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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Magic Friday by Jamie D. Grant :: Richard Osterlind's SIGNED TORN & RESTORED POST-IT NOTE from his DVD MM #4. (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Jamie D. Grant
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as seen in Ripley's Believe It or Not! Twice!
2413 Posts

Profile of Jamie D. Grant

The Effect:

A signed Post-It Note is torn into pieces only to be restored to it's orinal condition.

How It Went:

Absolutely perfectly! I'm going to talk about a few things during this week's installment but let me first say that this effect is, in my opinion, perfect.

I get the feeling, from reading his posts and from watching his work, that Richard puts a lot of thought into the psychology of his effects so in honour of that I'm going to break down all the aspects of my presentation.


When I went into the first office this morning someone saw me and said, "Magic Friday!" and went and got her co-workers. She then asked me to show one of them who had missed my presentaion of Jay Sankey's DOUGH "that trick with the Post-It Note!"

Now I am a firm believer in not showing people the same trick twice-call me cynical, but I know some people will try to take advantage of the second viewing to try and figure out how's it done. So what do I do? It's simple-I don't do it. I do, however, make sure I can do 2 tricks with any given item/prop. If someone says, "Hey, can you do that elastic band trick where they pass through each other, again?" I will say, "No, but let me show you something with an elastic and a ring." This goes for all magic that I do. It lets them know that I'm in control and that I'm also an Amazing Magician-I mean, only a true magician could possibly know 2 tricks that involve a freakin Post-It Note, right? Absolutely. So first thing this morning I said, "I won't do that one again but I'll show you something else with a Post-It Note. Can one of you sign your name across the Note, please."


I do not proceed to rip and restore. I like taking them into the magic slowly (well, as slow as I can within 4 minutes or so...). I want them to be thinking magical thoughts, so I ask, "Do any of you know the most popular magical illusion?" While they're saying their answers, I've already began tearing. After some banter about the Staue of Liberty or whatever I'll tell them my answer. I've done about two tears by this point. "It's actually sawing a person in half." They all nod and agree. "But since I can't fire up a buzz saw here in the middle of your lobby, I'll tear Suzie in half instead. Like so." At this point, everyone's thinking about magic, Suzie's having a good time being the supposed victim, and we're having fun.


"Not only will I tear her in half but I'm also going to set Suzie on fire. Does anyone have a lighter?" I put my hand in my pocket to look for a lighter but then pull my hand out and say, "Actually, maybe we shouldn't..." This little saying does more for the presentation than anything else I say. Here's why- It puts us all in a sort of outlaw group (did we almost light something on fire in the office?), it increases anticipation (does this mean he's not going to finish the trick), and finally, it implies a sort of implied magical danger/coolness (was he lighting paper on fire in other offices?)


"Instead, let's put Suzie back into her original, beautiful form..."
Gasps. Oohs. Aahs. Groans. Laughter. All from a couple inches of yellow paper.

Best Line:

"Noooooooooooooo!!!!", said in a sort of dying, groaning voice like they simply couldn't take the magic, it was so strong.- during the unfold.

Angry Bob Rating:

I have a co-worker (Bob) whose uncle was a magician and thereby has a good working knowledge of how magic works. He's pretty grumpy but likes Magic Friday's because he can tell me how he figured out how it was done...

2/5. Bob wasn't so angry. He has a good idea of how these things work but no one else apparantly does.

My Rating:

. This is my opening effect when I'm working as a magician.

The Django Tip:

If there's any heat to be had it's during the first tear so Talk to your audience. Don't let them know what you're doing yet.

Closing Thoughts:

There has been a couple of threads on the following topic and I thought I'd give my two cents. When someone asks, "How did you do that?!" which was asked at least ten times today alone, I DO NOT say, "Well, thank you." I personally feel that this is akin to someone singing a song and then stepping up to the mic and saying, "Boy am I Awesome or What?! Yeah!" I find it completely without class. Who are we to judge if we did something well or not? That's not my job. My job is to be entertaining and Magical. The audience decides if they liked it or not (which, luckily for me, they mostly do) and whether I performed well, or not. Instead, I say, "I'm afraid I can't tell you that." That's it. 99% of the people will laugh and say, "Of course, but that's amazing." They know we can't tell them how we do things. If the person is still looking at me with some sort of expectant look, then I'll say, "I'm afraid I can't tell you that. You know how it is, the Magic Club and all." This lets them feel like they're 'in the know' and will leave it at such. Maybe I pull my thumb off at this point and they say, "But I can do that too!" I then say, 'Ahh, but you also need to do this..." and I proceed to do some hand exercises that are too hard to explain here and which they, obviously, can't do.

TRICK OF THE YEAR: Industrial Revelation, BOOK OF THE YEAR: The Approach, The AIP Bottle, and my new book Scenic 52, can all be found over here:
Kindness takes practice. My TEDx talk