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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Table hoppers & party strollers :: Broken Arm (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Yorktown, Virginia (Previously Germany)
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Profile of RiffClown
I broke my right wrist playing basketball tonight. My muscle pass is GONE. It hurts to shuffle. I can still muscle pass left to right but it's hard to catch. My TestaCroce routine is now one handed (no problem) My right wrist is in a brace (not a cast"WHEW!") Can I get some one-handed suggestions or at least something that favors one side. I am left handed so I'm not helpless but I do have several gigs lined up. I can still twist balloons but I have to go a bit slower. HELP!
Smile Smile Smile

I need to go easy on it few 2 weeks.
Rob "Riff, the Magical Clown" Eubank aka RiffClown
<BR>Magic is not the method, but the presentation.
Garrett Nelson
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Rene Lavard (sp)?

And what about sponge balls?
And you can always fall back on gaffs, gaffs, gaffs. I can't imagine something like the hopping half would be too difficult with one hand not firing on all cylinders.

Linking rings?

I bet if you sit down and look at everything filling your magic chest you will have a ton of good ideas....after you get over the shock of loosing a lot of the things you really need both hands for.

Hope it turns out okay for you!
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Maybe you can practice coin rolls, paddle moves, card glides, charlier cuts, hot shot cut (I think I read someone mastered the Hot Shot cut after they broke their arm---John LeBlanc maybe?). Sorry to hear this happened to you. Get better soon.

Take care, Jay Smile
Mr Nutkins
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I can empathise totally, about 15 years ago i had my finger bitten off by an otter and couldn't double lift for ages.
If was making a living out of magic I would probably stop all sports where a risk of hand injury was likely, I assume most Pro magicians have thier hands insured ?
Mr Nutkins
"Bloody otters !"
Dan Farmer
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I saw a one handed magician on World's Greatest Magic Smile He did a seperating red & black cards routine (I actually thought it was pretty terrible though) anyway he did a one-handed shuffle that was cool! Not too hard if you can faro the cards with one hand...I know I can't.

Tony Chapparo
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Sorry to hear about your wrist... do the best you can and take care of your hands my friend.
Tony Chapparo
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Profile of Pokie-Poke
Cards will be hard but spunge ball should be doable, if you are twisting balloons allready needel thou a balloon, roap thu neck, Smile
And the next time the third base coach tells you to slide... kick him!!!
get well soon Smile
The Adventure cont...
Eric Starkey
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Boy, this story makes me LOVE mentalism even more! I was a finger-flicker (and still do a good bit of it - covertly). But now I'm primarily doing magic of the mind. The truly beautiful thing is, you can always do magic with your head, regardless of what happens to your hands.

Also, you may want to take a look at some of the effects in Rene Lavand's book.

Good luck and I wish you a speedy recovery.

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Yorktown, Virginia (Previously Germany)
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Profile of RiffClown
Well, Update time. The wrist brace is voluntary now so I use it only with physical activity. The bone is only cracked so I just need to take it easy for a few weeks.
Pokie-Poke, I fired the 3rd base coach, but I'm sure Eric already knew that. Smile

It hurts when I muscle pass, so, I don't muscle pass right now. Everything else is pretty much back to normal. Thanks for he great suggestions. You've all given me quite a bit to think about.
(And BroDavid, when you read this, Thanks for your prayers. I know they were heard.)
Rob "Riff, the Magical Clown" Eubank aka RiffClown
<BR>Magic is not the method, but the presentation.
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Profile of wayman
hey Rob,
stop clowning around!!

what about a billiard ball production?
You could do your favourite Red White and Blue theme? (from your other post)

Or a Basketball production routine? Haha ha

Get well soon.
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Yorktown, Virginia (Previously Germany)
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Profile of RiffClown
Honestly, I don't know any billiard ball routines. I do have a couple of sets of bumper pool balls but I have never been inclined to put them into my show. I don't know why, maybe it's time. Know any good resouces?

I've practiced a bit today and have about 8 effects up to snuff. TestaCroce is back, but I have to slow it down a bit. Slapping my hand down stings to no end. The muscle pass is going to take a while though. Just tightening the palm hurts. Smile

As for "stop clowning around" Why? That's what I do! It's my job! Neither rain, nor snow.....Sorry, Wrong Tangent. Smile

I will pass on the basketball routine suggestion, but "card to impossible location" has come to mind quite a bit over the last few days. Smile
Rob "Riff, the Magical Clown" Eubank aka RiffClown
<BR>Magic is not the method, but the presentation.
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Profile of BroDavid
And I continue to pray for your healing Rob!

Sounds like you are scoming along well now.

You stated out in a good place; trusting God. And I believe, No... I KNOW that He honors faith like that!

Too often we focus on the probelm, and but just remember no matter how bad it it look, dont ever say it cant get any worse, because I can tell you from personal experience that the last time I said that "it cant get any worse"; it DID!

Sounds like you will back to "normal" (at least as Normal as usual...) in no time at all. Glad to hear the update friend!

If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.
Alan Wheeler
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I urge you to rest that wrist for the short time needed! It is much too valuable to you, and you do not want a perennial problem or something that gives you grief everytime it rains.

I'm glad the toughest time is over.

The views and comments expressed on this post may be mere speculation and are not necessarily the opinions, values, or beliefs of Alan Wheeler.
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