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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The International Brotherhood of Magicians! :: Joining In On The IBM Meetings (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
Allan Olive
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Hello All,

Earlier I posted some comments about my local magic club. I do not want everything to think I am simply complaining. I want to do what I can to make the meetings better.

We meet once a month, and in each meeting a roster is passed and people are asked if they are going to perform. I always let it pass and never do anything. Don't know why, maybe just a little intimidated. After doing that again at the last meeting I started to feel pretty bad. It's easy to complain that you are not getting what you expect, but you have to ask yourself what are you doing to make it better.

My intention is not to put my club down, I just want to do what I can to make it better.

I have decided to participate in every meeting in some way. By that I mean performing something at every meeting. What I perform, I plan on showing to the group if they are interested. Not stuff belonging to others, but my own things that I have come up with. That way people will leave the meeting hopefully having seen something they liked, and learned how to do it so they can show others.

Anyone else been in this situation? Are you unhappy with your club and if you are, what have you done to make it better.
steve j
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I started going to the meetings to hang out with other magicians, so my mission was complete. I do perform at the meetings, at least when the theme is something that I can do. I would have to say that the better part of the meeting is when all of us go out to a diner, that is my favorite part of the meeting.
Kipp Sherry
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Thank you for stepping up to the plate!

As magicians, we want people to believe that what we do just magically happens. But also as magicians we understand that magic is only an illusion. We as magicians know that things don't just magically happen, they happen because we commit ourselves to learn an illusion, then we dedicate the time to perform the illusion flawlessly.

The illusion of magic only happens with commitment and dedication.

The Magic of a successful Club only happens when members give the same commitment and dedication.

Don't sit back and wait for the magic to happen on it's own, because it won't. That line of thinking is only an illusion.

Till we appear again,
Kipp Sherry
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Pete Biro
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One of the best clubs I belonged to (Moved away Smile ) was Club 53 (one member for each card in the deck.. I was the Joker) anyway you had to perform at x number of meetings a year or were dropped. It worked out great.
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I always perform at every meeting, both in my new Ring and in the one that I was a member of long ago (Ring 20).

If you are not happy with your Ring, think carefully what you want to get out of it. Figure out some way to achieve that. It is odd performing for an audience of magicians only, and if you develop routines based on the reactions of this audience, they will be a bit off for regular people.

Usually, the officers have too much to do, and would be glad if you would volunteer for something. If you would like to perform more for a lay audience, get involved with organizing a public performance by members of your Ring, as a fundraiser for the Ring, a stage or close-up competition open to the public, or a charity event at a hospital or nursing home.

If you have some other ideas about what would make the Ring more fun for you, run for office. Then you will have an opportunity to put those ideas into action.

Good luck!


Richard Lucas
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Many members that I have asked stated that they really did not enjoy performing for other magicians - they are harder to impress. This might be what you are feeling, or like me, it has taken over a year for me to feel comfortable. I still have not overcome my nervousness when performing at meetings and usually forget the improtance of timing, but I am not totally embarrassed when I don't do as good a job as I know I can. It might just take you longer to become comfortable and them to be comfortable with you. I havd repeatedly asked to appoint a Greeter for new members and a Mentor for members who want to learn and improve without success. So, each club had its own personality and it might just take time to "fit in". Above all don't give up. Try doing some tricks that you learned at seminars - your "made up" ticks might not 'sell' at this point.

Good luck!!!!!!!!
"The only difference between a Card Cheat and a Magician is that the Magician shows off.".......... Jay Ose 1965

Brent McLeod
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I find the meetings are a great place to try out new routines & have a bit of fun doing so!

I at times do not like pick a trick from a bag themes etc-end up with a whole lot of people performing badly!!-especially if guests are there!

Also some meets the best parts are when everyone is talking & mixing ideas casually at the end of the meet!!-Much more beneficial!!

Have to keep meets interesting!

This year I implemented with some others the following which I think shocked a few of the older members when told the meets were static & repettitve at times!!-

Having Theatre directors lecture & comment on 1 effect each we performed! Also
showmanship & how to work a stage etc

Photo shoot night for publicity -pic of each member doner professionally!

Agents speaking on what is required to get shows & what they look for!!

How to become a Professional-How to market yourself-Pay Tax etc

1 effect-usually a live performance DVD-to see why this Pro is so good at what they do & anaylsis

Compulsory public show every year & how to achieve a full house!!


Clubrooms I think are also important-atmosphere etc
