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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Street Magic :: Great give aways for street shows (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of illuzns
I just was wondering if anybody has any interesting ideas for giveaways other than Balloons for the street. Obviously it would be a great benefit if it packed small and plays big. I've been trying to come up with something colorful and large enough to be noticed while kids are carrying them around,yet it has to be reasonably inexpensive and pack small. Any ideas???? Pm me if you'd rather not post your ideas. thanks.
Steve V
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I'm afraid I don't understand your goal. Why are you giving away things and do you have a show?
Steve V
Eddie Koshar
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Profile of Eddie Koshar
I think that you should do one of the MANY torn and restored card effects like Torn,and have the spectator sign it and give it to them,which made me feel good when it happened to me. They might ask you to sign it! I use it in my walkaround performance.
Mike T
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If your reason for the give aways is self promotion then what about a coin bend - Superman, Quantum 2 (if your pocket can stand it)etc.
Although not visual it creates a big buzz and I think word of mouth is as good as
... word...of...eye?

They pack it for you and apart from the gimmick it costs you nothing!

Just a thought,

Best, Mike
It's times like this I wish I'd listened to what my Grandad used to say...
Steve V
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If self promotion wouldn't you want something that gives your name and contact info? A bent coin does neither.
Steve V
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Profile of illuzns
My thought is a kinda self promo item. I do a street show now, but I also am in an area where there are a lot of balloon artists on the streets. Obviously they are ballooning for tips. I was trying to think of an item that I can give away to kids that either help me in the show or simply to just give out for promo advertising. But the conditions are that it be visual, pack small, and play big.(Meaning that if a child was to see another child with one, that they would want one also) I give out a lot of small items as freebees to children as "Gifts" before and during my act. It actually has increased my crowd size when things are slower on the streets.Not to mention the parents usually tend to throw bigger tips afterwards. Just my thoughts, but I'd appreciate your advice. Thanks in advance for all of your posts.
Mike T
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On 2006-07-23 23:29, Steve V wrote:
If self promotion wouldn't you want something that gives your name and contact info? A bent coin does neither.
Steve V

Oh yeah... Smile

Maybe it'd prompt them to ask for a business card and would convey your skill better than a signed card?
It's times like this I wish I'd listened to what my Grandad used to say...
Steve V
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Excellent point, I say give kids bent coins and see how many say "gee, thanks mister, would you have a business card on you that I might utilize when I'm searching for magical entertainment?". Works for me. Personally I'd go with a Hypercard with a stick on label with info on it.
Steve V
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Profile of poprocz
Sounds corny but maybe a torn and restored newspaper hat. Those Chinese thumb cuffs are cool. Something with inexpensive yo-yo's. I love to death the fake snow from here>

These with a very small magnet maybe used as ear rings.
Just some thoughts.
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Profile of rmoraleta
How about producing candies or healthy food wherein the wrappers contain your name and contact numbers.

In my case, I usally give my card in a Magical way.
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My Room in Va.
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Profile of illuzns
Thanks for the posts guys. I've actually been thinking about using rolled up papers (Construction paper weight) rolled into wands with my personal promotion info inside plus a small Chinese yoyo inside of it as a gove away. What do you think?
Steve V
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That would be nice.
Steve V
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Profile of gaafman
I have used show biz card by Guy Bavli, because you can give away a part of the trick, and sticked to it is your businesscard.

Another great one I believe is Tag or tag 2. Here you also can combine the final magic outcome of a trick with your businesscard
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Profile of lylaster
Stargazers. It's a rubberband effect where you take two rubberbands and make it look like a star, after you're done with it.One of the rubberband retains the shape permanently. It's a great giveaway!

another one is napkin rose.
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Profile of EvilGenius
Do "Power Lunch" and give your business card away.
John T. Sheets
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Consider the "Quantum Bender 2.0". I ALWAYS use it in these types of performances. It is a very memorable souveneir to leave your audience with. I get most of my repeat bookings from this one effect alone. I hope this helps.

See the "Quantum Bender 3.0" trailer here...

See my Dove Act here...

See the "Energy Bender" trailer here...

See the "Table of Death" in Las Vegas trailer here...
Cory Gallupe
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Funny, I JUST came back from Halifax, down by the boardwalk, and I met a magician there. He asked me to busk for a little while, so I did. At the end, everyone was absolutly amazed, (Even him!) and the person wanted me to sign their card. They where soo exited about it. They showed their parents, and she said she was going to put it up in her room. I got soo many comments tonight.
Later on, as I was leaving, a few kids where going to approach me to ask for autographs and they wanted to talk. But I had to get going. But it was a nice experience, and the guy wants to meet up with me again so I can teach him some stuff.
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Profile of omnibozo
The Quantum Bender 2.0 is definitely one of the tools I carry for these situations. Today I was working a benefit picnic for the National Kidney Foundation. They were running a little late, so I did some walk around while waiting for my standup show to start... did QB 2.0 many times... then did it twice in a cool routine John T Sheets devised during the stand up act. Those that had seen it close up were focused on the reations of the two helpers on stage. Killer reaction.

There is little pocket management trouble with this. Just hook the QB 2.0 in your front pants pocket.l It stays there forever, ready to use.

As a give away item... spring for custom coins. Bend and give those away... the phone number and website are right on the coin! The coin might draw a little suspicion, as it is not 'real', but when they have signed it, and can easily see that they can't bend it back... you're home free. Search online for custom coin mints.
Bob LaRue
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Profile of ahofer
Try Morgan Strebler's Liquid Metal (fork bending) -- give the bent forks away as souvenirs... see video at Works great for me.
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Profile of ryoma4148
You do the Stigmata, then you cut your arm and give them Smile lol