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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Going for the 'Gold' :: Failing The Magic Castle Audition (2 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of sterlyn
I auditioned to become a magician member and failed.

Has this ever happened to you?
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Profile of MacGyver
May I ask what effects did you do?

Did something go wrong during the audition?
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Profile of GlenD
I haven't had the experience yet but am thinking about going for it one of these days soon.

Thanks for your post, I would be interested in what effects you did as well. And what comments or suggestions (if any) that you were given afterwards.

"A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway" - Griffin

"Any future where you succeed, is one where you tell the truth." - Griffin (Griffin rocks!)
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Profile of sterlyn
I did cups and balls — an untypical, creative handling. Not Dai Vernon. I framed it with a wand expansion trick with a disappearance and reappearance on the front side and a production of toilet paper from a hat on the back. All stuff I’ve performed with effect before, but a kind of parlor type show.

I made those guys laugh.

Five or six sat in judgment - one sat in a seat that promised bad angles. I was too intimidated to ask him to move. He later said I should have.

Angle-wise he did get a bad show and was the one that gave me the bad news.

He said I should come back with card and coin tricks and that because I had attempted cups and balls that I was being held to a higher standard and therefore wasn't good enough. And I should try again in two months.

That was four months ago and I haven't auditioned again. It really hurt.

Perhaps I should have been more aware of my angles and I could have been better.

The irony is that I was recommended and vetted as ready by a magician that has been nominated for awards there two years running. Neither he nor I am a slouch.

So, in other words, perform all close up, cards and coins and something else, and if someone sits in a place that allows for bad angles, move them. Or be angle proof. And above all be thick skinned.

I am curious what others members or those who auditioned have to say.
Hideo Kato
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Profile of Hideo Kato
Sorry for this primitive question.

Do you need to pass audition to become a Magic Castle member, or is it an audition to get chances to perform at the Castle?

I think having love of magic is enough condition to be a magician member. (Of course you need to have good personality as a gentleman).

Hideo Kato
Geoff Weber
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Profile of Geoff Weber
Out of town members aren't required to audition.. but Local members are. I have heard that many people do not pass their audition, so do not think that you are alone. I think you should try again. Do some material that you know inside and out and if it is angle sensitive, definitely ask them if they could sit in front or else move yourself.
Dennis Michael
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Profile of Dennis Michael
What type of magic does the castle want?

In the 70's it was strolling, closeup and small stage.
Dennis Michael
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Profile of kenscott
WOW! This makes me nervous. I am performing and lecturing for the first time at the Castle in August.

Ken Scott
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Profile of sterlyn
Having read my posting here from last night I would certainly soften and rewrite if I could figure out how to.

I just tried to edit this posting and failed.

I'll try again.

I really like going to the Castle and love watching magic and this posting, upon reflection, sounds more mean spirited that I mean it to.

Isn't there anyone else out there that auditioned and bombed?

Misery loves company.
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Profile of irossall
I guess that I am confused. A good friend of mine and his parents have been members for many years now and none of them even know how to do any kind of magic. Maybe the "rules" have changed since Bill Larsen is no longer in charge?
-Iven Smile
Give the gift of Life, Be an Organ Donor.
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Profile of GlenD
They probably have associate membership (or something like that). You don't get library access and I think the fee is higher, although I may be wrong here.

The castle features all kinds of magic: large stage shows, smaller parlor type of shows and even more intimate close-up parlor magic. Your comment about being thick skinned is very true from what I have heard. Well maybe not even thick skinned but maybe more loose and relaxed. From someone I personally know that auditioned among a group of 7-10 others (and was the only one accepted that evening) said that so many were tight and nervous. For whatever reason he said he just did not feel all anxious or nervous and he dialogued in a friendly and confident manner with those present.
He did a card routine, but I forget exactly what it was now. It was something he revised a little and called smoke and mirrors, using a shiny lighter that revealed the selected card image or something. They would not let him light it, saying only those performing in the main parlor could use flames of any kind. But he was flexible and thought on his feet and passed anyway.

I hope I have such luck, or should I say skill, when I go for it.


"A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway" - Griffin

"Any future where you succeed, is one where you tell the truth." - Griffin (Griffin rocks!)
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Profile of Gianni
I find this discussion very interesting and surprising. Maybe I can best approach my thoughts by asking this:

Does the Castle post a criteria that they are looking for in the audition? Are there guidelines that they advise in advance stating what they want to see?

For example:

1) Length of audition
2) Some cards, some coins, etc. or is it completely up to the performer?
3) Are they looking for professional grade acts?
4) Originality?

In short, are there any suggestions or instructions preceding the audition? Or do you just apply, show up, and do whatever you think?

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Profile of sterlyn
More than a hundred have viewed, many have answered, but no one has written that they, like me, have tried and failed.

All have passed
Few have tried
Few have failed
No one is talking



Surely someone out there can and cares and knows enough, to say something definite here and if not, why not?

Who among you will run with the hunt?

P.S. To Kenscott —
Email and put me on your guest list and I'll be happy to come and see you. I am your big fan. Can't wait to see your show.
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Profile of magicfan456
Sorry about your not making it Smile But don't give up! Just think how cool it would be to be a member. Smile I too have a dream of joining the Castle, but maybe not for a few years. How long should an audition be? How advanced should a routine be, for example, would the platform tricks from TRRTCM be good enough? Thanks for any help Smile
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Profile of Kronos9326
Ack, talk about intimidating. However, even though you aren't a slouch, the good, honest criticism that you received, can only HELP you become a better performer, as long as you view it as an attempt by them to help you, instead of hinder you.

You have to be honest as well, how much magic do these people see? Probably a lot more than you or I, that's for sure. They represent an establishment that to the magic community, is held in the highest regard. Anything less would disappoint many people. That doesn't mean that you aren't a great peformer with loads of experience, it just means that you weren't the performer that they were looking for.

I say don't let it get you down.

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Profile of amazingboz
Merely having the guts and not succeeding the first time makes you a winner not a failure! At least they didn't ask for their money back or send you a bill for their time (think Lawyers). Attitude my man!!

You choose if you want to try again and when.

Just remember, if you don't swing the bat, you never will get a hit.

Been there too
Amazing Boz Smile
Jon Gallagher
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Michael Jordan once said, "I miss 100% of the shots I don't take."

Congrats on taking a shot.

Hey! I'm finally a Dot Com!
Bob Gerdes
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Profile of Bob Gerdes
It sounds like the angle problem with the one judge was your only should have no problems next time! Reminds me of when my younger brother went to take his driving test to get his license: he was so nervous (there was a Pennsylvania State Trooper in the car "judging" him!)... that he forgot to put his seatbelt on. The trooper had to remind him! He made no other mistakes, but that one was enough for the trooper to say "Sorry, I can't pass you".

Its been almost 2 months, are you going to give it another go soon? You definitely should!

I can't say I've ever auditioned for the Castle, but I've definitely messed up during performances. Its no fun! Smile But I have learned something from every screw up. Learning from mistakes is quick and painful! But it works!

Best of luck to you on your next audition! Let us know how it goes. Smile
Eschew obfuscation
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Profile of larycrews
For my audition back in 2000, I did a Hot Rod routine, an Invisible Pack routine and closed with Thought Transmitter. I was accepted about twenty minutes later.

As for people joining without audition, there are associate members and magician members. Associate members need only pay the money.
Lary Crews
Las Vegas Line Magic
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Profile of sterlyn
An update:

I re-auditioned and passed.