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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Rings, strings & things :: Homemade Magnetic Ring (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of kirko
Hey, just thought I would share what I made today. I have been looking around for a magnetic ring of sorts for various uses, but never found one that really sparked my interest, so I decided to make my own.... I found my old aluminum ring I got from Pacific Sunwear, and also got some epoxy and 2 Neo-type magnets from radio shack, which are the exact ones shown here:

I found the right bit and countersunk the magnets with the proper holes, and filled it all in with the epoxy... The only thing I need to do is maybe get the magnets to blend in more with the ring, which I will be working on soon.... If anyone has any tips or pointers to do so that would be greatly appreciated.... here are some pics that I took of it all...





Pete Biro
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Profile of Pete Biro
Looks good
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Profile of tbaer
I did what you did, except I only used one magnet. When I perform with certain magnet effects, I will take my wedding ring off, and replace it with the magnet ring. I got some shiny gold car paint and painted it over the ring. It looks pretty good. The only thing I have to do after a performance is sometimes touch up the paint where the coins stick to the magnet because it tends to scuff off a little bit.
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Profile of kirko
I would be interested in what you types of tricks you use it for.... Do you do coin vanishes with it? It would be nice to do raven-type transpos and switches without a raven with this ring, just need to learn how to ditch without getting caught... lol.. Pm me if you wana chat about techniques, I have a few id like to share...
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Profile of skc417
Hey very cool, I doubt you will even need to paint it or try to hide it. As it's gonna be inside of your hand, I'm going to have to find small enough magnets though....

Just wondering Kirko, would you have problems with noise from the coins hitting the ring? Or how could we mask that?
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The City of Ithobaal I son of Hiram I
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Profile of pkg
Looks nifty!
Double posters should be shot!

No really!!
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Profile of Euangelion
I use my Omega ring to stop time. Or at least the "sand" in a hour glass. I stop it at the start of my routine with the invitation to suspend reality and then start it again at the end.
Bill Esborn

"Lutefisk: the piece of cod that passes all understanding."
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Profile of iamslow
Nice one!! I have the exact same ring in silver that I got for dirt cheap in mexico.. As for the trick, you can mabee do something similar to what Copperfield did in which he mad a spectator think of a shape, then he poured some ink onto an aluminum dish which he first swirled around, then all of a sudden, the ink took up the shape that the spectator selected...
"Everyone has a plan till they get punched in the face" Mike Tyson