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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: A tangled web we weave... :: Attention! PayPal scam! (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
Mary B.
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Howard City, Michigan
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I copied the following post from another message board. I have written a complaint to the webhost of the scam page, and am posting this on as many message boards as I can. Please help spread the word, so that people are aware of this scam. The owner of this page gets the unencrypted login information from unsuspecting PayPal members, and uses the login information to clean out their PayPal accounts by directing the funds to his own bank account.

This may be a bit off topic, but I know a lot of you may use Paypal, and I got a very suspicious e-mail claiming to be from PayPal claiming "Notification of a Pending eCheck Payment" that is a legitimate message from PayPal and I have gotten a few of these before BUT...

When you click on the link that is contained in this e-mail it sends you to an exact duplicate of the PayPal login page but hides the address that you are at.

If you open up the address bar once you are there it shows you this address:

If you view the source of the page it will show you that the page was made with Microsoft FrontPage 5.0...

My thoughts are that someone set this up to get people to enter in their login info so they can change your banking info and steal all your loot real quickly before you know what has happened.

Now this is all just my paranoid mind at work here, and I could be wrong but until I hear otherwise from PayPal (I sent them an e-mail right away), I just wanted to warn everyone just in case you guys got this same e-mail.

By the way, the actual login page for PayPal is here...take a look so you can see the difference...check the source on the two pages and let me know if you guys think I'm on to something or if my mind is just playing paranoid tricks on me...
Peter Loughran
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Thanks for the heads up, please keep us posted.


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Profile of robertwong

Thank you for the warning! The scam webpage looks identical to the real page, except for the webpage address. Because of you, I bet a lot of people will not be taken in by this scam.

Tom Cutts
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Northern CA
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Thanks Mary!!

Paypal has, in the past, gone out of their way to remind users repeatedly that if you don't see an "s" (for secure) at the end of your address you are not on an actual Paypal secure page.

With the buyout going through I bet there will be several scams to get account info, based on the confusion the buyout could create. Currently there are no plans to change things at Paypal. Use extreme caution in any procedure that says otherwise.
Michael Peterson
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is where I'm trapped, because of my
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Thanks for looking out for all of us Smile

What would we do without you? Smile

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Profile of RandyStewart
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Mary!

Gosh, I just used Paypal again last week.
Fortunately I didn't come across this specific problem. I did check the suspicious link and it looks pretty legitimate despite your cited suspicion being true. I did "view source" the html codes and found it was made with Microsoft Front Page. Could have fooled me!
For those of you thinking about using Paypal, it's a great service and I have never had any problems with it. The online merchants receive their payment immediately and items shipped that day - it's great.
Remember, if you use it, Paypal DOES NOT send e-mail requesting your credit card or banking information - you've already done so by the time they e-mail you!
It does send e-mail confirming receipt of payment - that's all! Paypal then notifies the seller and your item is shipped.
I also contacted Paypal and requested they look into the link. If it is bogus, it is a serious crime. For all we know, it may be the usual college kid doing it for kicks. Too bad such characters don't direct intellectual resources to find a cure for cancer or anything to improve OUR lives with.
Again, thank you Mary.
We all work too hard for the money and don't need this kind of activity complicating our lives.

Randy Stewart
Chris A.
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I remember back in my college days when people would perpetrate the same old tired scam. They would simply write a program to mimic the standard unix logon screen. When someone entered their p/w, it would generate a bogus error message then save that p/w in a log file that the thief would retrieve later.

For those using Windows type servers, it's why logging on requires that you push cntrl-alt-delete first. Guarantees you are getting a legitimate logon screen.
AKA Chris A.
Keepin' the Funk Alive
Mary B.
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Café Tech Advisor
Howard City, Michigan
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Profile of Mary B.
Good news! The guy's hosting account has been suspended, so the bogus page is no longer active, at least on that server. He probably has several of them, and moves around to keep from getting caught.
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Profile of CardConjurer
Great! thanks for the warning
I like cards.
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Profile of lawrenceng
Thank you for the post! I just started using Paypal and wouldn't have given a second thought if I got that guy's email hoax.
thanks y'all