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Profile of TOBIAS
That's the hard question. I feel I have a very strong watch steal. Although when doing magic where ever I do it, but does it fit all areas of magic?
"The only way to become a good magician is to overcome why you became a magician in the first place."-Max Maven
Is perfect! Should you do this effect because of how it makes a person feel? I feel that if you are not a nice person before magic, chances are you are going to be even worse after. People like to be fooled by a nice magician. Good case with Martin A. Nash (the charming cheat)It takes a lot to do a good watch steal and you should not try to over come your personality to do one. Some times it just fits.
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spiel mit mir
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Profile of spiel mit mir
Tobias, I think you are absolutely right. I have a question though; I have been trying to perfect my "steal" but I always seem to get stuck just as I am lifting the watch please email me and give a tip or two. Even books or videos would be extremely useful to me.
thanks much, Smile
Full Effect
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Profile of Full Effect
When I'm out doing magic I never go straight for a watch steal. I always keep my eye out though to see if the chance arrives.

When it's the right time and when that person feels comfortable with me, I might go for it. I don't just do a watch steal.

I make it into a magicial effect. I don't remember who it was, either Harry Anderson or Harry Lorayne, maybe Anderson, but they would ask the person if they believe in time travel. What ever they say, you tell them "time has traveled" and show that their watch has traveled to your wrist. This way won't make the person feel stupid, but feel amazed and maybe freaked out. If you just reveal the watch after you've stolen it, it might make them feel stupid; like they've been had.
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Profile of TOBIAS
Well there goes that! I had really thought that I made the "Have you heard of time travel?, YES? Have you ever seen it? NO? Well look time travels from your wrist to mine..." There I am with two watches.

Okay, what ever. I am still going to say it.
The thinking about waiting is good, but if a person walks up and I have nothing better to do, then bye bye watch. But you have to condition them to it first.

I touch them like four or five times in small talk. Like a elbow poke saying "You're a good sport right?" Then a tap on the shoulder with a "Thanks for coming up and helping." Then a tap on the wrist " can you help me with trick? Hold out your hands please." Now the thinking to them is you never touched them at this point. So don't push it. You get me?

Some people just don't liked to be touched and these people will pull away from these touches, and this is a time to go to some one different. Trust me, I am good but not stupid.

Smile Smile
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Profile of BroDavid
This may sound like a silly question, but I will still ask it.

I have seen Tobias steal magicians watches and it kills! And I should have asked him when we last talked. But I have been wondering......

Do the watches you steal have to be buckle type, (leather, like a belt), or can you actually get away with elastic band watches, or the metal ones with a wide clasp? In other words can you take it over the hand? Or do you need to take off the wrist?


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Profile of Donnie
Hey Tobias,

I totally understand what you're saying, I steal watches quite often and if you do it wrong you can truly alienate someone, like you've invaded they're space(which you have). However, done correctly I think it adds a whole different dimension to the magic. It takes magic beyond the confines of the close-up mat to a place where literally anything can happen.

The key to creating this environment is the way you return the watch, you have to be playful. It shouldn't be you versus them. That's the problem with pick pocketing. When you do it incorrectly people think you're trying to embarass them. I've seen magicians steal a wallet and make a joke about there being no money inside. That's just retarded.

When I steal a wallet and give it back I take out mine so they know its not one sided and I say "No, this is no illusion. I really have no money." When I steal a watch I take my watch off and talk about it changing then switch it for theirs so it's more like my watch turned into theirs, not that I stole it.
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Profile of TOBIAS
I do just the oppisite some of the times. When I am performing and some one is being a smart-alec, I take their watch, hold it up behind their head, and ask them "So you can seeing every thing I'm doing. Right? Okay can you hold this for a second..."

BOOMMM Kick right to the head. Now lets stop and think about this. The crowd is upset with him for being a jerk, you are upset becuase he's being a jerk. So you simply let him know who is the performer. Then you say you are sorry you couldn't stop yourself. This makes the crowd laugh and he will know be where he needs to be (that's in his place)
Then simple carry on with the show as if nothing has changed. I find that he doesn't stay mad at you for more than a full second. Although you are the best thing he has ever seen now.
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Profile of Pokie-Poke
Not to offend anyone, but I hate the idea of a watch steal. I have seen it done well. Every one laughed and all was good; but I'm from NYC and would not find it funny. That personal space thing. Then again I haven't worn a watch since HS.
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Profile of PRmagic
Hey Pokie,

I am also from NYC and I think a watch steal is a great thing to know how to do.

Now...what I have realized is you must think about who you are doing it to. Because if you get caught by someone who say, doesn't really like you, and are like a Mike Tyson waiting to explode, then you should think twice about stealing that person's watch.

Tobias gave me some great info the other day. I recently did it to my friend's mom with a whole bunch of people there. Me personally...I'm not ready to take a watch from a total stranger.

I'm practicing more on the people I know a little bit, then maybe in a couple of weeks I'll move on. I highly recommend learning it. But don't worry about it, if the watch steal isn't your style.
Be Curious
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Profile of Magic333
I was skeptical of the watch steal until it happened to me. I was at a resort and a table magician put a few common items in my hands. I recall thinking he was grabbing my wrist too tight, but never caught on he was taking my watch. After he gave it back, I recall the feeling I had. It was so strong that I watched him the rest of the vacation take watch after watch. Strongest magical feeling that I ever felt or witnessed.
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Profile of TOBIAS
I just call it my kick in the head...
If you like it or not I have your watch, but I make it fun.(FOR EVERY ONE INCLUDING THE PERSONS WATCH I STOLE)Or you take that chance of Tyson punching you in the head.
If you had any questions on the watch steal please feel free to ask via PM or E-mail Smile
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Greg Arce
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My friend, Apollo, is a master pickpocket and I love watching him do his steals. The audiences laugh with amazement and the shocked looked on the "victims" is priceless. Hopefully, he will put out a video or lecture on his philosophy on watch steals and pickpocketing. He has some great thinking on the theory of invading someone's space. I wish I had the courage to start doing the watch steal.
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Profile of CSStanton
What do you feel is the best information on watch stealing? Pickkpocketing?
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Profile of GregB
Could you tell me how exactly to begin with it. I have some vague instructions somewhere, so that shouldnt be much of a problem.

However, to practice it, you must have a very patient friend or a pretend arm to practice with?

Feed back would be appreciated.

Ta, Greg.

ps. can i just say that this stick man: Smile is the coolest thing ever!!! Smile - 40+ downloadable teaching vids.
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Profile of TheAmbitiousCard
I just stole my first watch tonight!!! Smile

I did strolling magic at a baseball stadium. I left a bit early. Didn't think it went super well - some kid stole my final chop cup load, drinks spilled on my new close-up table, few tips, and my 3 card monte was not as good as it could have been.

After the game I went to a local bar to get a beer. While I was there I floated the tip for the bartender with IT. One thing led to another and pretty soon I was doing everything and everywhere; card on the ceiling, the classics, whatever...! The bartender gave me a "shot glass" that i need to do David Roth's Purse and Glass for free .... "just don't let anyone see you take it out of here". It's perfect for the effect. The first one I've seen in months.

While I was just walking up to groups of people, others were shouting over.. "he's awesome" and stuff like that.

Anyway, I was just finishing a set with a group of 3 people when i noticed A WATCH!
I pretended to explain my sponge ball routine to the spec with the watch. It was a nice stiff leather band; I pulled it out of the thingy first; then, still explaining, i grabbed and pulled out the clasp and was ready to go. I could hardly believe it.
Then i thumb palmed it; I finished my explainiation and then asked if they believed in "time travel" THANKS TOBIAS!

I didn't know what else to say. I never stole a watch before.

"...You should! It just traveled from you to me".

When i showed them the watch the all HOWLED WITH EXCITEMENT", shaking my hand, high fives, etc.

What a great finish? No!!!!!!!

The great finish was this...
There was a gentlemen there that was not at all ammused by me doing card tricks. (Sure I did other stuff but there were lots of card tricks). I heard him say some bad things to the bartender but I did not take it peronally. Later I appologized to him if i upset him or made him feel uncomfortable. He did not say much but said "he did not do cards". he did see me doing more to others. When I was about to leave, I re-appologized again and HE said....

"You knoww, I hope you can be here next friday. I'd like it if you should share a trick with my 'partner'"

I said "no card tricks, right?"

He said "No, I'd like you to do a card trick. just something simple but will blow him away."

I told him "OK, sure! See you next friday, then, and we shook hands".

A complete 180.

From horrible cussing and swearing (oh, yes) to that. Wow!
I knew I really didn't have anything to appologize for but I didn't want him to think I was some insensitive jerk that did not care whe thought.

That was my great finish for the night.

p.s. I did love stealing that watch, though!
And I just decided to start practicing last week or so. I'm sure I'll get caught a billion time but not on my first try!

watch steal references:
Jeff Hobson - Live Video
TOBIAS - phonecall
Gregory Wilson - Lecture
Gregory Wilson - On The Spot Video

good luck on your watch steals!
... and good luck with your spectators!
frank Hand Crafted Magic
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Profile of PRmagic
Hey fstarsinic, I know EXACTLY how you feel. I remember not to long ago stealing my 1st watch. (successfully) I did it to my friends mom during a picnic. Man it felt great.

GregB.... about practicing you're abosolutely right about the patient friend to practice on. My 2 friends that saw me do it are tired of putting on a watch and sticking their arm out just so I can get a little more practice.

The best thing I guess is getting a broom and wrapping a towel around it so it can be about the size of a wrist. Then put the watch on there and set up the broom and practice from there.

*The only book I reference, I bought on watch stealing was "Chappy Brazil's Watch Steal Video" which I can't recommend enough for anyone wanting to learn a watch steal.

Also you can PM TOBIAS and give him a call... He can't show you visually, but man it really helps just talking to him on the phone. Good luck for anyone else persuing the watch steal.

Be Curious
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Profile of TheAmbitiousCard
I'm wondering if anyone does that that is left handed like myself. . . or when you are trying to take a lefty's watch.

does this cause you any problem or do you have any thoughts/tips on working as/for a left-handed person.

I thought I might learn right handed if there was some big benefit to it.

frank Hand Crafted Magic
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Profile of PRmagic
learn it with both hands. its a pain but the best way in the long run.
Be Curious
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Profile of Genio
I use my watch steal as a magical effect.

I put my hand up and ask them to put their hand against mine. I then hold the place where their watch is supposed to be and then tell them to focus on their watch. I rub their wrist and then have it travel to my wrist.

This is a VERY powerful piece of MAGIC.
Don't pass this by. Consider it.

genio Smile
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Profile of TOBIAS
Thank you every one for the great words and if you need any more help send me a PM. I love to help but you have to practice, Oh yeah you also have to have the balls to do it.
Greg Arce your friend Apollo is a master pickpocket. I know of him I would be the happiest person if you could get his number for me. I would love to talk to some one else who knows this effect as good as me.
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