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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Knots and loops :: Professors nightmare to one rope ending. CLEAN (36 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of countrymaven
Awesome Frank . I love Daryl. Yes the slow motion changing of sizes is truly the great part of this.
You are great. Great thinking and you came to the crux of the matter. Yes!!!
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Profile of countrymaven
Ok here is my rope routine. I let spectators pull on 3 different sized ropes. I do a Pavel style Professor's nightmare. Then cleanly turn them to one rope. I mean clean hands are open, moving over the rope. No special joints. Next I find the scissors and do a rope sw..tch. They do not expect it. I do a c n restored rope, then the Prof nightmare again, then end with one rope (No gimmicks) and back again. I end clean and pass the ropes out. AFter this, they think you can do any type of miracles with a rope. Lots of audience involvement. that is very important in selling it too. Rope solos don't sell. Make it a symphony with some audience members.
Al Schneider
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My two cents.

This is a workers point of view.

Professor's Nightmare is one of my goto tricks when going out for the evening.

That and Expansion of Texture.

It was also a staple when I worked in a coffee shop.
I maned a table in the back of the shop.
Then, my props lay all over the table and I would pick up something to do a trick.

My take on this routine is a bit different.

I use very short ropes. When I gather the ends I don't try to be sneaky. They have no idea which rope wraps around which.

Then I stretch them and that gets a good reaction.

I think the critical part is showing three equal pieces. With the short pieces a count can be done right in front of their faces.
It can look incredibly fair.

But to me, here is the important part. I say, "But just moments ago they were different lengths."

As quickly as I can with little motion, the ropes are re-gripped to fall to three different lengths.

It gets gasps.

Never occurred to me to have the rope examined.
Magic Al. Say it fast and it is magical.
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Profile of countrymaven
I like that tip Al. I hand it out since I do the first transformation into one rope w the Pavel gimmicked ropes. It is so clean people can suspect something. so to me doing a cut and rest. rope after an undetected goes over well. hehe. They just can't reverse engineer it since you are finding scissors and the is done at that time.

I don't have to do the Prof's nightmare again in the routine.
Your tip is very important. You really have to point out the change in the lengths. Some people may not notice unless you make it clear.
Al Schneider
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I have been giving all this some thought. As you know, I am concerned about what goes on in the specs mind. Here is a thought. Possibly, when doing Prof Nightmare, three ropes should be shown, stretched, UN-stretched, and put away. Reason: the specs will retain in their mind that ropes changed length. If that is part of a larger routine, that will be lost in their memory. Then they will remember just rope stuff. If that routine is loaded with cute lines and plays on words, they will remember that you did cute stuff with rope. Now, this all works. It depends on what you want to be remembered as.

This whole thing in my mind was triggered by a statement Karel Fox gave me when I first got into magic. He said, "Don't mix effects." I interpret that as when doing an effect; keep it to one effect. I think of another of my friends doing a show. Jay Marshall did a vanishing cane routine. In the whole routine the only magic is the cane disappearing. It is really pro. He made a living doing it. I think of other routines with canes. I can't remember what the effect was. But I will never forget Jay's.

Now, I am not criticizing your style. But I am wondering what you really want your audience to remember after seeing your act. Jay's style was very remember-able. I wish I had the power on stage he had. Simply, Excalibur.
Magic Al. Say it fast and it is magical.
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Profile of countrymaven
It is great we all have our own styles. I keep tweaking things until the spectators start nearly accusing me of witchcraft or something similar. To me, when they act stunned, like they have seen a true miracle, I stop tweaking it, for a little while hehe.

So again, I respect different styles in magic. I also am a comedy magician. It is much easier, I find, to make people burst out in laughter if they are fried by an effect. It may not work for others the same way.
Al Schneider
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Profile of Al Schneider
Any chance of seeing a vid of your work?
Magic Al. Say it fast and it is magical.
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Profile of thomasR
I’m not sure how you improve on Pop Haydns routine. His rope is examined, cut, restored, cut twice, shown to be 3 equal pieces, show to be 3 different pieces, Stretched to be equal pieces, restored into one long piece. How do you improve on that!? I can’t so I perform pop’s routine! Ha.
Al Schneider
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I already have. It will be in my next book. Ha.
Magic Al. Say it fast and it is magical.
Pop Haydn
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I look forward to that, Al. I am a big fan.
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Profile of countrymaven
I think Al's work and Pop's work are masterful. I agree how could you improve on them.
I merely wanted to develop a routine that used Pavel's principles. I just felt close to Pavel when I saw his videos and read about him. What a genius.

Going from the Prof's N. to a complete restoration is so utterly clean (no special hand positions--you show them the whole clean rope) that it seems reasonable for people to suspect some type of gimmickry. But doing a while reaching for the scissors and going into a c n r routine that leaves them fried and the rope in their hands seemed a good way to go from Pavel, and to end in their hands.

I think we are spoiled to have access to so much great magic today. Like Pop's and Al's. I remember the days when you ordered from a catalog (or didn't) and you never knew what you would get, despite their claims.
John Long
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As stated above, seeing a demo would help evaluate.

For those that may be thinking of using Countrymaven's method or Whit(Pop) Hadyn's MPK,:

- As far as I can tell, Countrymaven's method looks the same as MPK, to the audience (but the two are different, and Countrymaven has been quite open about those differences)

- You will consume rope in each performance of MPK, and even more in practice (due to repetition), but Countrymaven's seems to involve just a single set of rope(s).

(To deal with the consumption of rope during *practice* of MPK, I had separate sets made up for each phase,
and would wrap/rewrap masking tape as needed to allow me to reuse the same rope over and over. )

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Al Schneider
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Profile of Al Schneider
Thought I would present a historical perspective that reveals my age.

In 1960 when I started magic I did a trick called 3 to 1. It looked like a Prof N setup when the ropes are equal. That was how the ropes were introduced. The ropes were shown separate and two knots tied kinda like MPK. I think the trick was popular at the time. The handling was taught with two of the ends being held betwix fingers to display a solid one rope. I used a device like countrymaven's so I could openly display the final solid rope. I think this was before Prof Nightmare emerged. One: I am curious how countrymaven physically merges the three ropes to one. Of many methods to do this, what is he doing? Both Pop and I tie knots but finish different. A vid would be nice. Two: Pop is a practical guy. To me he is doing a cut restored using the 3 to 1 concept. But his key feature is focusing on the knot. First of all he does the cut business twice that clarifies the action for the audience. The un-stretch and stretch is thrown in as a side item. I think the audience will remember the cut and restored aspect. But the key is the by play with the knot. Look at the title: Mongolian Pop Knot. That is really the heart of the routine. I have improved the technical aspects of the routine but could never improve Pop's presentation thrust.
Magic Al. Say it fast and it is magical.
Ray Pierce
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I took a different path when I started developing my approach to it. I specifically challenged myself to take out all of the "moves" in the routine. It is a pure a unadulterated assault on the senses of the audience. It is as fair as possible and they are challenged to watch every moment as closely as possible. The I do an equally challenging restore in the spectator's hands. The second phase follows up with repeating even more simply with only two ropes. No moves, just pure magic. Then they restore to one single rope at the end. I have used it in the parlor for many years as well as being a staple of my international shows. In fact, when I was training all of the wizards for Caesars Magical Empire, every one of them learned this routine as an example of psychology of deception. It was released many years as, "The Ultimate Nightmare". 1/3 or the book was on technique and the rest was on the psychology that made everything invisible. Unfortunately it take practice which seems to be in short demand in recent years. I should re release it at some point as it has received very nice comments from some wonderful magicians and audiences world wide. The goas is to just take any effect and work for 10 years to make it flawless. That's all!
Ray Pierce
Al Schneider
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Profile of Al Schneider

After doing magic for over 50 years I thought I had something.

You guys are making me wonder.

I would love to see some of your stuff.

Magic is a visual art,no?

Magic Al. Say it fast and it is magical.
Ray Pierce
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Al, I've always considered you a great thinker, I feel the same way. I'll be touring all through Europe for a few weeks in September. I'll try and shoot it for you. I ultimately don't care about method but all about the reaction it gets and how strong it plays. I have no desire to post it online but I would be glad to send you a private link!
Ray Pierce
Frank Yuen
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There have been a few instant three to one finales for the Professor's Nightmare using magnets. There was a Tenyo version as well as Quadropelets by Hen Fetsch. Kudos on the thinking but I don't think switching ropes while going for scissors warrants a release.
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Profile of funsway
I only did it once for a Magic Circle contest to play with magician judges, but could be incorporated into a regular routine.

After a C/R effect I had a spectator help cut the long rope into three equal pieces with large, cumbersome shears.
The result was three very unequal pieces. The magically made them equal to tie in loops for Linking ropes.

At the end all three linked ropes are in the hands of spectators to untie. Several in the audience held up the ropes to compare length.

Yes, a couple of switches were required, but not at then end when folks were watching.
"the more one pretends at magic, the more awe and wonder will be found in real life." Arnold Furst

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Profile of countrymaven
I agree my version does not merit a release. What I like about it is the ropes w. magnets can last a lifetime. An improvement. This was not easy to figure out. Spectators can pull on them and touch them.
Before this routine, I never would have used a rope switch. But reaching for the scissors and doing it, just flies over their heads. Just when they think they suspect something w the ropes, you double whammy them with a c and r. and hand it out.

In this case, the P.N. effect and a super clean three to one is a setup to a super clean ending .

I would love to see your effect Ray. I agree-- I also do not care about the method. But I continually test and alter things in my show. I test things individually until I can get people to laugh a lot and to also accuse me of being possessed. To me, that is a good place to refrain from changes for a while .
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Profile of TrickyRicky
On Jun 25, 2019, countrymaven wrote:
Hi I am asking you if there would be an interest in doing a professors nightmare then ending in very clean one rope ending. This is done a la Pavel (I didn't know him but thank him for his great creativity) w ma...ts. But it is done better. Basically I use this in my shows. It is perfect for even the occasional kids who think they know the P.N. This should last almost forever. I have found a great way to manufacture them. But it is labor intensive.

I usually have audience members pull on each rope. They just arent going to detect anything. After you make them one, you can display the rope freely. It does not have to be held in a certain position. It can be done close up too, with a little movement and a little instruction. I am just trying to see if there would be any demand for this. Should last you forever. For me, it is nice to have an effect in the show supplies that is always ready to go, never needs to be updated. No more rope needed. The audience seems to "get" the clean open display of the rope at the end. It would be sold for about 25 dollars with shipping. I could not afford to sell it through a dealer. their markup would put it out of reach of the average magician. I am NOT TRYING TO SELL THIS. I appreciate all of you here on the rope forum who helped me finally come up with my rope routine. I am just trying to get your feedback on whether this is something you could possibly use in this price range or not. Again, it is pretty simple. Professors Nightmare. Then end in a simple and clean and quick ONE ROPE TRANSFORMATION. WHICH CAN BE CLEANLY SHOWN. NO SWITCHES. Let me know. I will not sell any. I am just asking if there is any interest among performers. thanks again for all of your contributions and feedback. And thank you Pavel. I feel you never really got credit for all your great inventions. IN the way you deserved!!!

Hi Countrymaven.
I've used Pat Conway method to close off my Professors Nightmare for many years. Over the years of using Pat's method I've come up with a continuation to his way of doing it.
Tricky Ricky