your earning potential.

I knew a man who kept saying "pliers, pincers, scissors". He was speaking in tongs.
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Profile of ShawnB
Hello all...

Thanks for all the advice. I live in the U.S. MA to be more specific...

Al. Thanks for the recommendation, I'm defiantly going to look in to the book.
How long have you been juggling?

Itshim... I like the idea of being higher then the audience... And earning potential isn't bad either..

I'm not scared to invest all my free time to this... It's what I want to do with myself...

Two other quick questions.. Whats passing? And should I start to learn with... balls or clubs?

Thanks again guys...

Al Angello
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Collegeville, Pa. USA
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Profile of Al Angello
In order to do it for money you need at least several years of serious training. You will never figure out what is going on without human examples to learn from and some of the best jugglers in the US live in New England. It would be a BIG mistake for you not to tap into local resourses. I joined the jugglers club 18 years ago just to learn a few advanced tricks, and after I went to my first IJA convention in Akron Ohio 1987 much to my amazment I discovered you can make money at juggling, which has been my quest ever since.
Al Angello

PS Passing is when two or more jugglers stand about 15 feet apart, and pass clubs to each other while juggling. To learn CLUB PASSING you absolutely need a jugglers club. You and your girl friend will NEVER get it alone. I repeat NEVER.
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
"Footprints on your ceiling are almost gone"
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Profile of Arkadia
I usually agree with Al, but this time I don't. I believt that you can learn to pass clubs on your own. Buy Charlie Danceys compendium of club juggling and go for it. It'll take a lot of time and hard work, but you will get there, eventually.

I am aware that my reply can start a discussion about the importance of teachers when learning juggling. I don't know if it is that important. I think that all you need is time, devotion and stubordnes. But that's just me.

Magician, juggler and slack rope walker
Al Angello
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Collegeville, Pa. USA
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Profile of Al Angello
When I learned to pass it was 1, 2, 3 drop for a looong time, so if you are trying to learn with another beginner your progress will be very slow, but if you do it with a veteran he will be skilled enough to support you rather than hold you back hence the learning curve will be shorter. In reading between the lines Shawn wants to perform yesterday, so I recomended the quickest path for him.
Al Angello

Perhaps I used the word NEVER too much.
Al Angello The Comic Juggler/Magician
"Footprints on your ceiling are almost gone"
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Profile of ShawnB
Well I have all the time in the world...

So I'm just going to jump right in... I'm perpared to put as much time as it takes to becom the best I can be...

I will look in to local resources.. I will be up to speed befor you know it..

Thank you for your help...
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So I got the juggling 101 video by the Higgins Brothers...
Great DVD, I could not recomend it enough for a beginner...

I put it in the dvd player on Sat. afternoon, And by Monday and I could
3 ball cascade with the best of them!!!
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Profile of Roslyn
Nice one!!!!

Have you checked out the Jim Show website?

You can take a look here:

Jim's got great examples of street performing and shows exactly what Itshim is talking about when it comes to using BIG stuff.

Jim uses the Rolla Bolla on a table rather than a unicycle.

I've used this myself, and have to say that it plays huge! Its also easier to learn the basics than the unicycle. You can also stack them, which looks awsome.

You should grab yourself a copy of Charlie Danceys Encyclopaedia of Ball Juggling.

Its a great book and will teach you many tricks from 3 to 7 balls.

I've not found a DVD that has the same number of tricks that this book has. The format of the book is perfect for learning from too.

I hope this helps,

The Magic Cafe account of The Conwy Jester, Erwyd le Fol formerly known as Roslyn Walker.
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Profile of AntonDreaming
As afr as shows that play huge it is very important to be original due to the fact that those who do huge shows are protective of their material. Do it big but make sure its yours...the right finaly will come in time.
