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Profile of cap casino
To Yoseph: The video is called CapCuts: The display cuts of Capaso Casino. They are all display cuts. So no Fans or Lepaul Spread type work. Check out for a great book on that type of material.

To Vinny: You CAN do it. There are 2 secrets-first going one step at a time. Get a book such as B. Tarr's, Now you See it Now you don't, then go to J. McBride's, Art of Card Manipulation series. Then Get Brian Tudor's, Showoff video. Then CapCuts. The second is, keep a pack of cards on you everywhere you go, this way if you're waiting in a line at the movie theatre or in traffic driving home after work, you can practice. Also what's cool about flourishes is that you don't need a setup or even both hands often, so if you only have a minute you can at least get a minute in. Those minutes add up.

To sum up: Believe and you can do anything!

For Yoseph: If you go to there is a link on it's homepage which says "See a cool video clip of Cap demonstrating capcuts! (RealPlayer)"
It is in orange color font. While I haven't watched it in a bit since my computer doesn't handle video clips all that well, I remember it having some non-cut flourishes. Nothing extreme but it demonstrates that I do enjoy non-cut flourishes.
" Hands of invisible spirits touch the strings
Of that mysterious instrument, the soul,
And play the prelude of our fate."
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Profile of Logan
I talked to Cap recently, he's not JUST a flourisher, in fact, check this out:

I think flourishes are cool, although I can't do very many of them, I respect those who can, and if you can mix a cool looking flourish (which Cap presents) with an awesome trick, not only are you demonstrating your dexterity with cards but you're also giving them a magical moment to remember!

Keep finger flinging Cap!


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Profile of gilbreath76
I've always performed magic in a non-threatening way. I never want to make my spectators feel like I have some sort of power over them, or that they've been tricked, hoodwinked. I never say card tricks, I say card illusions. I was taught to always let people understand that what I'm doing takes a lot of practice.

So I don't really understand when people say that they don't do flourishes because it exposes them as having sleight of hand skills, rather than real magic. The year is 2002, no matter how powerful your magic is, no matter how much you stray away from the end of the day, your audience is going to reason that IT was sleight of hand. They will understand that it's just entertainment. I mean if you really truly possess real magic, then why would you bust out cards, coins and rubber bands? Why would you bust your chops working restaurants making paycheck to paycheck? Why would you need fancy lights, curtains and smoke?

Unless you get a rush out of doing magic for uneducated people or homeless bums, the majority of society will reason that what you do is entertainment and sleight of hand. So for me, I have no problems whatsoever doing flourishes. They already know its sleight of hand, so why not show them some of the prettiest flourishes? I think it's a lost cause when you deprive yourself of flourishes.
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Profile of Eddy
I have seen what he has to offer, and after having witnessed his tremendous skill and dexterity, at the end of the day he has put a lot of time and effort into the cuts. So what if he has given up other things to concentrate on them, at the end of the day he has got them down to a tee. Its only like those of you who say " I've been trying to get an invisible pass down for years".
La magie, c'est ma vie