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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: We double dare you! :: "The Geekiest (mostly) (card (sort of)) Show on Earth" (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Psy-Kosh
In the spirit of posting presentation ideas no matter how silly or wacky or unedited, here's something that's been kind of bouncing around in my head... (note: this requires familiarity with trek, hitchhiker's, and possibly certain biblical commentaries, and possibly some physics and math and the people beind some of those things).

Pull out an odd looking deck of cards, the back seeming to feature a cross-section of a well with a brain at the bottom. Point it out saying, "that's got to have some deep thoughts. Perhaps it even knows something about life, the universe, and everything."

Riffle through it, showing the obvious number (42) dancing around (flipbook animation style)

"Hey, you know what? This reminds me of a certain biblical commentary I once heard about. One of the sections of the bible enumerates and descibes the 'stations in the desert', that is, the places that the Jews went to on their journey through the desert.

Well, this commentary describes how this also represents the various challenges we face in life. The roads we must walk, you might say."

Pull out an appropriate commentary book, flipping to relevent section and count the stations. "one... two..... forty two... so I guess it's 'How many roads must a man walk? Forty two.'"

(Actually, I'm not making this up... there really is such a commentary, and the number of stations really is listed as 42. tee hee hee. aaaaaanyway.)

Making an appropriate face, "... Wait a second..... now, who's responsible for this?"

Flip through the Deep Thought deck again, this time a flipbook style animation of mice is shown.

"... Bloody Philosophers. Wait... does that mean... So just what're they using to figure out the question anyway?"

Flip through the deck once more, showing, obviously, a flipbook animation of the earth rotating.

"... Uh oh... I hope this doesn't mean..." Look up nervously.

At this point, all over the theatre/resturaunt/whatever, a Vogon voice is heard "people of earth..." (insert whole "to make way for a hyperspace bypass" spiel, or as much as is deemed appropriate)

Before anyone really has a chance to react, a second (well, many overlapping voices. i.e. the Borg Collective voice) is heard, starting "We are the Borg, your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile."

Vogon security type voice countering "Resistance is useless"

Borg: "Resistance is futile"
Vogon: "Resistance is useless"
Borg: "Resistance is futile"
Vogon: "Resistance is useless"
... (this continues in the background)

"er.... they're going to be at that for a while. In the meantime, let's consider what to do about it."

Pull out a more usual deck of cards and start shuffling it.

"The ordinary deck of cards. One of the archetypal symbols of chance. And yet, order too can at times be coaxed out of it. Order and Chaos, fundamental principles of reality we may perhaps tap toward the purpose of defending ourselves against our... guests" (looking up briefly as you say the last)

Switch your tone of voice more toward chanting, perhaps closing your eyes as you do so, and shuffling all the while.

"Oooooooh Bayes, who first inverted probability and hinted at the path of knowledge from uncertainty, oooooooh Laplace who penned the Philosophical Treatise on Probability and refuted the Napoleonic challenge with 'I have no need of that hypothesis' Ooooooooh Boltzman who elucidated the order of heatflow by revealing it as chaos in disguise, and Maxwell, who's conjured demon hinted at the secrets that later Shannon granted us in the form of information about information, accept our offering of entropy and grant us LOCAL ORDER AND POWER OF CHAOS!" shouting the last, throw the deck of cards firmly from your hand, scattering them, while retaining one card.

Look and read out loud the remaining card, which has written on it "All Ultimate Forces of Order and Chaos are currently busy. We apologize for the inconvenience."

(And now I've confirmed that I'm nuts. Smile)