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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Looking out for our own :: A friend in need... (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Margarette
This may not be appropriate for this section, but this seemed to be the most appropriate. I have my reasons for keeping my friend's name anonymous...mainly, he'd kill me if he knew I was sharing information as he is a very private person. I have wanted to help him, and with my current situation, this is about the only thing I can think of that I can do.

Just please remember my friend in your thoughts and prayers. He is a single parent of a young son. He has been out of work for quite a while. He has been searching for a job, but the economy in his area is in the toilet and he has not had any luck finding a job.

He has all his personal belongings in one of those rental storage facilities, and these belongings will be auctioned off in a few days because he can't afford to pay what is owed. He has shut off notices that, again, he cannot afford to pay. He has tried to hide the situation from his son, but he hears his son crying himself to sleep because he knows there is something wrong.

So, if everyone could say a little prayer for my friend, I know it would be appreciated. He just needs a little break...and I hope he gets it before he ends up broken Smile

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Michael Peterson
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He will be in our thoughts Smile
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Profile of Cornelius
I will say a prayer for this anonymous friend.
Steve Brooks
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Our prayers will be with him Margarette.
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Profile of JBmagic
Heya Margarette,

I am keeping your friend in my prayers.

If I may, let me share some things that may ease his mind a little.

I have been involved, for many years, with some of the worlds top motivations and inspirational speakers.

I have learned things from these people that I shall keep with me until the day I die, things that don't make sense sometimes, then something happens and "snap" the lessons learned flood in.

Everything material can be rebuilt. We come into this crazy, beautiful world with nothing but love to guide us. We leave it with nothing but love to guide us. In between we gain material things that seem so important sometimes, and sometimes they get the best of us. But no matter what he loses, he has his son and the love between them. Nothing can ever take that away. Nobody can ever strip him of that. No matter where he ends up, he has that foundation (and great friends like yourself) to build on, and that is more than anyone could ever ask of this universe.

I know it seems bad, and the road ahead may get rougher before it gets smoother, but it will get smoother, it has to, he's blessed with the love of family and friends.

Also, I am a bit off-beat with my thinking sometimes, and although I have a firm faith in Cristianity, I also believe greatly in the laws of the universe and metaphysics. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and that the reason is sometimes (ok most of the time) unclear in the moment.

I suffered a pretty heavy financial set back years ago, jobless, my house needed serious repairs and the value on the property was dropping rapidly (due to a decline in the surrounding area). I was forced into bankruptcy and I could not catch a break, and I almost gave up....

then, just as I thought I had hit rock bottom (literally having to borrow money to feed my wife and I that night), a stroke of universal "luck" hit me. I was offered a very nice apartment from a complete stranger, this apartment is where I am at today, overlooking a horse farm (hard to find places like this in New Jersey), very big place with a few bedrooms and very friendly neighbors. They let me skip a few months rent to get back on my feet (keep in mind this was a complete stranger).

Just recently I found out there are police barracks set up in my old neighborhood, it has declined that much, they are actually actively fighting with guns almost everyday in that neighborhood now, you can't even walk your dog anymore there without fear of a stray bullet hitting you. So I now see the greatness in my "setback".

Please keep your head up, I know you are having some troubles as well, and you deserve so much more. It's coming, it has to come, just keep on keeping on Smile

Magically yours,


PS - I am sure the typo demons kicked in during this post, but I am a little tired so please excuse any errors Smile

Edit (By the way, I have looked at many houses in the last 4 years, and have found none worth buying, I know this sounds wierd but this apartment is perfect. Sometimes you just can't replace a certain "view", I look out my window everyday and am reminded of what is truly important in life. I see a stream, a forest, horses running around, raccoons, chipmunks, cardinals, blue jays, the works. Again, this may be commonplace for some, but in NJ this is a rarity, especially central Jersey Smile
Jay Buchanan
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Profile of BroDavid

I pray that by this time, your friend has already felt the hand of God's Grace and Mercy.

You didn't say whether or not your friend knows the Lord. But I will pray that he does, and that he learns what is useful, and gains what is needed during this time of trial.

I too have struggled in life. I lost all, only to find that by losing all I had, I was finally open to gain what I could not lose!

I know it is hard to see your loved one suffer from a bad circumstance, when you feel it is your job to provide, and protect.

So my heart aches for your friend. And I do pray that God will pour him out a Blessing overflowing, exceedingly and abundantly above anything that we could wish or hope for!

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Profile of Pokie-Poke
Wishing your frend all the best, I know what it's like Smile and as I am not an overly religious person, I wish them the best that they deserve.

You aren't beaten until you give up.
And that which does not kill us makes us stronger. I know this is hard to swallow when it looks like it is going to kill you.

my sign comes from a time in my life when I lost my dad, and our house, and 90% of the stuff my family ownd. Not a good time.

I like adventure books, Lord of the rings type stuff, you ever notice that, in these books they sleep in the mud, fall down clifs, fight in wars, watch loved ones die. all this and we still read this because it is an adventure.

I was keeping a journal at the time and never knew when the next time was that I'd get to add to the journal, then it hit me, life is an adventure, and the story is not over till you say it is, and the greater the adversity the greater the victory.

Sorry to preach but as times are not that good for me right now, Penni "Squishi Squishi"'s dad is in very bad shape, life is putting us to the test, all I can say is....

The Adventure cont...