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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Knots and loops :: Aldo- Ringing Around (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Mr. Muggle
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I'm trying to get some information on Aldo's "Ringing Around" routine. It had to have been released years ago, before "Ringing Around Too".

It was one of his original ring and rope routines. I think it was done with two different color rings. (Ringing Around Too is done with one ring.)

I contacted Aldo, and he doesn't have it anymore in any format.

Anyone have any info on this routine? If so, please post, or PM me.

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Ian Richards
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"Ringing Around" is described in Aldo Colombini's book "On The Ropes". Yes, it uses two different colored rings. A number of the phases from this routine are used in "Ring Around Too".