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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Knots and loops :: Uncuppled (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

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Has anyone her bought Uncuppled by Viking magic. Pplease let me know if it's any good. thanks.
Bill Hegbli
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Well - it looks okay for this type of trick.

I guess you could get Pat Page's Cord-A-Cup and do a follow up with an extended routine.
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"...if it's any good." Well, it IS good for fiddling around, working a gaff, under cover of a clothe.

In my view, gadgets like 'Uncuppled' are an affront to the magical arts.

Being intrigued by a puzzle is not the same as demonstrating or viewing an illusion, or artful sleight of hand.

In my view,'Uncuppled' is no better than providing a ventriloquist with a mustache to hide the way his/her lips move.

Perhaps spend the money on Tabary's dvd and learn to do the rope and ring routine he teaches.
Alan Munro
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I have to agree that Uncuppled doesn't add anything to the effect. It's merely a gadget that makes they buyer think that they have an easy method.

Pat Page's Cord-A-Cup is just as easy, and it's ungimmicked. Any kind of mug or teacup can be used!
David Todd
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On Feb 17, 2013, Alan Munro wrote:
I have to agree that Uncuppled doesn't add anything to the effect. It's merely a gadget that makes they buyer think that they have an easy method.

Pat Page's Cord-A-Cup is just as easy, and it's ungimmicked. Any kind of mug or teacup can be used!

Well, that's not quite accurate ... Cord-A-Cup also has a gimmick which is easily introduced and stolen away , but the same goes for Uncuppled , so I'm puzzled by the disdain for Uncuppled expressed in a couple of the posts here (unless it's the high price of Uncuppled that is causing some resentment ... that's fair I think. I purchased Uncuppled used for $20.00 and that seemed about the right price for it. New it sells for $69.00 and that is way more than I would pay for it. It's an ok effect, but not a stunner , imo. (ditto for Cord-A-Cup , which is more or less the same effect from what the audience sees)

In both Uncuppled and Cord-A-Cup the cup is ungimmicked and the cord is ungimmicked. In both tricks there is a small , easily concealed gimmick which is stolen away at the end. However, it is true that Cord-A-Cup can pretty much be done with any sort of coffee mug or teacup with a handle, whereas Uncuppled is done with a specific type of metal cup, so that's a point in favor of Cord-A-Cup.

I don't much care for the suggested presentation of Cord-A-Cup where the cord is hung around the performer's neck with the cup on the cord hanging down behind the performer's back, then the performer must reach around his back to remove it from the cord. Seems awkward to me.

I haven't tried it, but I can't think of a reason that Cord-A-Cup can't be presented by threading the rope on the cup handle, then placing the threaded cup under a handkerchief (as in Uncuppled), with the ends of the rope held by two spectators on either side, then the performer reaches under the cloth to remove the cup.

In the end , whether you use the Uncuppled gimmick or the Pat Page Cord-A-Cup gimmick, it's basically the same effect in the minds of the spectator , but the important thing is to come up with a compelling presentation.

I realize this is an old topic I've resurrected ... it's just that I noticed it when searching for something else and since Uncuppled is back on the market after a few years of being unavailable , I thought I'd chime in with my thoughts on it.

Cord-A-Cup is certainly easier to make. (very inexpensive) It's in Patrick Page's book (Magic Page by Page) and probably in one or more of his lecture notes. Pat's book is great and well worth having.

Harry Murphy
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I know that Pat Page sold his "Cord-a-up" as a stand alone trick. I got it in with a "Trick-A-Tape" called "Ring, Rope, and Mug". You got a VHS tape, a length of good quality magician's rope, a plastic ring and the gimmick/gaff needed for Cord-a-Cup. In all Pat had routined the Cord-a-Cup as the finale to a ring and rope routine. It was a nice tight little routine.

The length of the rope put the dangling cup at the small of my back close to my belt line. It was easy and not at all awkward to disengage the mug. I bought it at one of Pat's USA lectures in 1977.

Here is the performance sction of the tape:

Prior to owning Pat's routine and props I bought "Uncoupled" from Howie Swartzman for a big $20.00. A tin cup with necessary gimmick, a length of rope, and pocket square with large metal grommet in the center to accommodate the double width of rope. I practiced it, tried it out on my long suffering family and close friends but never really developed it into anything. I may still have it in a box somewhere.

I think buying. the Pat Page set just a month or three later more or less killed it for me. You know, over 40 years later, I still use some (much) of the Pat Page routine from time to time. I still have the nice plastic ring and use it but until this thread haven't thought about uncoupled at all.
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