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Mental health system could always use some revamping, true. But the perception of mental illness could use some progress, as well. There's nothing wrong with being mentally ill. Mentally ill people may behave differently than non mentally ill, but there's nothing wrong with that, and most mentally ill people never harm anyone except themselves, but that does not mean they are weak or cowardly. Understand "normal" people is difficult enough, let alone someone with severe depression or bipolar issues or anything else. Any conjecture on why Kevin did what did is just that, conjecture. We all cared about him, but he's the only one that knows why he did it.
Mule Henderson
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On 2013-04-14 18:12, Sean Giles wrote:
On 2013-04-14 10:13, Octopus Sun wrote:
I'm having serious issues.
I did nothing wrong, said nothing wrong.

I read the post STFS wrote and I monitored it up to it's
deletion. I never posted a reply to that deleted as has been insinuated by Laurie
placing the blame on me, then she tries to justify herself by saying she wasn't.
She has no reading comprehension this we know by her self indulgent posting
without seriously investigating.

That thread degenerated into muck and mire as all of STSF threads...
that's what set him off over the edge, the deletion of his attention wanting thread.

#1 Not one person here understands STSF post and it's correct content.
STSF came in with his usual rant, I tend to avoid his threads since
he does just that rant on and on.

When I read that thread I knew something was wrong.
I went to his FB page read his threats on FB and I CALLED THE CHANDLER POLICE DEPT.

I talked with the shift supervisor at 4am pacific time...she told me
that they were in contact with Kevin's parents and something serious indeed
had happened. She could not tell me anything more and that if we want info
we need to contact Kevin's parents.

I explained to her about his post on the Café' and FB
She said there is nothing that we can do, and the parents are taking care of
everything. She reiterated, Kevin did preform and complete his actions of self destruction.

#2 In the last 2yrs STSF has threatened suicide here and on several
other forums constantly holding the users and those forms hostage
with his threats of bodily harm.

Kevin did not only post on the Café" people, he was a member at coin collector's forum, martial arts forums and more
he made the same posts on all forums, like he was cutting and pasting them.

For attention is why he did this, because of his fear of rejection.

Kevin set himself up for rejection.

People, you need to stand back, drop the bias no matter how you feel and look at the Correct Situation here.

The Café' is not the only place he hung out as all of you want to believe.

FU Laurie. You have no right to blame me or anyone else.
You have no f'n reading comprehension what so ever, you have proven this fact at least a dozen times.
you straight up twist everything people say to fit your fantasy world.

I never once said anything wrong to Kevin.
Did you read his post I was responding to?
No you didn't, and if you did you would see I was correct in my response to his post.

Kevin's thread was not a cry for help or a suicide note
it was another of his FU rant's, which he titled "I love you"
He was threatening the Café' again as he always has in the past.

How can one take someone serious when they cry wolf for 3yrs every
2months right on key. Saying I'm going to kill myself
Kevin straight up refused his meds and treatment in AZ

AZ has messed up mental health laws...any patient over 18 no matter how messed up in their head
makes their own decision to receive AZ State help or not. no matter if their decision is correct or not.
If they choose to receive the help funding assistance you must follows very specific guidelines and rules.
If they refuse to follow the rules AZ tosses the patients to the streets.

This is what happened to Kevin, he told us in his past post...
How many of you read and comprehend this when he tells us this stuff...not Laurie.

Kevin was kicked out of the system 2 weeks or so ago because he decided to refuse the treatments
He decided to not follow the rules.
His parents could only let him come home, no other choice.

One last thing you people never consider

and that's the Children here on the Café'

Our kids have no need to read or comprehend the crap Kevin brought here or to other forums
Kevin had issues and depression was not one of them, and that's a fact.
He had serious Mental issues no one here knew about, things he kept hidden.
Talk with his Parents if you have the inner fortitude.

This is why the Mods deleted that bs thread.

No you don't you all just want to point the finger

Ashamed No I am not, but I feel hurt inside to know I may have caused him
to give up instead of go on to bigger things.

I don't feel responsible, but because of Laurie and others here, I do have a twinge of disrespect for her and them because of their
childish finger wagging without knowing or even reading the original thread

whose the bad person people here...

only one and that was Kevin for placing the forum in this situation...think about the other forums he posted this same thing and how they must all be feeling going through, blaming each other for this kids BS.

no one else

That's despicable dude. To speak about him in this way is shameful. What if his mum comes on here to read his posts and sees yours.

Got to agree with you Sean, for once. Octopussy Son has proven himself to be a bully in many other threads and this is just one more example. Of course he did not see this coming and it can't be just because of him. But, the undeniable thing is he can't say he didn't help in perpetuating a downward spiral. He may try and back track to redeem his behavior, but too little too late. He has put himself in one of two groups in regards to Kevin and clearly he is in the negative motivation group, whether one can say negative motivation is good or bad and for whom.

The thing is, when you're on an impersonal public forum the only route is positive motivation. Unless you personally know someone and their circumstance can you decide they need some "tough love" or a kick in the pants. This guy has no boundaries and obviously his insensitivity undermines his attempts at intelligence and any beneficial assistance to anyone.