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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: I want to see the manager! :: Regional Sections :: TOPIC IS LOCKED (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

Good to here.
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Yorba Linda, CA
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Profile of S2000magician
I'd like to suggest a new section on the Café: Regional Communities. This would give members a way to meet other members who are geographically local. You could start with areas of high concentration (UK, Southern California, NY/NJ, and so on) and expand from there.
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America’s North Coast, Ohio
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Profile of BroDavid
Or possibly rather than acutally creating a new level of regions, a clickable map (which would be much easier to maintain, (In my opinion) It could be periodically regenerated and it might have regisional sections, but that would allow folks to see graphically how dense (no pun intended) the population of magi is around them.

If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.
mr. bart
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We do not have a regional community here. So what can we hope to get out of it ??? Please do not thibk only about USA. Let me remind the Café is an internetional place.
Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile
yours in magic
mr. bart
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A feature that allows members to search for other members by location would be handy - particularly for new magicians, or those moving to a new area. Mr Bart - I think the international nature of the Café would be enhanced by this. Imagine, I'm on holiday in Turkey (I was two years ago) and want to meet up with fellow performers would've been great if I could have made contact before going.

There is a similar feature on the Home Of Poi website (poi is a manipulation art, often involving fire, from New Zealand) which is useful: Click on the Meet Others section.


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Inner circle
Yorba Linda, CA
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Profile of S2000magician
On 2002-11-01 04:47, mr. bart wrote:
Please do not thibk only about USA. Let me remind the Café is an internetional place.

That's why I mentioned UK as a possibility.

Take a look at this forum for Honda S2000 owners. They have a large selection of regional and national community forums. Members from those areas post there about all sorts of things of local interest.

Because many people don't include their location in their profile, and for those who do the format varies widely, trying to search by location will be frustrating at best; I know, I've tried when I've looked for magicians to handle a gig out of my area. By having a regional forum for, say, the NY/NJ area, members in that area can post or not as they see fit, someone wanting to meet magicians in that area can post a thread to that effect, someone needing a magician in that area can post a request, someone traveling to that area can find out about local events, and so on.

A couple of weeks ago a member posted a request for a magician in Richmond, VA for November 3. It was originally posted under "Let Me Speak To The Manager", then moved to "It's Not Magic, But...", and languished there with no responses. How much better it would have been if there were a forum for, say, the Washington, DC area to which it could have been moved, and where magicians local to Richmond, VA would have seen it.
Steve Brooks
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Northern California - United States
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This is an interesting concept in theory, and something for me to think about for sure.
Thanks for bringing this up, though this is something that I have given thought about in the past. Smile
"Always be you because nobody else can" - Steve Brooks