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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Pasteboard Frolics :: Cards to use in flourishing? What brands? (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Mandaluyong City, Philippines
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Profile of Ramon
Hello Magic Café members.

I'd like to ask what are the best cards to use when you do flourishing? Do you use different cards or do you just stick to one brand?

I use Bicycles for fanning flourishes and spreads because they are slick and slide easily.
For cuts,shuffles and displays, I use either BEe's, Hoyle Cards and Plastic cards since they don't slide that much.

What do you prefer? Besides from special cards like Jerry's Nuggets, Golden Nuggets, Black Decks and Tally Ho's?
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Profile of Antz
How can you think Tally Ho's are special cards?

These cards are the BOMB! The BEST! Long lasting, smooth from the time you open them, and still fannable down the track. Tallys are the Bike's hotter younger looking sister. Only question is... Fanning Back or Circle Back?

Ramon, XCM is best done in my opinion with cards with borders so Bees are not a good choice (just table spread them for instance). If you use plastic cards because the cards slip, use fanning powder or older cards ~ never plastic cards.

You should really use cards that are multifuctional. No point carrying 3 different decks around in your pockets.

Tallys OR Bikes are the way to go.

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Profile of Roman
I agree, but Tally's are EVEN more amazng than bikes.

Circle back if you do routines with lots of One handed revolutions, or spinning moves. Also for fans and displays. Use Fan back or armspreads, sybils etc.

Josh Allens
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Haha, Ramon and Roman!!
I like Bee cards alot, they last a really long time. I don't really like the back design but if you can get bordered Bee Backs get them.
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Profile of Deucemc
Tactical decks are excellent for flourishing. You just have to use them. Some people say they get worn out too fast.
Tally's are pretty good too.
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Mandaluyong City, Philippines
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Profile of Ramon
I feel not comfortable when using Tactical Bikes (like my Black Decks) because they're expensive to wear out. Here in the Philippines, Tally Ho's are very rare, I can't get them. I hope stores here would start selling them . I heard good reviews on them.
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Profile of tallant
I remember all the expectations about the Black Tiger Decks but never got any- what are they like for flourishing?

Any better in the actual handling or do they just look nice?
Tony Smile
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They handle nice and look nice IMO

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Profile of Jonas
I use bicycles.

I do both Magic and flourishes

And I don't want to do like...

"Ok, now were gonna lose your card in the middle of the deck. *Switches deck to a tally ho and does some flourish cuts with that* *switches back* so now your card is totally lost in the deck."

Also theres no gaffs for tallys.

So I use bikes for all. < Card flourishes and some other stuff.
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Profile of Burns
Gaffs.. I don't like em' but I'm not into magic anyways.. lol.
find a way to switch decks. it's possible Smile

Tallys are the best. they handfle fanning Pwoder better than Bikes aswell.

Seriously. ppl that say "oo I can't buy Tallys in my country, that's why I only but bikes" SHUT IT: I can't buy SH|T in Norway. NOTHING: I can only buy bridge sized plastic and plastic coated pieces of SH**T.

I buy all my cards from America. that's half the globe.
Be happy for what you got. but the cheapest. lol. But I suggest getting some Tallys when you next shop for magic or woteva your into. If America is nearest get from the HL store (no I'm not promoting. but they have the cheapest cards). and if you only want a small amount of cards and live in europe buy from england (HL has cheap decks, but shipping is prizy when you live in europe).

SO. Use what U can,
get som Tallys, ur the man:D
"I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous..." -GrumpyOwl-

"I don't invent, I do Personal Discoveries" - Myself-
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Profile of magicpro212
Tally ho's are the way to go...