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Profile of BarryFernelius
Due to overwhelming response Smile to my presentation for Nana's Necklace, here's another presentation script, this time for the Gypsy (torn and restored) Thread.
Cutting the Apron Strings
by Barry Fernelius

Let's talk about some real magic. I'm a Dad with three children, all girls. Oy! And my oldest child, now a medical student, assures me that having nothing but girls was entirely my fault. Starting at birth, I've formed relationship with each girl, a thread that connects us together. But eventually there's the inevitable crisis - puberty (snap!)[1], and the start of the process that's called 'cutting the apron strings.'

“I don't care what you said, Dad. I'll wear whatever I want to.” (snap!)[2]
"Dad, there's no way that you could ever understand." (snap!)
"Don't ever touch me in front of my friends." (snap!)
"You're nothng but a liar!"(snap!)
“Him? No, he's not my father.” (snap)

And she eventually moves away, and becomes self-involved. [3] We like to pretend that everything is still all right, meeting from time to time on birthdays and holidays. [4] But sooner or later, she finally grows up. And, then a miracle occurs; with a little humility, love, and time, the relationship can be restored [5] - real magic.

Stage Directions
[1] The magician unwinds thread from a spool and breaks off a long piece.
[2] With each (snap!), another short piece is broken from the long piece.
[3] All of the short pieces but one are drawn into the other hand and rolled into a ball.
[4] The ball is affixed to the center of the short piece.
[5] The hands have slowly separated, showing that the thread has been restored.
"To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time."

-Leonard Bernstein
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NJ, U.S.
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Profile of Jaz

Being a father of 2 girls and having 2 granddaughters, I like it.
And it is so true with my daughters who are now married adults.
Patrick Differ
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Profile of Patrick Differ
Your story sparks common interests in all us parents.
Boys are harder to first. Girls are easier to first.
Then, for some strange reason, this flip-flops and girls get...they get...COMPLICATED.
Neat little story...
Will you walk into my parlour? said the Spider to the Fly,
Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever you did spy;
The way into my parlour is up a winding stair,
And I've a many curious things to show when you are there.

Oh no, no, said the little Fly, to ask me is in vain,
For who goes up your winding stair
-can ne'er come down again.