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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Flavors from the past... :: Al Flosso. Thank you wherever you are. (4 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Al Flosso of Flosso/Hornman in NYC got me into the art when I was small with self working "tricks" and helped me graduate by highschool to working street magician. I could always count on him to recommend things that were worth the money and time to master. Tannens was always bigger and fancier... but F/H was *home*. Not only did Al share his time and attention with the youngsters, but so would the working magicians who sometimes came in just to "hang out."

One of my fondest memories was after I had moved away from NYC. I had managed to save up what, for me, was a princely sum of about $100 washing dishes to spend on my hobby (which, though I didn't know it then, was about to become my business as a street magician.) I made a trip back to New York and got to stop in and see Al again. I told him what I was doing so far and that I was looking for something new and he smiled at me and said, "I have something very special for you." He went to a case and took out a used, original hand made Dai Vernon sucker sliding die box and showed it to me. I immediately fell in love with it and he smiled again and said "How about $25.00 for it?"

I used that box extensively as the highpoint of my street routines and still treasure it. I've recently considered buying a new one ONLY so that I can retire that one as a piece of personal and magic history and save it for really special occasions.

Looking back as a middle aged man now myself, Al's love of the art, and of the youngsters coming up in it, is an inspiration. I have yet to meet another Al Flosso, and I honestly don't know if I ever will.
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Profile of sethb
I agree, Al Flosso was somebody very special, especially to teenagers like myself who were interested in magic. He always went out of his way to help youngsters and treated them with respect.

In the 1960's, before the Internet and instant-everything, a trip to a magic store was just about the only way to acquire magic tricks and books. So a trip to Flosso's was a big deal, and yes, I also saved up my allowance for a few months in order to make my purchases.

Al always insisted that I buy at least one magic book each trip -- books like Hugard's "Modern Magic Manual," Bruce Elliot's "Classic Secrets of Magic," "Greater Magic," and a volume of the Tarbell course. He also actually refused to sell me certain items, like a Fire Bowl or a Vanishing Cane (too dangerous!). "Here, take these Multiplying Golf Balls and this Goblin Tube, that's what you REALLY want!" he would tell me, and he'd be right.

And he always made sure I had enough money for bus fare home. In fact, when I wanted to buy a set of Cups & Balls, he said "You can't afford these, they're too expensive. So I'll just give them to you."

Al was like Johnny Appleseed -- always planting and fertilizing little "magic" trees, many of which would eventually bloom and prosper. What a great legacy! And I agree, it will be quite a while before we see the likes of Al again. For more about this amazing man, read Gary Brown's excellent biography of Al, entitled "The Coney Island Fakir," click HERE for more info. SETH
"Watch the Professor!!" -- Al Flosso (1895-1976)
"The better you are, the closer they watch" -- Darwin Ortiz, STRONG MAGIC
Lawrence O
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There are several films of Al Flosso's miser's dream one is on Youtube and one in the Don Alan Magic Ranch DVD.
What a talent!
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Profile of TheDummyDoctor
A bit late finding this thread, but I had to weigh in on AL FLOSSO, one of the greats. When I was staring to build vent figures back in the 1960's, Al was one of my mentors. In addition to the great stories he shared with me, he always surprised me during every visit to his shop on 34th St by showing me what another vintage gem of a vent figure, in what seemed to be an endless stream.

Wherever you are Mr. Flosso, thanks...I'm still at it 45 years later. (It's all your fault. LOL).
Alan Semok

Alan Semok, Ph.D (honoris causa)


Building Pro Vent Figures since 1966

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Profile of southernmagi
Oh do I agree with the posts above. I visited Al Flosso's shop in 1975 and it was "home" as far as magic shops in NYC. He knew I was from South Carolina and he "rode" me to no end about being from the "sticks." I had not seen his Miser's Dream routine before this and wish today I could have just seen his coins, etc. He showed me ventriloquist figures and also discussed the Broadway "Magic Show" with Doug Henning. I treasure my visits to the "dustiest" shop on earth that week. God bless you Coney Island Fakir.

Conrad Hartz
Conrad Hartz
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Profile of bugjack
Memories... my parents took me to Flosso Hornman's on a New York trip in probably around 1968. I remember buying the milk pitcher and one of those EZ-magic loading cannisters, with the "woofle dust' on top.