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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: a moment's notice! :: Favorite Impromp. effects (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of gimmick1586
What's your favorite non-card and coin improptu effects? Mine is the telekenisis feat with a rubberband and ring.
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Profile of Timotheous
Well it would actually depend on the situation.. whether things would be improptu or not.... for example:

I was asked to do a trick at work.. Plenty of rope lying around and some box cutters... Yep rope routine... Impromptu, Yes but I had a serious advantage Smile

I was eating at a resturant and someone brought their kid up to me (I was a customer... not there to perform!!!) They recognized me... and of course with steak in cheek I wadded up some napkins and did the torn and restored bit.. (had a semi fresh one in my left hand as they approached and at the end I said... hey that's weird.. how did that spot of steak sauce get on there??)
The little girl and her mother were pleased... and it made my night...

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I think on the fly with an impromptu situation... I don't pre-plan anything..

So the favorite is anything I can succesfully pull off at the given moment...


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Profile of DavidKenney
Crazy Man's HC - Penomenon - Yedid's arm twist... anything from Off the Cuff

Great Video arsenal
Mr. Ed
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Profile of Mr. Ed
I love finding the white bic pens with the black caps. I do a little ditty similar to #2 pencil with the writing on the pen and the cap. Then of course into Recapped from Gregory Wilson's On The Spot video.

Never ask if I have a pen. I start to salivate.
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Profile of Merlin!
My favorite improp trick is by far the muscle pass, where you make a coin go flying up into the air (seemingly defy gravity), it takes a little while to master, and a little bit of pain, but it is well worth it.
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Profile of stick
My favorite has got to be knife, pencil, pen
through note or bill as you Americans say.

Everything is borrowed and it never fails to impress.

Also, if Its the right kind of pen, I will also do Greg Wilson's Recapped as well.
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Profile of Quest
CMH is a lot of fun to do on the spur of the moment... and most often people don't catch me in a totally impromptu situation, as I usually have a deck of cards on me most times (usually set up for an effect already)

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Profile of Elwood
So no one knows the answer to my question then?
Chad Sanborn
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Profile of Chad Sanborn
I see that original question asks for NON card/coin effects. Don't laugh, but the glass thru table effect is still a killer and can be done impromptu in a restaurant.
So can Spoon Bending! ReCap as already mentioned is an excellent effect. My borrowed floating finger ring, seems impromptu. (see my site for more details!)

the levitator
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Profile of the levitator
I almost never leave the house without having a LeClair hookup on me ready to go. With that, I can do quite a few different routines. I of course ALWAYS have a TT in my pocket, and there's a hundred effects you can do with that (just ask Darwin!).

Rubber bands are also really easy to have on you for Crazy Man's Handcuffs or Broken and Restored. I know you said besides cards, but another good one to have is a Kundlini Rising on you all the time. I run into the situation all the time of people handing me a deck of cards and saying "do a trick!" Being able to do rising card with a borrowed deck is beyond a jawdropper.

I guess I follow the philosohpy of Jeff McBride in the sense that I am a magician, so I am always prepared to BE a magician.

To me, that's the best part of being a magician, being able to do something magical at any time. Isn't magic great?
"It's all in your head...."

James Anthony
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Profile of Dano
D'lites done at the right time are still a killer effect, particularly if done 1 on 1 with no lead in. Just pluck a light from a tail light or cigar tip etc. and throw it away without a word of explanation. Smile
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Profile of mattneufeld
I found that in the winter especially, you can carry around the haunted key (a favorite of mine) and the floating credit card (another favorite) and these work well on demand. As several other folks noted, the torn-and-restored napkin is one of the best impromptu/every-day item tricks.

If you're at a restaurant, the sugar packet trick, of course, and the floating bread roll is also good. Finally, if you have a briefcase, and people bug you at work for a trick, it's not too difficult to put a deck of cards in the briefcase. If you have a car, well, it's not too difficult to always have a deck of cards in the car! That way, if you are somewhere and someone asks you to do a trick, and for some reason they don't have a deck of cards, well, run to the car and get the cards.

And, if you have to set the deck, well, set the deck in the car! You can also always do the "floating magic wand" gag with a fork or a spoon or a pencil or a pen. Finally, if you get enough pennies together, there's a great mentalism trick that you can do with two rows of pennies. And don't forget the pen through a handkerchief, towel, napkin, scarf, blanket, dishrag, shirt, whatever.

I once did the pen through whatever at a picnic with a pair of shorts that were sitting there on a chair. That stunned them. And, of course, you can do a cups and balls with some plastic cups and some napkins--you just need to figure out how and where to gaff the trick so it's not seen. Well, there, that's a start!
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Profile of AdamKidabra
I have to agree with Merlin. The muscle pass is amazing impromptu magic, but it does require practice. I currently use a half dollar, but I am working it down to a quarter. That way, I can use a borrowed one. Not many people carry 50 cent pieces.
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Profile of mattpuglisi
Crazy Man's Handcuffs, Balducci Levitation, Twisting Arm, Dove Magic (kidding). . .
Lack of invention is the mother of necessity - Robert Nozick

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Profile of Missing_Link
I do bits and pieces of magic but I do lots of juggling and sideshow stuff - I carry a 6" nail in my pocket and do human blockhead quite frequently.

Being impromp. pretty much means making use of something in the environment in which you find yourself. Go with the flow, I suppose. I've juggled bread rolls for a waitress in a restaurant before.

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Profile of copterchris
I like the effect where you put a 5 dollar bill on top of a 1 dollar bill, roll them up, spectator holds corners of bills so there can be no 'funny business', unroll them and the 1 is now on top of the 5. Totally impromptu and confuses the &*(( out of most people!

Can be found in Martin Gardner's Encycolpeida of Impromptu Magic (among other places, I'm sure). This book is a great resource for literally hundreds of impromptu tricks.
Drew from Spotlight
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Profile of Drew from Spotlight
As most people said CMH is a great routine. Following that I can continue (if need be and I’m in the mood to) for another 10-15 minutes with the bands. I usually have my SUC Case with me and my Mind Spy Wallet. I’m finding myself drawn to some billet work lately as well.
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Profile of BlakeBlair
Oh, OH!!!

Metal & Coin bending, Money routines.. Are some Favorites..

BB Happy Hallween
FuFanu.. Two Cards Torn & Restored...

Are You Ready ?! Its here !!
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Profile of HardCore
How about a center tear? Perhaps a little mindreading or Voodoo Ashes (or whatever you call it) with the smudge ending up in the spec's palm. Don't you always carry a thumbtip anyway???
No, really, c'mon, PICK A CARD!
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Profile of antonuccio
I developed a simple and effective one-coin routine. The coin (borrowed, of course) disappears, passes through the table, disappears again, passes through the magician's hand, and finally transforms itself in a different coin in the spectator's hand. Strong magic, in my opinion.