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Profile of EranRaven
Whether we admit to it or not, most magicians got into magic or used magic (at some point) to meet/impress women. And let's face it, it is something that usually works. It is something different that they are not expecting. Women usually relate differently to some tricks then men (e.g a magic square typically gets a strong reaction from a male, etc). What tricks have you found the most effective to meet women?
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Profile of Kenpopaul
I always find the 2 card monte and the classic levitation trick works great with the ladies Smile

Live with Passion
Magic Chris
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Ladies really like the rubberband effect: STARGAZER ("It's so cute!")

And of course....everything with MONEY ! ! !

:spinningcoin: Smile Smile Smile

Magic Chris
Ben Cummings
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Profile of Ben Cummings
'Mind reading', psychic readings, etc. seem to be things that women LOVE!!! I remember one evening I was doing card tricks while my fellow magician friend was doing 'palm readings' and guess who had the ladies lined up (literally) to have their palms read?

This of course falls under the fundamental principle of human nature - People love to talk about themselves, hear about themselves.

So, guess what? Forever thereafter I stopped bringing the cards and now do 'mind reading' with vastly better results.

Sadly, since I have the face of a bulldog who's been whipped on for years, I'm not so sure ANYTHING I'll ever do will work too well.

Sigh. Oh well.
Author of "Conversations With Mind Readers"

Over 40 hours of interviews with thirty-two Top Mentalists & Mind Readers.

For more info email me at and I will email you a detailed Prospectus.
John Clarkson
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Oh no, here we go... this post just begs for puns:

I think there are far superior methods of flirting than pulling out a deck of cards, an Okito Coin box, or a Hot Rod)!. People like to be paid attention to. Performing puts the attention on you not on the person you seek to woo. I strongly urge you to reconsider your motives for putting in the life-time of practice that magic requires. Heck, you can pick up a date with the other kind of pass.

Your other point--that there may be a strong gender difference in preferences for magic effects--is interesting. Many claim there are strong differences. I am not convinced of it.

John D. Clarkson, S.O.B. (Sacred Omphaloskeptic Brotherhood)

"There is nothing more important to a magician than keeping secrets. Probably because so many of them are Gay."
—Peggy, from King of the Hill (Sleight of Hank)
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Profile of EranRaven
I am not suggesting that anyone get into magic for the purpose of meeting woman (it is easier to get a cute dog), but rather is a by product benefit that can be leveraged by knowing our art.

I strongly believe that gender (and cultural) difference exist. Try doing "cute" sponge rabbits at a biker bar.
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Profile of Clayman
I personally believe that the gender difference exist. The sponge ball routine proves this almost every time. Women love this effect. There is no doubt. Guys kinda like it but women.. Love it!
"A flash of silvery light ..and it was gone."
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Profile of thehawk
I agree that the sponge ball routine gets a better reaction out of women than men. Women literally scream when they see two sponge balls in their hand while men will say how did you do that.
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Profile of biff_g
I also agree that the sponge ball routine is effective for this purpose. I especially like to add this little touch: instead of one sponge ball turning into two, I turn it into a small bunch of sponge rabbits. Combines both the "how did you do that!" with "oh, that's so cute!"
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Profile of MarkFarrar
Jim Magus wrote a booklet many years ago called "Sex And The Single Magician" on this very subject, although you might be able to track a copy down.
Mark S. Farrar

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John Clarkson
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Profile of John Clarkson
On 2003-01-06 01:41, EranRaven wrote:
I am not suggesting that anyone get into magic for the purpose of meeting woman (it is easier to get a cute dog), but rather is a by product benefit that can be leveraged by knowing our art.

I strongly believe that gender (and cultural) difference exist. Try doing "cute" sponge rabbits at a biker bar.

Why would I want to do that? Bikers are lousy dancers anyway! Smile
John D. Clarkson, S.O.B. (Sacred Omphaloskeptic Brotherhood)

"There is nothing more important to a magician than keeping secrets. Probably because so many of them are Gay."
—Peggy, from King of the Hill (Sleight of Hank)
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Profile of markjens
While understanding that different people want different things, and that different people have different moral barometers, I have this one in regards to magic. I have always had a personal pledge that when I spend time with someone it is due to our mutual interest. I haven't used alcohol or drugs, and feel the same way about the art of magic. I don't want to manufacture a vulnerability in someone only to take advantage of it. This might be a bit of a puritanical view, and it might even be a hypocritical one since I have never let my moral stance get in the way of playing guitar for a woman. Wow, I feel like that old Emily Litella character from Saturday Night Live as she used her weekly punchline, "Never mind." Smile
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Profile of ptbeast
Sticking my head out of the bizarre magic section for a moment, I thought that I would comment that I don't think that it is so much the effect as the presentation. Women can be reached on an emotional level easier than men can. In my experience, they respond well to storytelling magic. Of course I am biased, since that is the kind I perform.

BTW, I don't use magic to pick up women - my wife would kill me. But I have noticed differences in how the genders respond to certain effects/stories.

Just my two cents worth,

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Profile of Dynamike
I use sponges also. But not the balls, the rabbits. The rabbits are cute to women.
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Profile of sak07
I actually picked up my girlfriend by doing magic to her. I'm naturally quite shy when it comes to talking to attractive girls but find I can go up and show them a trick without to much trouble.

I had fancied this girl from university for about six months and decided when I saw her in the bar that I was going to approach her and do some magic. I forced a card, set it on fire and revealed that it was written on my chest in 'ash' and did Ammar's signed card on the ceiling but did it on a wall instead so I could take the card, boon write my number onto the back and give her the card to keep.

We went on our first date the next night. I have no doubt that magic is ideal to pick up women because it gives you an excuse to approach attractive women without the lame and cheesy chat ups. It's something different for them and they are usually very responsive especially if you put on your best Blaine (I'm a bit mysterious) impression.
Daniel J. Ferrara Jr.
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Profile of Daniel J. Ferrara Jr.
I agree that it is fine to use magic to meet women. I also agree with Eranraven that people don't get into magic for that purpose. However, why not use a magic trick to break the ice. Many people aren't comfortable speaking to strangers. When you perform a trick, the patter is there to use. Magic also enables you to touch her hands (sponge balls) without her slapping you. You will know if she is interested by the way she reacts to you and your magic.
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Profile of debaser
Personally, I would not be interested in a woman who is impressed with a guy that carries around sponge bunnies/balls, linking rings, or whatever.

Chances are that your trying to hard and they will notice

So seriously I guess that if you must, the best way would be to use something ordinary and at least seemingly improptu.

As far as women go- mindreading is hands down the best.

Alan Munro
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Profile of Alan Munro
I've used the Ouellet version of Tony Binarelli's "Lips", to great effect. Sponge bunnies are great, too. In fact, that's what at least one of the guys at the local magic club used to meet his wife.

I think that mentalism is very powerful with women. It's even better if you learn to do readings. Women love to have a man talk positively about them.
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Profile of ploter
No doubt, Astrological Sign.

Imagine This: You meet a girl and with no questions you will tell her what sign of the zodiac she belongs to and then the exact day that she was born.
Smile Smile : Smile Smile Smile
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Profile of WilliamWHolcomb
There is a fellow who sells a video on eBay titled "How To Pick Up Women With Your Deck
'The Real Reason Why Men Do Magic'". It goes for about $20 and contains tricks such as Red Hot Mamma with 'suggestive' patter.

Anyone seen this? Care to comment? It may be a little on the lewd side for most!
William Holcomb