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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The workshop :: Workshop in reverse (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of revlovejoy
So the usual thread here is about building props from everyday materials, objects etc....

I had an experience today where I used a magic prop for a non-magical need.

I needed to burn some dried old palms to produce ashes for the Ash Wednesday worship service at church. Every year I do this, and forget what container to burn in. Running around my office, I realized I have a modified dove pan which is a low-rent flame dove pan, but the point is it's a container with some blackening in it, and can take a flame. Voila! Palm burning pan.

Anyone else find themselves using a pricey magic-specific prop for something else entirely? 10 foot pole as a drain snake? Clean your stove with sponge balls? Serve drinks on your performing table?
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Newark, CA
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Profile of EsnRedshirt
I've got a bunch of chains used in an escape trick which are currently suspending some items in overhead storage out in my garage. Then there's the time my girlfriend and I used those shackles... well, that's not really a story for this board Smile
Self-proclaimed Jack-of-all-trades and google expert*.

* = Take any advice from this person with a grain of salt.
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Profile of Starrpower
You shouldn't have use the trick shackles that allowed her to escape ... no wonder magicians can't keep a girlfriend.

I had a one-time use illusion that I built for a county fair. It was not a very practical trick but for that one show, so I dismantled it and used the wood for shelving in my garage.

A few years back on eBay there was an old "Dismbodied Princess" illusion that someone was using as a curio cabinet. There was another prop -- I'm thinking it was an old sideshow blade box -- that was being used as a coffee table. Both sold pretty cheaply, under $300.
Bryan Gilles
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Northern California
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Profile of Bryan Gilles
I don't know if this helps...

I use my David Blaine "Fearless" DVD to keep the desk from wobbling...j/k!

Bryan Gilles
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Northern California
1732 Posts

Profile of Bryan Gilles
I don't know if this helps...

I use my David Blaine "Fearless" DVD to keep the desk from wobbling...j/k!

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Profile of Starrpower
Judging from your posts, you had TWO short legs!