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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: FOR SALE: Train Your Brain and Entertain (Memory Training Software) (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Scott Cram
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Profile of Scott Cram
Today, I am announcing the release of my new software, Train Your Brain and Entertain! It is available for both Mac OS X and Windows.

Train Your Brain and Entertain is my new software program that teaches memory technique.

You'll learn these memory skills:

* Memorizing lists in order

* Memorizing difficult, abstract words

* Memorizing numbers of any length

* Memorizing lists out of order

Because I believe that using your memory should be fun as well as functional, I've also included some fun demonstrations you can perform with your improved memory:

* Blindfolded Knight's Tour

* Memorizing 400 Digits of Pi

* Calendar Memory - Being able to give the day of the week for any date (handy for meetings and appointments!)

* Memorizing playing cards, including an entire stack!

Help with these techniques, or with using the program itself, is never more than a single button-click away in any part of the program. Clicking "Help"in any section takes you to context-sensitive help window, which can be browsed or searched to help you find what you want.

To help personalize your memory training, the program preferences can be modified to your liking. Setting up your own personal key words and letter arrangements is a great help if you have previous experience with memory training.

Also included are some special bonuses to help you take your memory farther:

* A printable 400-digit "Pi Chart", for the Pi Memory feat

* My MemoryEffects.pdf list

* A printable 8400-year perpetual calendar, useful for the Calendar Memory feat

* For Mac OS X Tiger users, I'm also including the Grey Matters Dashboard widget!

So that you can get a better idea of the look and feel, I've set up some screenshots of both the Mac OS X version (slideshow or individual slides) and the Windows version (slideshow or individual slides).