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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The side walk shuffle :: Help Finding Cellini products in the USA (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Columbus, Ohio
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Profile of JJP161
I was lucky enough to have seen the Cellini lecture which was fantastic. I did pick up his CD and linking rings routine there but have not been able to locate any other Cellini products here.

The Magic Pro Shop has not started importing them at this time and I did locate the website overseas but I'm not able to read or understand the site, as it is not in English.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you.
Eric Evans
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Rio Grande
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Profile of Eric Evans
Hörbi has an english translation online, just click the button.

As for the Pouches that are on the video, I make them. I also make the Monkey's Fist balls for sale at Denny and Lee's. I've many more designs of balls that I will be offering. Soon I'll also offer some sticks made out of the true Ironwood as well as another wood I think may well be better.

There are several additional items that I hope to be introducing over the next year -- depending on how well these present items are received.
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Kansas City
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Profile of MagiUlysses
Greetings and Salutations Eric,

How much are you asking for your pouches, and how big are they, I've got a 48-inch waist? And what are the specs on your Ironwood wands?

Joe in KC

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Eric Evans
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Rio Grande
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Profile of Eric Evans
Hi Joe,

You nailed the only dimension that I really need to have, that of your waist size. That simply determines the length of the straps, which is the only feature that changes. The price today is $300 U.S. postpaid. I say today because they are extremely demanding to make right, so the price may increase depending upon whether I get tired of making them or not.

One important consideration in getting a pouch is that it is durable and lined (if made of leather).

I'm extremely proud of my pouches and I think they are the finest made in the world. I use the finest and most preferred materials, they are laced together by hand and not sewn on a machine as that makes for a far more durable product.

The Wand is approximately 11" long and 7/16" thick. No ferrules.

I'm hesitant to write more regarding specific features of the pouches as some weeks ago I called a presumed customer and discussed specifics with him on my own nickle, only to realize later that he simply wanted the benefit of Cellini's research and work, as well as my own, so he could produce his own version. Suffice it to say that I produce the only pouch made that incorporates every feature that Cellini himself has determined desirable.

Thanks for your interest.