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Please do!
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My favorite, and not sure if origonal or not is Great now I can go on my lunch break!..It always gets a laugh and then I just keep going!
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Knowing and doing are two different things. "Hey buddy want to try a bullet catch."
Leland Stone
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I just read through Brad's thread recommended by Jaz and it's thought-provoking; I think I'll use Brad's "line," perhaps adding this bit:

"...and it's mine. The Magic, however, is yours to enjoy."

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Mandrake and Alex have good replies...

me...I just shoot them and then continue the show...I seldom get anymore comments from the audience after that.

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Profile of AndyComic
"I know how its done", "I've seen this trick before", "Let me show you a trick" are all in the same kinda league. Someone wants the attention. Someone who has seen the trick before can be just as annoying and can really spoil to surprise. With private kids shows, I always ask who's seen the show before and if I have any 'repeaters' I say "lets have some fun here, if you've seen some tricks before then don't spoil it for the rest." A friend of mine says for people who know the trick or who wants to show a trick "Well when you get paid to perform your show here then we can all watch you do it".
I watched a well known Australian performers live once and he just Shoooshed the audience person. It worked. Rather than engage them in either a put down or any type of witty argument he just said shoosh rather than ruin his flow.

I like the comment about being tired and let then do it.

Children and close up: For Rpiecce, you have to have a very very strict perimeter but I would not really suggest doing close up for kids in the first place unless you have a series of 15 second trick.
M@gic Man
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When this happens to me I usually hand them my prop and say well if you know how its done show everyone, and they either try it and fail or hand it back and refuse to try. then they never heckle you again. I only do this if the props I am using are suitable to be handed out of course.
Its not what you do, but how you do it.
Andy the cardician
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I once said "Great - that makes us three, you, my son and me." Somehow this gets a lot of laughts, so I keep it in my arsenal.
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Profile of Killed_CZ
On 2007-01-09 14:10, gsidhe wrote:
The best I came up with so far (And it always works great)
Audience Member: "I know how you do that!"
Me : "Sweet! I am exhausted. Y'mind taking over for a bit?"
Hand them a prop and sit down.
When they get befuddled (Most do)give them a second or two then interject "I suppose not...I am the one getting paid...Can you help me with this next one though?"
Then do a trick where they do the working.


Well, that one might be combined with some prop like that and have prepared somethin funny about that.

One magician in czech have some great sketch for those ones ... put on jacket for two but the "chosen" have hands at back and the magician use his own hands to the "magic" like to change glass with tricky ones and crash tham at floor, put on head much bigger hat etc. etc.

I know that this got to be prepared and not much suitable for any occasion ...
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Profile of morgandollarman
I just say the same as mentioned earlier ,when told "i know how you do it " I say "so do I but lets not tell them as there is only us that know and we'll keep the others guessing my friend" that usually gets them on side and they think they are in on the magic and don't bother you anymore ,usually woks fine for me.
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Profile of Hoagini
I always respond with a little smile and say it so it's directed at the individual (and it works on both kids and adults), "Hey, let's not ruin it for the children" and I throw in a wink and they shut right down. I think it's best to give them an out because they've convinced themselves that they're correct but get so work up in their mind that they've egged themselves into making a scene. Once they realize how silly they're looking because they quickly realize there's more eyes on them than they think.
Charlie the Tuna
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Profile of Charlie the Tuna
That is a nice approach, I have had no success ignoring them. If you are smart or insulting they get embarrassed or offended, niether is good. This gives them an out.
I will try this the next time.
Thanks for the Sage advise
A Magician with Good Taste.

Only perform an illusion once. The first time is magical, the second is an education.
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Profile of chichi711
On 2007-01-09 14:48, Greg Arce wrote:
Raphlo2, you forget one thing... how can you prevent people from doing that if even in our own community we have that thinking and attitude. Look through these boards and find how many times people come on to say, "I know how that's done" and proceed to give it away or hint at the method.
Just do a search for Cyril's stuff and you'll see the same petty thoughts of trying not only to figure out how it's done, but adding ways of doing it just to show how smart they are.
So, if we can't stop people from thinking that way in our own field then how will you ever prevent it from regular spectators.
My only wish is for those that constantly beg to know all the secrets, and love to share other people's methods, that at every point in their performances they get a sea of spectators doing the same to them... shouting, "I know how it's done!!!", "It's in your pocket!", "I googled how that works!!!" What a great form of justice that would be.


Well said Greg!!! This is my bigest pet peeve of the Café. I have seen Copperfields, Blaines, Angles, Cyrils etc etc stuff exposed so much on this bored, yet everybody gets so upset when the masked magician or whoever does the same thing.
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Profile of chichi711
Oh and by the way you guys are really to nice. When I get the "I know how you did that" response I chuck my prop in their face. While they are distracted with that I sucker punch them in the gut and follow that up with a swift upper cut to the chin. This has always worked out really well for me and nobody really bothers me much anymore.

Honestly I think it is all how you do your material. At times I let my ego get out of line and I probably come accross as somebody that is showing off. These are the times that I get the "I know" response. The times that I keep everything in check and present my material as entertainment and a fun time nobody says a word.

I think the first step to fix the problem is look at your own performance. How are you coming accross to the people watching? If you are coming accross well then I would go back to the sucker punch. Smile
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Profile of Dannydoyle
On 2007-03-08 11:33, chichi711 wrote:
Oh and by the way you guys are really to nice. When I get the "I know how you did that" response I chuck my prop in their face. While they are distracted with that I sucker punch them in the gut and follow that up with a swift upper cut to the chin. This has always worked out really well for me and nobody really bothers me much anymore.

Honestly I think it is all how you do your material. At times I let my ego get out of line and I probably come accross as somebody that is showing off. These are the times that I get the "I know" response. The times that I keep everything in check and present my material as entertainment and a fun time nobody says a word.

I think the first step to fix the problem is look at your own performance. How are you coming accross to the people watching? If you are coming accross well then I would go back to the sucker punch. Smile
Chichi you could benefit from my new technique. I call it the “Venetian blind”. It is also a variation on the “Moe Howard”.

You know the joke “how do you make a Venetian blind? Well that is exactly what I do. Like I said it looks like the “Moe Howard” a bit, but this really comes out of nowhere.

“I see how you did that”, followed IMMEDIATELY (timing is everything guys) with the move! BAM no hesitation at all. One movement right to the eyes.

The line to cover this is simply “Now you don’t see anything do you tough guy?”

Trust me it works every time without fail.

My new book is coming out on the subject, look for it in late 2007.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell
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Profile of Erdnase27
Ur kidding me right?":)
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Profile of chichi711
No way we are not joking. You don't take crap from anyone. You are the magician always remember that! People give you crap you give it right back. It takes guts and a lot of running, but it is worth it.
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Profile of Dannydoyle
Chichi is right. It is time we took back the streets as magicians.

We need to take respect from people.
Danny Doyle
<BR>Semper Occultus
<BR>In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act....George Orwell