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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Rings, strings & things :: Opinion - Best "Ring Flight" effect? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of matt.magicman
I have to say that after receiving roberts, wayne good mand lord of the bling, ring finale, blooms ring flight,
I will be using the lord of the bling by wayne goodman
I think it has the best presentation ( for me ) possiblities...
my el duco flight is still standing by for when my jacket is not worn
Pete Biro
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1933 - 2018
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Profile of Pete Biro
Had fun with the Baxt version at Dean's Shoppe today. Caame up with some different presentation ideas... need to refine the handling. Won't be able to for a couple of weeks as am going on a trip to Amelia Island, FL, Savannah GA and Tallahasse, FL, BUT NO ROOM OR TIME FOR MAGIC...
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Profile of PRINCE
I use my el duco ring flight and put rings on the clips instead of keys. When you apparently lose their ring you offer a replacement. But there is always one ring they would like Smile

If you were to show peolpe these days a empty key case and asked them what it was, then I bet that they would have to try and guess as people don't use key cases, and the more younger people probably would not have seen one before.

By using the key case to carry 'replacement rings' this looks perfect and logical. So you can have the same effect as lord of the bling

Works perfect for me Smile
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Profile of Jerskin
Just got Dusheck's RINGER. Easy & practical. I had Rinky Dinky but it was realy loud.
GrEg oTtO

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sleeping with the fishes...
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Profile of vinsmagic
Dusheck's ringer IMO is the very best no pulls no set up and you are ready to repeat any time /// one does not have to go hide to reset.. alo no jacket or long sleeves necessary,,,
Come check out my magic.
Phil J.
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Profile of Phil J.
I recently purchased Lord of the Bling. While I like the basic idea and can see plenty of scope for comedy I'm not at all impressed with the quality. While attaching the supplied rings three of the hooks fell off. The hook used for the spectators ring is far to strong and risks damaging it. Until I've done a bit of work on it I wouldn't want to risk performing this for an audience for fear of other hooks falling off or damaging the spectators ring.
You were born original... Don't die a copy Smile
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Profile of mrmuji
I love my El Duco Ring Flight, it's top class and very quiet. With Dan Tong's Ring on Stick then Ring Flight... Job Done!
Best Regards,

Pete Biro
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1933 - 2018
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Profile of Pete Biro
Got Tony Clark's today and can say it is very clever and I think for this style hard to beat.
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Profile of mrmuji
I have thought of getting Tony Clarks as well. From the look of it, the keyring seems ordinary to lay people. Are there any review of it?

Best Regards,

Pete Biro
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1933 - 2018
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Profile of Pete Biro
My post is a mini review (above). Basically it is re-set INSTANTLY. It has a really clever mechanical aspect that is bulletproof. I wish I had invented it. It is so easy to do and clean as a whistle. No reels, threads, pulls, clips, nothing to go wrong.
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Profile of matt.magicman
On 2008-07-08 08:19, Phil J. wrote:
I recently purchased Lord of the Bling. While I like the basic idea and can see plenty of scope for comedy I'm not at all impressed with the quality. While attaching the supplied rings three of the hooks fell off. The hook used for the spectators ring is far to strong and risks damaging it. Until I've done a bit of work on it I wouldn't want to risk performing this for an audience for fear of other hooks falling off or damaging the spectators ring.

I have this, and have had these problems also
while I like the presentation, the reel feels cheap, and is sealed up in the cloth, so hard to maintain if needed
I also found the clip VERY hard
the weight of all the comedy rings and reel hanging inside your jacket, tends to make my jacket sag
also I seem to repeatedly get people asking me (while performing other effects before I get to the ring effect) "what are all the dingly dangly thing in there?)
when I first got these comments I asked wayne, and he said he put one of the sets further back in his jacket to avoid this, but I cant move it any further back now
I was also tipped to say something on the lines of " we will get to those later"
of course I think this hugely reduces the effect when you the open your jacket up when performing the routine
so I have go for PRINCES post above here, and put some of the comedy rings on my high quality el duco reel
its taken me a long time and quite a bit of expense, but I feel this is the best ring flight presentation/routine for me at the moment
hope this helps?
matt wainwright

Posted: Feb 4, 2009 8:07am
Ok, so after having the rings get all squashed up in the key case, I've now gone back to the standard el duco set up
you can see my el duco ring flight performance about half way into this........
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Profile of takeachance
Great clip Matt, really enjoyed it everyone looked like they were having a great time. Good stuff