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Profile of Habu

I have a routine in which Linking Coat Hangers would be very useful as part of a stage presentation. It will be to add to the effect of an illusion...and to segue to the next. Linking Rings would not work for what I want to do.

Has anyone used linking hangers, and if so do they work well, are they well made, and do they get the audience reaction that linking rings do?

Thank Ye, Habu
Real name: Rick Jackson
Habu: Taken from SR-71 spy plane I worked on. It's name came from a poisonous snake on Okinawa. Hope my magic isn't poisonous!
Harry Murphy
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Yes, they are very well made, durable, and work with ease (probably easier to use than Linking Rings). I have gotten great reactions and laughs using them and have seen other performers get super reactions too.

However, I once watched a guy get no reaction using them. His routine was poor to say the least.

Reaction, is more about the performer than the prop.
The artist formally known as Mumblepeas!
Doug Arden
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I have used them from time to time as well, with great success.

I agree with Harry, the reaction you get is very dependent on your routine. If you have a great routine, you'll get a great reaction. If you don't, well...
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Profile of Habu
As far as the routine goes, I don't have one yet!

As part of an illusion I will be using clothing that will change from within a cabinet. Either before or after the effects of the cabinet, I'll want to take some of the clothes off of some hangers and do a routine designed for the hangers, modified to some degree maybe.

But as far as putting on a polished act, that part will be no problem. My linking rings routine always plays very well. My main concern was that it be visual and somewhat elegant like a good linking ring routine is.

Thanks for your comments, I will order a set...maybe two if they can be used to create a more interesting routine.
Real name: Rick Jackson
Habu: Taken from SR-71 spy plane I worked on. It's name came from a poisonous snake on Okinawa. Hope my magic isn't poisonous!
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Profile of Magiguy
I love Mike Caveney's impromptu routine, from his "Ideas" booklet. Great point of reference if (BIG if) you can find a copy.

Posted: Feb 3, 2007 7:06pm
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Texas / Alabama
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Profile of Habu
That was an interesting link, hmmmm linking posts, I wonder, nope, that's called the internet!

Yeah, I thought I had an original idea about the linking coat hangers and did a search and found they were already available. Wonder how many times magicians think, hey, I could do this...and it's already in Dunnigers, or Tarbell or Wilson somewhere.
Real name: Rick Jackson
Habu: Taken from SR-71 spy plane I worked on. It's name came from a poisonous snake on Okinawa. Hope my magic isn't poisonous!
Bob Sanders
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1945 - 2024
Magic Valley Ranch, Clanton, Alabama
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In a comedy routine, I prefer them to Linking Rings.

Bob Sanders
Magic By Sander
Bob Sanders

Magic By Sander / The Amazed Wiz
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Profile of joseph
Is Caveney's the only routine published for this? What kind of routine came
with the effect? ....
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Einstein)...
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Profile of Habu
On 2007-02-04 07:20, joseph wrote:
Is Caveney's the only routine published for this? What kind of routine came
with the effect? ....

I'd like to know that too, and are there routines with more than 4 hangers?
Real name: Rick Jackson
Habu: Taken from SR-71 spy plane I worked on. It's name came from a poisonous snake on Okinawa. Hope my magic isn't poisonous!
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Profile of raywitko
Ben D. Stone put out a book called Coathanger Capers. I beleive it was put out by Delben Company, Inc.
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Doug Arden
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If I'm not mistaken, Ben Stone's routine used three hangers.

I'm not aware of anyone using more than four hangers in their routines.

Bruce Gold, Pat Hazell, Kevin King, Harry Anderson and others all have good four hanger routines but none are published. Their routines are based on Mike Caveney's routine that he provides with the props. He also provides a very good instructional video that includes a live performance.

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Texas / Alabama
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Profile of Habu
Thank you Doug, I'll be checking into that right away. Smile
Real name: Rick Jackson
Habu: Taken from SR-71 spy plane I worked on. It's name came from a poisonous snake on Okinawa. Hope my magic isn't poisonous!
Harry Murphy
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Profile of Harry Murphy
Whe you watch the video of Caveney's routine you'll see that he uses three coathangers the hacksaw and closes with a forth hanger added. Two sets of three will give you tons of flexibility to develope your own unique routine.
The artist formally known as Mumblepeas!
Pete Biro
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NOt sure of the dates, but I developed the routine that inspired Caveney's. He took it farther and added some great bits. You can't go wrong buying his set and the instructions are well done.
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Profile of MagicSanta
I was at the Home Depot (Carson City Nv but many get the same inventory) over the weekend and they have a very solid chromed (at least bright silvery) hangers that can have a key cut into them w/out losing shape.
Doug Arden
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In his instructions, Mike mentions having a matte or dull finish on the hangers actually makes them more visible on stage than a very bright, shiny finish.
Pete Biro
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Profile of Pete Biro
Gright shiny is not as good on stage oweing to the spotlight hitting them and causing less than desirable reflections. You cannot just CUT a KEY the real work, which I discovered, is making the gaff like an Andrus linking pin. It is invisible at even close distance.
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Northern Nevada
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Profile of MagicSanta
Heck, I just saw hangers that would be likely good. I don't use 'em and won't likely. Try to be helpful.....
Bob Sanders
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1945 - 2024
Magic Valley Ranch, Clanton, Alabama
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Profile of Bob Sanders
There goes Pete with those hard words again. I understand it best when Stoner does it. Hope I see him at the Cavalcade again. Things get hung in my coat button hole too. And people think it's just an act!

Bob Sanders

Magic By Sander / The Amazed Wiz
Pete Biro
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1933 - 2018
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Profile of Pete Biro
Gright is Hungarian for Bright... duh... Smile