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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Dvd, Video tape, Audio tape & Compact discs. :: My Review For Richard Osterlind's Mind Mysteries Volume One "The Act". (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Eddini_81976
As said before, I use a 1-10, with 10 being PERFECT rating scale. I judge on The Tricks, (Impact), Technique, Teaching Style & Understanding, and Video Quality, such as Camera Angles...ECT.

1) Bank Night - This is such a good Effect. Five Envelopes are numbered 1-5. The Audience picks four of them. The one left in the performer's envelope contains the $100.00 Bill, BUT as a kicker another envelope contains FOUR LOTTERY TICKETS, so EVERYONE'S a WINNER. This is a perfect opening. It's easy to do. I picked up on it, but it's great. Doing Street Work, I'm not sure if I could do this. I could if I didn't crumble my last envelope up. Also I couldn't afford to hand out lottery tickets, and could only use a $5.00 Dollar Bill, for the I love Richard's style, Laid-Back, and VERY POWERFUL. For shows I'd Definately do this. I rate this a (7.5).

2) The Perfected Center Tear - Everyone I'm sure knows of this technique. I like Osterlind's method. It's clever. I've been trying find suitable paper. I bought lined index cards but still you can see through them a little bit. To me, I'd still be careful of people behind me. I like his subleties, of having them right (print) a name on a line, and him at the out set writing their name on the paper to show you can't see through the paper. He's a EXPERT at this for sure. I rate it a (7.5).

3) The Radar Deck - Five people just LOOK AT and MENTALLY pick cards. This is very powerful. (Though the Deck Switch was bold it went right by He can even tell people what card they almost thought of. Like I said I like this a lot. I however do the Mind Power Deck, and I like that Deck a little more, as there is less to memorize, and the deck can be shown all different at the beginning, but Richard's Deck is great if you have the patience to put into it. Myself Patience isn't one of my virtues in ALL aspects of life sadly. This Routine fries people. "John" had to actually recover from This is a solid (8).

4) The Watch Routine - This Totally fried me. (This and Thoughtscan are my favorites on the DVD). Someone rights a time on a card and it is folded up. Richard then rights a time out of view on a Chalkboard. He hands someone his wristwatch, and shows the hands can spin. He tells then to spin the hands by turning the dial with the watch facedown (this is what fooled me really). Anyway what he wrote matched the person's written time. The randomly spun watch, then matches the time too. This is SOO GOOD. Then as a added comedy moment he shows what the girl had written. You got to "know" watches and watch brands for this. I personally just carry a pocket watch as I ONLY perform totally sleeveless anf bare-armed. So I know little about watches. This gets a (9).

5) Thought Scan - OMG, if someone could read minds this is what it would look like. People right on slips of paper, and they are collected in envelopes that the audience hold in their possesion till the very end. Then Richard just starts telling people what they wrote as he jots notes on a notepad. He gets Birthdays, where people live, names, and even the liscence numbers of two people. This is without a doubt the best item on the tape. It fried them all. You will need to have experience in Mentalism to do this justice and know some on Cold Reading. It's not too difficult though as far as mechanics. This is the ONLY time I heard cursing coming from the audience on a L&L tape...minor though...HaHaHa. This gets a (9.5).

6) Magazine Test - Another Killer Item. His story at the intro to this effect is priceless too. He writes a prediction on a chalkboard. He has a advertising Card inserted anywhere between two pages by Janelle. He turns to that page. She intilials that page. He shows the other pages to show some as writing, some with pictures...ect. He hands her a pen, and then the magazine behind her back, she circles somewhere in the center of the page the size of a dime. He tells her to imagine the circle being a bullseye. He ask what the center word is, and she says it out loud. It matches the prediction. Again this is a known method, but again his sublteties make is a winner. It's not too difficult to do. Myself, I'd use one pen, it's easy to do the "move" with a twist open pen at the write times. Also Just so I wouldn't have to buy Magazine after magazine as I do Street Work, (I'd have three in case of repeat customers), I wouldn't have them initial magazine. I would make a large dot on a business card and put it on my close-up table as a focal point and also to show it writes. that's all I would do for my own situation. I rate this a (8.5).

7) Linking Finger Rings - This is a himber Linkig routine whereas three borrowed rings are linked. He does this well. The handling seems like it is pretty technical. The audience freaked at this. It's great because it's done with "borrowed" items. I rate this a (8).

Bonus Material - Just awesome Center Tear Stuff. I do LOVE his presentation for his Nail Writing effect. A great way to take your time. This portion plus his advice I rate a (8).

I buy LOTS of DVD'S more so than books. Usually, I'm like 50% fooled, but I got to tell you I haven't been fooled this much in a LONG TIME, plus it was funny and entertaining. I feel Mr. Osterlind and I are on the same page as far as philosophies, especially on stooges and Pre-Show work. I really have no critisms on this DVD. Like I said The Watch Routine, and Thoughtscan TO ME are the Best. Overall I give this tape a (9).
"Treat Others As You'd Want To Be Treated" - Jesus Christ
Cameron Francis
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Profile of Cameron Francis
Perfected Center Tear only a 7.5!?! Man, I'd rate that much higher.

Overall, though, I agree with your review. Very nicely done.
MOMENT'S NOTICE LIVE 3 - Six impromptu card tricks! Out now!
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Profile of Eddini_81976
True, I just don't think UNLESS you're HIM it can be done totally surrounded. Like I said with him it's expertly done. Thanks, Ed, (Eddini).

On 2005-08-08 15:55, cfrancis wrote:
Perfected Center Tear only a 7.5!?! Man, I'd rate that much higher.

Overall, though, I agree with your review. Very nicely done.
"Treat Others As You'd Want To Be Treated" - Jesus Christ
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Profile of dcullen30
1 4 and 6...are 3 effects that were in my original show that osterlind helped me with..and let me tell you all three of them gave me a huge applause.. Osterlind is a man..I give anything of his a perfect 10
Airborne Ranger
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I loved the linking rings routine but I've often wondered if it would work in a small room with a small group - say in a living room at a small party. Would the HR be obvious in such a setting?