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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Tricky business :: Take my card, please (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Alabama, USA
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Profile of Timothy
My father, who does clowning work for children, has baseball card style business cards printed. (This style is great for his line of work). He has generated a considerable amount of business by handing them out to people he meets and mentioning that he does clowning for children. People are often surprised, and realize that they have a need for his services or know someone who does! This is not his sole source of advertising, but I have noticed it is quite effective.

To stay on topic and discussion, does anyone think that the idea would work for magic? For instance, asking if the person would like to see some magic, then leaving them with a card?
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Gibsons, BC, Canada
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Profile of ddyment
Even better is to do some magic with the card, which you then leave with them as a souvenir. If the effect has some personal value, they'll keep the card forever. This was the main factor that inspired my particular version of the magic square, using a target number that has personal meaning to the participant. I do this both in auditioning situations, and during walk-around performances.

... Doug
The Deceptionary :: Elegant, Literate, Contemporary Mentalism ... and More :: (order "Calculated Thoughts" from Vanishing Inc.)
Andy Wonder
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Auckland, New Zealand
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I use baseball style business cards to promote my magic shows for children's birthdays. I have a set of 12 different cards.
You can view them here
Andy Wonder, Auckland, New Zealand
Dennis Michael
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Southern, NJ
5821 Posts

Profile of Dennis Michael
Check out:

The Card Connection for samples of these types of cards. And yes, they are great if you intend to do kids shows, and birthday parties.

If you want work, remember work will not come to you. You must be on their mind at the right time and easily assessable. Keepers are one way and the trading card is a keeper. (Where are those business cards others have given you? Do you remember who gave it to you? Can you visualize that person? Don't No, No & No!) Now postcards are even better when mailed at the right time. That time is 30-60 days prior to an event such as a birthday party. Giving them out is great, getting their name (potential clients) is even better.

Now with a Digital Camera, a signed framed autographed picture with the kid in it is a keeper and a "poster." It is hung on a wall or placed on a bureau. Now that sounds great. Hmmm, got to try this one.
Dennis Michael