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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Tricky business :: Competition - prize is a brand new release (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of cupsandballsmagic

Okay, first of all let me say that the prize will be a hot of the press release of a new item I am looking at marketing, that is *IF* it turns out to be financially viable to release it.

I am going for quality, full colour, glossy materials and it is going to cost me *a lot* (together with my graphic designers work and packaging) to get off the ground.

Anyway, hopefully, if everything goes according to plan and the final costs are reasonable it should be ready for release around November.

SO, here it goes...

As I am not a "known name" people are not going to buy my item based on the fact that I have released it so I am looking for the best idea to promote this new effect.

I understand that many of you will say we need to know more about what it is but all I can say at the moment is that it is a three-phase mentalism piece that can be performed as magic, mental magic or straight teleptahy. It is to be produced to the best quality possible and be within the scope for everybody to perform whether beginner or pro.

I have already had suggestions such as sending it for review to Magic, giving copies to known magicians to review and plain old advertising—although that is costly—so what I am proposing is that if people are kind enough to ***PM*** me with suggestions, the best suggestion will receive a free copy of the effect with my thanks and best wishes.

There we go, a bit of fun and a free effect for someone kind enough to PM me with an idea.

Thanks to everyone who has already offered help, support and ideas...Keep it coming, it *IS* appreciated BIG TIME!

...After chatting with David (thanks David) I have decided that it is only fair to include everybody who gives advice into a prize draw rather than do it the way I initially talked about.

If the effect is released I will also offer a discount to Café members (to be arranged when I am aware of the costs).

Also, for those who are interested I will be collating the information and sending it to everyone who PMs me with ideas.

After all, you are all kind enough to share your thougths.
