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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Magic Friday by Jamie D. Grant :: What is 'Magic Friday'? :: TOPIC IS LOCKED (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Jamie D. Grant
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as seen in Ripley's Believe It or Not! Twice!
2413 Posts

Profile of Jamie D. Grant
On Oct.01/05 I decided that it was about time I gave back to the site that has given me so much. Here is the original post:


Hi All!

In an effort to give back to everyone here at The Magic Café who have helped me so much I have come up with an idea...

Once a week (Friday) I work a regular job wherein I see up to 100 different people during the day. These people tend to be the same ones every week but can differ slightly sometimes. Regardless, they all know me as a magician and, as a result, Friday has turned into Magic Fridays for them. This is something, I am proud to say, that a lot of them look forward to.

Now here's the thing. I only see these people (sometimes up to five people in an office but usually it's in groups of three to four) for a few minutes. Also I see them every week and they have memories like elephants. The result? I have to perform a new walk-a-roundish effect each week, that's fifty-two in a year.

So what's the point? Well, not that I'm a Super Deluxe Reviewer but I plan to post how every Magic Friday's effect turned out and what the lay people thought. I hope you like.


Well, here we are 4 months later after that first post and a lot has happened. Almost 3,000 people have been reading the Magic Friday reviews and I've received a lot of positive responses. So many, in fact, that I have been granted my own Magic Friday column. So sit back and join Me, Angry Bob, and the Creators of magic as we head out into the real world! Wish us luck!

P.S. As a magician and a writer, I love to hear what people have to say. Please don't hesitate to PM me with any thoughts or suggestions, or if you have a particular effect that you would like to see reviewed.

Jamie D. Grant
TRICK OF THE YEAR: Industrial Revelation, BOOK OF THE YEAR: The Approach, The AIP Bottle, and my new book Scenic 52, can all be found over here:
Kindness takes practice. My TEDx talk