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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: The side walk shuffle :: “Traps-A-Monte-Mental” (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
Harry Murphy
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Higley’s “Three Traps Monte” (aka “Traps-A-Monte-Mental”) made its first street appearance today. Did it play big! Rattling the sprung traps before setting them and demonstrating them helped double the crowd size (bigger crowd = bigger hat!). The crowds seemed riveted during the entire presentation. I closed with the trick. Goodbye cups and balls.

For the first performance, I had a couple of burley farmer types helping me set the two “real” traps. One guy could not bring himself to spring it with the length of “bone”. The natural comedy I got out of his anxiety helped keep the crowd frozen to the spot. I finally took the bone and spring the trap. I let him reset it and used him to mix them up. He handled them like they were live grenades. I could not have had a better audience participant (in fact didn’t get a better helper for the rest of the day!).

My routine is still pretty much the script right out of Doug’s notes. This is only the fourth (fifth, sixth, seventh, and eight) outing/performance I have had with the routine so the lines and bits of business are not set firmly yet. The outline is there it just needs some more real audience presentation time.

Modifications I had to make for the street performance. I took a 38-inch by 12-inch board to give me space to spread the traps out. It is a pain in the butt to have to truck another bit of equipment but my street tabletop is only 24-inches by 18-inches. Since I planned to close with the traps I left the “normal” tabletop home with the cups. The table is only used for my Cups and Balls closer and now for the Traps closer. Otherwise I would not carry a table.

To perform I simply replaced the tabletop with the board. Two small bungee cords held the board in place. Not pretty but worked. My board is purposely nasty looking with spilled paint and some dark stains (which might be blood).

I also had what looked like a first aid kit sitting on the ground under the table. It was actually my Igloo brand six-pack ice chest with a red cross and the words “First Aid” stenciled on. I had my water bottles and ice packs in it. Hey, that’s first aid isn’t it?

The festival got rained out (heavy rain and strong wind) after only two hours. But I got five shows in, five tips turned, and made some decent hats! Over half the people in each tip stayed to watch a complete second show. They just couldn’t believe the trap bit!

And for you folks that don't know what I'm talking about, check out:;start=0
The artist formally known as Mumblepeas!
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Nicholson, MS
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I got these notes from Doug.

Let me start by saying that he is a 100% fantastic guy. And these notes are worth at least 10 times the asking price. I have not performed the routine yet myself, but I can't wait to get the traps and try it out.

This routine is easly the most inventive thing that I have seen in a long time. Doug wins the coveted award for extreme cleverness.
The eye of Katrina went right over my house. I now have a distinct distrust of nature.
Doug Higley
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1942 - 2022
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Thanks Slim....and I REALLY liked your take on a street performance you did.
I came up with a change in the routine an will post that under Ebooks Topic
Higley's Giant Flea Pocket Zibit
Tony Iacoviello
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I love the routine! Simple, effective, and pleanty of room for personality and comedy byplay. Only $5, well worth much, much more! Thank you.

Tony Iacoviello
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Eternal Order
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Profile of Tony Iacoviello
For those who have not heard, Doug had a revelation the other day. Now this routine is even stronger, and simpler (if you can believe that). If you have bought this, contact Doug for the new notes.

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Where can Dougs notes be purchased?
Creator of Cereal Brainwave, Creator of the Tossed out Book
Harry Murphy
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Profile of Harry Murphy
Since Doug has passed away, his notes and Zibits are only found on the secondary market. I know of no-one reprinting them yet.
The artist formally known as Mumblepeas!