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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: DVD/Video tape scene :: Sleight of Dave, Dave 2 and Magic Farm by David Williamson :: TOPIC IS LOCKED (1 Like) Printer Friendly Version

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Steve Brooks
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Northern California - United States
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Around 1989 David Williamson released his now CLASSIC video 'Sleight of Dave', it was full of great magic and good humor and was such a success that Dave followed it with his next video, simply called 'Dave 2'. Again, a lot of good magic and of course full of Dave's legendary insane brand of humor. Well, it's been a long time coming but Mr. Williamson has finally rereleased these treasures on DVD! Not only that, but to help celebrate, Dave has also released a brand new DVD that is titled; 'Magic Farm'. I have had the opportunity to view all three and have written a few words about each - enjoy. Smile

Sleight of Dave, Dave 2 and Magic Farm


Disc Description: Digitally remastered and available again, Dave's first two groundbreaking videos contain routines that have become modern close-up classics.
Torn & Restored Transpo, The Famous 3 Card Trick and Dave's award winning Two Cup Routine are all there along with Dave's hilarious handling of Rocky Raccoon! Now available on DVD.

In addition, Dave has released an all NEW DVD - Magic Farm. This disc contains more of the magic that has made Dave one of the most sought after magicians in the world! You'll see Dave perform powerful new audience-tested routines like Liar's Poker, a devilishly clever gambling routine, and Funner Color Stunner, Dave's wicked color changing deck routine. Dave also reveals some of his favorite uses of his Striking Vanish! Each of the seven fabulous routines is performed before a live audience and then thoughtfully, thoroughly and entertainingly explained. It's the most fun you'll ever have learning magic!

If you are one of those who hate to read, then I'll save you the trouble and just say - BUY THESE NOW! Okay, there, I said it. The impatient among you can now go about your business content in the knowledge that these DVD's are good. Did I say good? Oops, I really meant to say GREAT.

The first DVD is SLEIGHT OF DAVE and contains the following:

  • Spectator Cuts The Kings
  • Torn and Restored Transpo
  • Talking Coins (Kooky Koins)
  • Cups and Balls
  • Famous 3 Card Trick
  • Rocky Racoon
  • Bonus - Willy in Portugal: episodes 1 thru 4

These are all good tricks, but I must say that I especially enjoyed the Kooky Koins routine, with the Cups and Balls being my favorite on the disc. Dave only uses two cups but provides not only an entertaining piece of magic, but a few lessons on timing and misdirection as well. As a cool bonus you'll also learn a very nice wand spin. The final is of course Dave's humorous relationship with Rocky Racoon. Added to the DVD edition is a serioes of clips/footage of Dave while traveling in Portugal. I rather enjoyed seeing this and it is obvious that Dave was probably deported back to the states when all was said and done. Smile

The second DVD is simply titled DAVE 2 and contains the following:

  • Whirly Bird Silk Vanish
  • Chink A Clink
  • Dave's Spoon Routine
  • Easy Aces
  • Ring and Rope
  • Pencil thru Quarter
  • Floating Matrix
  • 51 Cards to Pocket
  • Saline Solution
  • Murray
  • Bonus - Willy in Portugal: episodes 5 thru 8

Wow! Where to begin? Again, as in volume one, a slew of great magic. There is so much here! From a very clever way to vanish a silk using a Thumb Tip (it's not what you think), to a spoon bending routine that will really rock for table hoppers. The Easy Aces is so amazingly simple, that it's just simply amazing - no kidding - fooled me the very first time I watched it. Again, so much good magic, it's really difficult to say what is best, though my favorites are Dave's Saline Solution (a great trick using a salt shaker) with the highlight of the disc (at least for me) being the very strong 51 Cards to Pocket. Excellent magic here folks. At the end we are treated with four more episodes of Dave in Portugal...those poor people... Smile

The third and final DVD is called MAGIC FARM and contains the following:

  • Rebate (Coins from Pencap)
  • Dazzle Act (The coctail dazzler)
  • Memory Test
  • Sympathetic Coins
  • Funner Color Stunner
  • Liar's Poker
  • The Striking Vanish
  • Bonus - Willy in Portugal: episodes 9 thru 11 and scenes from Dave's trip to FISM 2000.

Already then, a more seasoned Dave with even more insanity and a nice healthy dose of creativity thrown in to keep us normal folks scratching our heads for some time to come.
Rebate is a cute trick using a pen cap, while the Dazzle Act is just that, a complete act all by itself. Funner Color Stunner is my favorite and as they say (whoever they are), worth the price of admission. Briefly it's a killer color changing deck routine, and one that I WILL personally be using. Awsome stuff here. We end the disc watching the final four episodes of Dave's reign of terror in Potugal. Smile

I'll add a few more comments to say the video has held up very well (Dave one and two) and Mr. Williamson did not just simply transfer these straight to DVD - they have been cleaned-up and remastered for your viewing pleasure. The addition of the bonus footage is a welcomed treat and one that I know you'll enjoy as well. As would be expected, the visuals look better on Magic Farm, since this is a fairly new project. The sound is okay and the menu does what it is suppose to do, so no worries there. I will point out that a few of these effects will take some practice, so if you're a beginner, please keep that in mind.
Maybe I should rephrase that last line. These routines are all within the scope and abilities of the average magician, beginners can learn a slew of good information and with practice and dedication, be amazing audiences everywhere.

Those of you who own the original videos will no doubt want these to upgrade too, while beginners looking for some cool effects should seriously consider obtaining all three discs. A very small investment for a wealth of good advice and solid magical thinking. Having said all that, I highly recommend these three discs to anyone looking for some good magic Smile.

My rating:

Suggested retail is $34.95 each or buy the complete 3 volume set for $90.00

You can purchase directly from:

David Williamson Productions
P.O. BOX 854

You may email David at:

Or visit his website at:

Click here!
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks