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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Everything old is new again :: Name or history of a routine (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Dan Monroe
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I have been doing a routine for many years that I call card up the sleeve. The premise of the routine is I have 2 queens and an ace that I put between the queens. I fan the cards and the ace is gone. I say the card has traveled up the sleeve of my jacket to my shirt pocket where I pull it out and repeat the trick again. Then there is some patter about someone coming to one of my shows and saying I bet you can't do it with my cards as I pull out jumbo cards and repeat the trick again.
Now heres my problem I can't remember where I learned this from or if I combined several routines or if this is my own knock-off of a simular trick or routine.
Does this sound like any routines you guys and gals know of? I have been doing this for around 7 years and I have scoured the books I own thinking I got it from one of them but to no avail. I had another magician ask me where I got this from and I just drew a blank.
I hope someone has some info for me.

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John Pezzullo
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Tom Ladsaw marketed an effect several years ago that matches the effect you have described. From what I can recall, his marketed effect was called PASTEBOARD PASSAGE or something similar.

Ladshaw's effect was based on Ken de Courcy's SLEEVE SUBWAY, which was marketed by Supreme quite a number of years ago.
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This is an old post, but I just came across it. So for the original poster and anyone else who might be interested:

The Ken de Courcy effect, Sleeve Subway, was based on RM Jamison's effect, "Up My Sleeve" , published in "My Best" by JG Thompson.