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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Rings, strings & things :: Himber ring (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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John Bowlin
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Anyone have advice on the best reasonably priced Himber ring out there?
Bobby Forbes
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Profile of paisa23
I don't really know the workings on them But I believe Pete and Proper have a not so cheap one.
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Profile of ShawnB
Penguin Does have a himber ring...

And if you order Greg Wilson Ring leader DVD you get it for free..

Good deal...

Pete Biro
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If you are a pro and REALLY want to do this the easiest way, check out my version at

It is a bette design ring with Al Koran's amazing routine that he featured on the Ed Sullivan TV Show. Includes a gaffed pen that does the dirty work.
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Profile of magicbob116
I'm sure the Porper ring is a work of art, but it is priced at $695. I'm sure that's a "reasonable" price for the quality, workmanship, etc. you get with that set. But I think when the originator of this thread asked for "reasonably priced" he really meant to say "inexpensive." I'd have to say the Porper version would not qualify by that definition. The Staggering carried by Penguin is not bad for the price (check eBay, though. I've seen them for $9.99 regularly as opposed to the $30 that Penguin wants for them). Of course, you get what you pay for, but the Staggering will get the job done for very little cash until you can afford a high quality version.
B. Robert Pulver

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John Bowlin
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As nice as I'm sure the Porper Ring is, yes, I could not justify that type of money for the effect. I have heard the low end versions are short lived and not very precision. I was hoping to find something of decent quality in the $100-200 range. It seems the himber rings I have seen are one extreme or the other.
Bill Hegbli
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Yes, remember you are talking about gold, what our country and many others back up their currency with. The same with costume jewelery vs real jewelery.

I have seen the costume jewelery Himber rings usually sell from $37.50 to $50.00 depending where you buy it.

The price of real gold will run you several hundred dollars. I am currently selling a 10K solid gold Himber ring on the Café for $400 and that is a deal, because it is valued for much more, due to the gold.

Go to any jewelery store and try to by a mans solid gold ring for less then $300. Then go on line and you can find the same thing in costume jewelery for $3.00.
Pete Biro
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Here is just one excellent H Ring at

It is under $50 -- while on the site, search Himber Ring and you will find wedding band style same price and others more expensive.
Pete Biro
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You can also do a very strong linking finger ring routine with a cheap ring you cut a slit in ala linking rings if you think about it. BELIEVE ME.
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Profile of magicbob116
Or use key rings (ala Sankey's 3 ring circus).
B. Robert Pulver

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John Bowlin
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Thanks Pete, I think you just helped me figure out what to do with my wedding ring from first marriage! And thanks all for your help.
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Profile of magicbob116
On 2006-03-08 01:41, John Bowlin wrote:
Thanks Pete, I think you just helped me figure out what to do with my wedding ring from first marriage! And thanks all for your help.

B. Robert Pulver

The "I Hate Card Tricks!" Book of Card Tricks Vol. 1, 2, and 3
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Pete Biro
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Wow... I forget where mine is Smile
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Profile of evolve629
I have been using my Himber ring from Penguin for awhile now and it's still working for me everytime! My fav. is to use the H ring performing the Linking Finger Rings taught by Richard Osterlind in his Mind Mysteries, Vol.1/
One hundred percent of the shots you don't take don't go in - Wayne Gretzky
My favorite part is putting the gaffs in the spectators gives you that warm fuzzy feeling inside! - Bob Kohler
John Bowlin
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It is that exact routine by Osterlind that got me interested.
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Profile of baggins321
Have there been any discussions on signet style versus stagge? personally stagge looks "cooler" to me and is more my style, but seems to cast a lot more suspicion on it. the stagge ring looks like its separated into a lot of interlocking pieces which makes it seem more of a type of "trick ring" that spectator's will suspect. the signet style looks more solid and less suspicious, but alas not my style. are the himber rings examinable at all by the spectators? is the unlocking mechanism difficult to find?
Pete Biro
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1933 - 2018
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Profile of Pete Biro
Why would you want someone to EXAMINE the ring? You show them the rings linked various times and can even have someone hold the chain, briefly, but examining the H ring would slow things down.

The "work" on a signet is dead easy to find. A Wedding Band type Himber is difficult, altho you could put a nick in it to help. Our Ghostly Linking Finger ring is a lot easier to find the work and 10 times easier to operate owing to its unique design.