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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: We double dare you! :: (routine) The Magic Toilet Paper! (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Smoke & Mirrors
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The Magic Toilet Paper (routine)

Based on an old trick, I just came up with a routine for it. (my first ever!) Most of the one-liners are old too!

Audience age: must be able to read
Props: dry erase board; decorative box; roll of toilet paper; deck of cards
Volunteers: 2

(you must already be familiar with the old trick where you FORCE the 10 of Hearts on a volunteer, and then show your dry erase board predicted what card they would choose, but you prepare a dry erase board that reads: TEN OF HEARTS in permanent marker, and you fill the "in between areas" with other letters using a DRY ERASE marker so that the board reads: THE NAME OF THE CARD IS, but when you erase the board what is left are the permanent letters.)

Boys & girls I brought something VERY special for you today!
(show decorative box)
(if you don't get any "oohs" or "ahhs" make the noises yourself!)

(overly-dramatic voice) Hundreds of years ago, the most POWERFUL 7 magicians in the WORLD gathered in the Kingdom of Krull for the ultimate purpose of creating the most magical item man will EVER KNOW!

I have in THIS BOX that very item that those 7 magicians forged from MIGHT and MAGIC!
(if you have access to music, raise hands here and have thunder roll)

And YOU are about to witness it's POWER! (thunder roll again) (now look upward) ...and I hope you brought your umbrellas...

For this experiment I will need a willing guest from the audience...(choose volunteer)

Are you ready young student for me to reveal to YOU the contents of this box?

(music: JAWS Theme) (as you untie box and peek inside, on the HIGH note of the theme music you pull from the box...a roll of toilet paper!)
(look confused, pause for laughs)

(hold up TP) This is what those 7 guys came up with?

-Hey! They must have been on a ROLL!
-Boy they really CLEANED UP!
-I'll bet afterward they were WIPED OUT!
-Boy these are SQUARE jokes!

Alright young student, you must LISTEN carefully in order for this mythological experiment to work! Please remove exactly 7 squares from the roll...(hold the roll with pointer fingers in each hole just above their head)
(as they pull on the roll, comment: "Hey! You've done this one before!)

Now, please crumple the squares into a ball and hold in the tips of your fingers like this...good, now saty right there!

Ladies and gentlemen please notice this prediction board on my table (bring out dry erase board only showing the backside) as it will CORRECTLY predict something that has not yet happened!

(now pick up pace; grab cards; I use jumbo size; go to audience) Young lady please stand up...( quickly force the 10 of Hearts) I will try to determine which card you are holding! Please show the card to your friends...(point to the audience)...(with a blank look you ask, "What? I'm not your friend?")...

Actually, I aleady have written here the very card you would choose, before you chose it! (pick up board) And now everyone yell out loud...what IS the chosen card?

(The 10 of Hearts!)

That right! And as you can see my prediction reads...(turn board around)
(board only reads: The Name of the card Is)

"THE NAME OF THE CARD IS...and if I hadn't run out of room, it would have said... the 10 of Hearts!"

(wait for applause...bow...look troubled...)

(direct the girl with the card)Come over here please, hold the card up for all to see.

(look back over to your toilet paper assistant) Help SAVE me magic boy! Come here! Quickly wipe the board clean!

(allow the board to be wiped well and show the audience that the board now reads...THE TEN OF HEARTS)!

(take the ball of TP, open it and wipe your brow in relief! Have assistants bow and give them a goody)


Hope you like it!
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Profile of magicsteve99
I hope this isn't your last. This is really good. I will use it with my high school audience--one of the toughest audiences around. Keep up the great posting!
I'll try to let you know how my performance is received. I wouldn't usually use someone's material like this, but hey, I really like it.
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Profile of Nicholas
I have to admit, that's nutz enough...I like it!!! That is the first time I have ever read anything that makes sense out of the Ten of Hearts Revelation using a chalk board or dry erase board. Thanks for sharing!!!
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Profile of R.T.
I really like it...I just have one question...where does the "T" from Hearts come from??????
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Profile of Daegs
It comes from an uppercase "i".

Check out the jinx issue that has this effect for the details.... also Chris Korn did this on Mondo Magic
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Profile of R.T.
Gotcha...thanks for the help, This is an awesome trick....mind if I use it sometime????