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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Tricky business :: Promotional DVD (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Doughlas
I am thinking of putting together a Promotional DVD to send out to potential customers. I have no experience in putting something like this together, so I wanted to ask those of you here that have put one together a couple of questions about it.
First, how long should a Promotional DVD be?
Second, what type of things do you put on your promo DVD as far as content is concerned?

Thanks for any advice,
Donald Dunphy
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Length: My promo video is 5 1/2 minutes long, which is just about right. (On the DVD, you could put a short video, and the full show video, but why? It depends upon your goal with the marketing piece. Don't just do it because you can.)

Content: I showed pieces of many routines in a montage for the first 3 minutes. The last two minutes show a complete routine, from a TV appearance, working with a local TV host (implied celebrity endorsement).

Some people use testimonials on their promo video, which is also good. Be sure to emphasise benefits to the potential customer. It's not about you and how good you are -- it's about what you can do for your customer, and proving that!

Don't forget to have a call to action at the end.

- Donald
Donald Dunphy is a Victoria Magician, British Columbia, Canada.
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Profile of RobertBloor
Donald's advice is fairly sound.

When it comes to video - make sure you're using a mic to do any voice overs. (Adding audio to your project with no mic is a sure way to guarantee it'll tank)

While you're at it, make sure whatever video you use, matches what you're saying. In other words, don't say, "Audiences laugh and cheer" while you're cutting someone in half. It doesn't connect.

Be sure you can actually SEE what you're doing.

And beyond that, include a complete routine.

My DVD/CD-Rom option I send out has a complete promo video that's about 4 minutes long. It also has 2 additional, uncut routines.

They've got their choice.

I will say this however...I have yet to have someone base a buying decision on the video alone.

Good luck!

Robert Bloor

PS: Donald's statement about using a TV appearance is great. I've got one from the Nevada State Fair where an FX shot up with both the live remote and the studio anchor. Reall interactive. Great piece.
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Donald Dunphy
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Victoria, BC, Canada
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Profile of Donald Dunphy
Forgot to add one thing, but Robert triggered my memory by commenting about "Audiences laugh and cheer"...

Don't forget to show audience footage, as well. Show people reacting to your magic, as well as performance pieces. This is part of proving to the customer that your show delivers results.

- Donald
Donald Dunphy is a Victoria Magician, British Columbia, Canada.
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Profile of NeoMagic
Try this earlier thread...

Advice for producing a demo video
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Northern California
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Profile of Doughlas
Thanks for the feedback, as always your advice is always welcome and appreciated.