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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The side walk shuffle :: 'Levity'. (2 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of gallagher
"Pull the sidewalk, from under the Busker,..
and they'll fall straight to hell!"
Slippery Mike

Lately, some days I feel a brother-hood, with the Juggler.
'Issac Newton's Curse'.
D**m him!

I swear, some mornings; my bed has magnets... 🙄
My pillow,...made of soft chewed,..sticky bubble-gum. 😳
Night for night, for day,
my mattress becomes deeper and deeper(!..!).

The breakfast table,....Mount Everest. 😑

The Levity, 'performing' granted(!),..
The 'adrenalin calm' that became my natural fix. 😚

"Pull the sidewalk, from under the Busker,......!" 😔

I never believed that thought.
I still don't.
However,... 😞

Speaking lonely, for myself:
playing the Streets gave me the seduction I needed,...
the feeling of 'being',....
being needed.
The Stage, to express my efforts, visions, craves.
The 'experience of Magic',....changing a 'carnage mall',
into a Carnegie Hall(!).
Transforming pavement-pounders, into....'audiences'. 🙃
Strollers,..into 'stounders.
Flops, drops, ego-hops,...bottoms and tops.

It was a drug.
The best I ever shot.

The past summer, I lost that,..
I lost my Show, due to physical in-ablities.
I am surprised at how much my 'dependency' was.

"I'll put together a new Show.
One, suited to my limitations."
...something got lost.

Working with...'limitations',
is NOT the way to go.

I don't want this to sound... 'philo-simplical', but..
I lost 'it' this past month,...
by NOT concentrating on the,...'possiblitys'.

In one month's time,
I didn't make it to Hades,.. 😡
...but the limbo-bar got pretty low(!). 😞

Sir Issac; in my opinion, like me;
concentrated on the wrong end.
...became our human nature.

The World needs the Artists,
to show the other poll.

. . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . ! . . .

"Sö, how low did you go!??!?"

...when I looked up,
I was staring into a grass-hopper's testicles. 😞

I somewhere along the way, picked up the thought:
We Street Performers are some kind of 'Super heros'(!).
My screen play didn't fit.
Marvel Comics never called.

Believe it or not,..
I lost the ablity to get up and put my pants on(!).

One doesn't go far in Life,
without pants.
(Isaac Newton MISSED that Law!)
[funny thought, though,..
how many 'Super Heros' are running around,
in their underpants.... 🤔]

But,..i discovered,
or have come to believe:
The 'lowest point', is when one loses their vision,..their dreams.
Their humour.
Their Levity.
That must be hell.

Gravity didn't pull me that low.

But why is Levity sö hard to come by?
Did I concentrate on my limitations, too much?

A 'little kid', my daughter's lover,
gave it back, to me.
He asked:
"Why did the chicken cross the play-ground?
To get to the other slide." ☺️
(thanks Gil. 👍)

Then, some friends asked:
"How are you doing man?"

I've re-conquered putting my pants on,..
'the breakfast table'.

I'm labbering,..
i want to say:
The world needs Street Performers.
The Levity we provide...
The 'possiblity' we display...
The 'Law of Nature' we practise...

I wish you folks all,..good Shows today. ✌️
...and tomorrow.

p.s.: What do you call a chicken crossing the road?
Poultry in motion.
(Gil Rosental,..mind of an 8 years old. 💋)
D. Yoder
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Profile of D. Yoder
Thank you for the video, my friend. It is good to see you up and creating ways to hold the **** that life has given you.

I hope that you and the gum that is stuck to the chicken's foot can be crossing many streets soon. (What goes "scritch, scritch, scritch" as it crosses the street?
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Profile of Scodischarge
Gallagher - you just moved a stranger to tears. Glad you're getting your 'Levity' back, and that you have loved ones to make sure you don't 'lose' it again.

(I had a joke to tell at this point, but it was about chemistry. I don't think it'll get a reaction.)
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Profile of Goldfield
If all we’re left with is squares then we’ll all be trapped in four walls forever. your artist heart sings strong all throughout this beautifool account. the magnet bed gets lighter as the laughter gets heavier, that’s helped me lift out of its grip. i’m glad you’re making pizza and pants of it all. you are so loved dear brother x
The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love & be loved in return.
D. Yoder
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Gallagher, are you still out there, Brother?
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Wondering if anyone has heard from Gallagher...