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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Knots and loops :: Walking Knot by Pavel (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

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Harry Murphy
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The gimmicks are well made and almost invisible even close-up. Howie Swartzman performed the Super Walking Knot at his booth at a convention and the gimmicks were not noticed.

I perform the Junior walking knot (the 6 foot version) as a parlor/bar-pub/small venue routine. I'm pretty much what John Novak called a two-meter magician. My audiences do get close and I am often almost surrounded. I've had no problem with using the Pavel prop. it plays well and the gimmicks go unnoticed (they are all but invisible). The rope is not static or hanging completely still at any point. It is constantly moving even if just a little. That aids in hiding the gimmicks.

An analogy would be a locking key. It is not totally invisible but a well made one goes unnoticed. Same here, it is well made and it goes unnoticed.
The artist formally known as Mumblepeas!
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On Aug 27, 2021, rosariorose9 wrote:
Replies in the Café's various threads on this effect suggest that it is not suitable for close up. My question (which I haven't seen addressed) is would the gimmick(s) be visible with a parlor presentation? Thanks very much.

All that I can tell you is that I had the Super Walking Knot and felt as though the audience would clearly notice the 'special spots' on the rope. I never took the chance and sold it!
I would feel comfortable using this on a large stage, but not with my audience 6-10 feet from me.
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Profile of Carlosfa
A great routine, I love the version made by Ruben Vilagrand with some plugs.
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Profile of Jbond207
Has anyone had a problem with the gimmicks on the Super version coming undone? As I practice, it seems the weight of the rope will cause it to come apart at times. Any tips? Thanks.