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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Pasteboard Frolics :: What is a good deck for small hands?? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Bloodycut
I have used Bicycles many years and I think they're not for my hands. For example palming is sometimes very difficult.
Bloodycut show
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Profile of aby9plp
Well you can use Bicycle cards, but not poker size, there is the bridge size which is smaller in width.
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Profile of saturnin
Hi Bloodycut,

Just like aby9plp said, use Bridge size cards instead of Poker size cards. They are the same length but 2 1/4" wide instead of 2 1/2" wide (believe me, it makes a big difference and the laymen don't notice a thing)

Bridge size cards are offered in most brands (Bicycle, etc)

Ronnie Lemieux

One more thing,

A good advice is to keep practicing with Poker size cards, and only perform with Bridge size cards.

The reason being that if you need to do a magic trick with a borrowed deck (normally Poker size) then you can still do it, and by practicing with a poker size it will only be easier to do the same thing with a bridge size deck, but the opposite is not true!!!


Ronnie Lemieux
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Profile of Carron
Try the Charlier cut with your bridge cards, it will be much easier! Smile
Burt Yaroch
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Profile of Burt Yaroch
If you have really small hands you could use mini-Bikes. They palm really easy.
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Profile of BroDavid
I always break out a deck of mini Bikes, as I ask, anyone want to play a "Little" cards?

But I suggest that, unless you are sure that your hands will never grow, and that your skill will not either, I would stick with standard poker sized Bicycles.

If you aren't stretching, you aren't growing! And if it was easy, everyone would be doing it! Work at it.

I have a broken bone in my right hand which was improperly healed and I was convinced I couldn't palm, or fan with that hand. But I decided to do it in spite of the way the hand is, and now I can. In fact, I now have a never seen before, "waving flag full deck fan" that stands alone in my right hand that is a direct result of using the deformity to my advantage.

If you don't want to work hard at it, so be it. Take the samller deck. But if it is a matter that you don't think you can do it, just decide whether you want to do it, or not? And if you do, keep at it! You'll be amazed at what you can do.

Nothing would seem more amazing than to get away with palming a card when it is clear that your "hands aren't big enough" or at least it is clear to the uneducated.

If you want it bad enough, work hard at it!

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Profile of RandyStewart
Don't let a small hand stop ya Bloodycut.
My hands are small. Check out the AVI clip I posted at my site. There's excessive pivoting of the 5 cards and fans but I was just showing off.
I used 5 Blueback BEE poker cards in that demo.
Watch the volume though it has sound.
It's Here!

I think the key is building the hand muscles regardless of hand or card size.


Randy Stewart
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Profile of pyromagician
I suggest that you work with the regular size poker cards, because if someone came up to you and handed you a deck of theirs and asked you to do something with it, you would have to be able to work with that deck.

P.S. this is what part of the alphabet would look like if "Q" and "R" were eleminated
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Profile of danielhunley
I have to agree with Randy.

I am only 14 and I know my hands are still growing. But since I have to practice piano 2 hours a day (Mom makes me), my hands are very muscular (about the only part that is muscular on my body. Don't even think about playing mercy with me) I know how difficult it can be. Just go to a pet store, and get a hard rubber ball, and while you are watching tv or whatever, just squeeze it over and over and over. You will see an improvement..
Jack Of Hearts!
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Profile of RandyStewart
You crack me up with the truth my friend.
I use a gripper thingie for gym use although you'd never catch me in one. And I rotate strength development exercises between the 5 glued card pack and a squeeze ball.
There... the billion dollar secret revealed.

Randy Stewart
Darrin Cook
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Profile of Darrin Cook
My advice is to continue to work with the poker-sized cards. The first time you try anything, you won't be able to do it. The first time I tried the longitudinal palm, I failed, and I thought, "I can't do it." At this point it's easy to find a reason (i.e. excuse). "My hands are too small," "Only Gary Kurtz can do that," "I have fat fingers," etc.

Now if you are a dwarf, then my apologies. Eddie Tulloch always performs with bridge size cards, and he's no slouch. My point, though, is to try to push past easy rationalizations that may actually keep you from achieving all that you're capable of.

An example and inspiration for all of us is Rene Levand, who only has one hand, yet is an incredible magician. How easy would it have been for him to say, "I guess I can't shuffle, or false shuffle, or palm a card, etc." (And yet he can do all of those things.) How many of us might have told him, "Sorry your magic career is over"? It is amazing that I hope someday I --with both hands-- will be as good as he is.

Good luck, and best wishes.
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Profile of nitram
The other problem will be if you want to use other decks like the stripper, Svengali, and invisible. I think the majority are made to poker size.

Regards Nitram