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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: a moment's notice! :: Nice Trick (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Hey Song
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Profile of Hey Song
When reading David Blaine's book, he included a trick in there for moving a dollar bill. It is really by wind but it is explained that it is moved by static electricity. You should know that one.

One day somebody requested me to show them a trick. I was thinking fast and saw a piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up, and folded it like a dollar bill with a slight crease in the middle to have it fall over. I had no surface to do the trick on exept the empty chair next to me. I pulled the chair over and rubbed my hair explaining it was static electricity and placed the paper on the chair. I then did my first wave to make the paper fall over, but instead of falling over, it started moving, by itself across the chair. I was amazed at this and it created a great reaction. I then picked the paper up and put it back in its starting place. The guy then said, "Let me see. I think it is the wind." He then waved at it in the exact motions I did and it didn't all. I then did the trick several times after that. Only I could move it!

I later found that the chair was a metal chain and like all metal fold-out chairs, people sit in them creating large dents. When I waved the first time, it caused the paper to move onto this "crater" which caused it to move even further. Try it!
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Profile of ryay
I tried it, thanks for the idea. we have tons of metal chairs at our school, and no shortage of fat kids to dent 'em
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Inner circle
Seattle, WA
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Profile of wsduncan
I have a question. How is this magical?

If they believe that static electricity is causing the paper to move, isn't that more like a demonstration of physics (even if it is a fake demonstration) than magic?
Hey Song
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Profile of Hey Song
The idea was this: I would tell them that it was static electricity and only whenever they rubbed their hands, it would move only because the paper was re-positioned from the dent in the chair.
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Eternal Order
21287 Posts

Profile of Dannydoyle
You could follow it with a rolling a ball down an incline. That will really fool them. Why not develop actual slight of hand skills to demonstrate like most magicians?
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of WhiteAngel
You could follow it with a rolling a ball down an incline. That will really fool them. Why not develop actual slight of hand skills to demonstrate like most magicians?

I thought it was a good idea. And for the record, magic doesn't only consist of sleight of hand. The patter was fine for what he did, and above all, he entertained. That's the only thing that matters, that he did magic, and it entertained. The means does not reflect the quality of the effect
True illusionists strive to decieve the eye AND the mind.....
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Profile of Muggers
On 2005-07-22 12:13, Dannydoyle wrote:
You could follow it with a rolling a ball down an incline.

Wow! Magic is Easy! I think even I as a novice could do that one, provided the incline is wide enough....
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Profile of croman
I would rather do the twisting arm illusion then to move a paper/bill.When you move paper,everyone thinks its the wind or you blowing on it.