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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The side walk shuffle :: My very best routine (5 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Myrtle Beach
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Profile of JoeJoe
I wanted a routine that would incorporate crowd building techniques, but I didn't want to steal the techniques other magicians use, so I decided to steal them all (idea I stole from John Cornelius fism act).

gazzo bangs cup, celenini taps ground with wand, Don driver works on ground, Ed haggins brings kid on stage, I once saw guy get crowd to chant magic word, etc etc.

I wanted this routine to let crowd know I worked on tips and walk away remembering my name. plus I wanted it to fit in a hip/fanny pack, yet play big enough for crowds of hundreds.

yeah, tough order to fill! here is what I came up with:

you can steal it from me, I don't care. I consider all my work creative commons open source "pass the hat" license, if you can afford to drop something in my PayPal hat great, if you can't afford to go do my routine and come back when you can, if you don't want to don't, I honestly don't care. I just want to make people happy, so if you can use my stuff to make people happy please do so.

here is another clip of this routine, lighting is bad and it is a tougher crowd I found a goblet at a second hand shop, sanded the silver off to give it a strange color and look. the shaft is hollow so I dropped magnet into it and sealed it with Max's silicone ear putty from pharmacy (don't use wax, it will melt). goblet idea stolen from Tommy Wonder fism act - setting the goblet down looks so very "clean', if you want to do this routine I highly reconvene a goblet over standard cup.

that's right. five minutes with just a simple "french drop"! if you got chops to control crowd like I do, this routine will take you ANYWHERE you want to go. you will probably need to adjust the patter and change the magic word, that part is for you to figure out - make it yoor routine, own it.

I will talk in "code" to describe the other items in the hip sack used for the build, not because I need to but because I just want to (might as well steal from P&T too while I'm at it, don't want anyone to feel left out): I have a silk hanky, I usually get a thumbs up for that trick, I have a deck of cards that should have naked ladies on the backs but does not, and I have a wenk'ld dollar bill and pencil. that's it, that is all I need to go anywhere I want. Smile

okay, my eyeballs have reached their limit, the Café is hard on my eyes with these bright green colors. I'm outta here, enjoy!

Amazing JoeJoe on YouTube[url=]
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Profile of imgic

Thank you for sharing. I watched first video and really enjoyed it...great energy and love the way you engage the crowd. A real pleasure to watch.

I dropped a tip in the paypal link in the video. Really apprecaite all you share here in the Café.

Be well!
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
John C
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Eternal Order
I THINK therefore I wrote
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Profile of John C
Nice hustle.
Harry Murphy
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Profile of Harry Murphy
JoeJoe you always make me think and even reevaluate my act from time to time. More so you always give me reason to smile and laugh!
The artist formally known as Mumblepeas!