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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The side walk shuffle :: I can't take it anymore (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of kasper777
Here I am sitting at my computer at work ready to explode. I can't take this 9-5 law firm work any more. It's making me mad. I need to quit my job and go hit the bricks, Once he weather gets a little warmer, right now we are at 60's with a chilly breeze. This passion I have for our art is driving me nuts. aaahhh... sorry, I just had to vent.
Mark Rough
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Hey Kasper777-

Amen brother! I'm sitting in a room full of ten year olds that don't really want to learn anything (well they're in music at the moment). Weathers about the same here. Wish spring would come soon. Smile
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Profile of MagiUlysses
Greetings and Salutations,

We have proof that one man's meat is another man's poison. Here in KC, USA, the sun is shining, the sky is a beautiful azure ... and it may get to 32 degrees. At least the wind isn't howling.

Hang in there my fellow Magi, Spring is around the corner, and will be here soon and gone sooner than we'd all like. As difficult as it is, and the last thing I'm known for is patience, this is a great time to perfect a new trick, routine or presentation (that's words of wisdom, one).

Words of wisdom, two, came to me the other day when my girlfriend asked why we don't job hop anymore, asking, in essence, if this is all there is, and were we stuck in a rut, content in our work because we had given up.

I told her to be happy I had the job I do because the next "job" I have will be working the RenFest circuit. She thought about it and agreed. My "job" is a tool that pays the bills and keeps me in more magic toys than I should boast about. My "life" is entertaining people and making enough at it to offset my toys on April 15.

Winter is long and gray here in the Midwest, but Spring is coming. Hang in there, Magi, it will come soon enough.

Until then, I'm working my cups, playing with my rings and hoping I don't hang myself with this rope!

Joe in KC

Live a great adventure, have an interesting life!
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Profile of Kozmo
listen....if you want to be a street performer and do it for a living you must be able to travel....thats just the way it is,,,

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Profile of kasper777
I understand that, unfortunately, my fiance is tied up here in South Carolina with the military. It's not until she gets out that I can constantly travel, which I can't wait to do. Koz, I was raised in Biloxi, MS not too far from New Orleans, I've always dreampt of performing on Decature.
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Profile of MagiUlysses
Greetings and Salutations Koz,

And welcome back.

Agreed, absolutely, if you want to earn a full-time living by street performing you either have to live in or near a year-round tourist destination or be willing to travel. I know circuit performers who base out of KC, but you can't make a living here, not year-round anyway. You've got to be able to travel.

But until I sell the house, furniture and chuck the 9-to-5, I'll stick to the Midwest circuit on the weekends during the spring, summer and fall. And look forward to the next piece of Cellini video magic.

Last we heard, you were looking at March for Cellini's second video. Is that still on?, and do you have a guess on the ball and coin video(s)?

Joe in KC

Live a great adventure, have an interesting life!
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Profile of Kozmo
um...a new video...well we have a new video.....not the art of street performing though....but we are working on has to be Pretty good to be as good as the first its taking time....jim is anzious to finish it....i don't know when...maybe by sometime in march...but i don't know when it will be released...the art of street performing part one is still selling even if it were done we might not release it....cellini does have a new video out however....will be released fairly soon....dont have a title yet...but it has some really nice stuff on it....all of it could be used on the streets...all of it...nice stuff....and you might look for some stuff from eric evans whos a pretty good magician also....if you want to see some cellini check out his ring routine vdeo....very nice stuff...

i promise i will keep you posted

Mr. Bunkley
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I'll second that endorsement of Eric Evans. He's REALLY good. He's also the guy that did the drawings for Cellini's book. I may be off on this. .but I think he won the stage Competition at the TAOM convention a couple years ago. . and maybe won (or placed?) at the SAM in New Orleans a couple years ago. But his love is STREET Magic. And off the magic subject a bit. He has a wonderful family. . . so if there is anything coming out from him. . .buy it.

Koz - Do you know if Eric ever finished the Street Magic as War book? I saw him a couple years ago and it seemed to be in editing phase. . but I haven't heard anything since.

Remember his name. Eric Evans.

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Profile of TroyRoark
If you're interested in changing your life, and following your passion, read "The DNA of Success" by Jack M Zufelt. I'm 3/4 of the way through. It will completely change the way you look at things (for the better.)

Troy Roark
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Profile of Kozmo
yea....eric won the toam...and he has finished his book.....not yet published...finishing touches....eric is a magicians magician....brillant.....
