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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Rings, strings & things :: Charming Chinese Challenge Coin Size (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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Profile of Kyoki_Sanitys_Eclipse
Hello everyone. I have started working with CCC by Troy Hooser. I have been olaying with both dollar and 1/2 dollar size coins. So far I find the 1/2 dollars to be easier to work with, but feel like the dollar size will have a bigger pay off. Has anyone tried working with the two and has any insight. All appreciated.
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Profile of NicholasD25
I mostly use the one’s that Lance Pierce was selling. They’re a little larger than dollar size, but I believe they play much better than half dollar size. Once you get used to the larger size, they handle nicely.
Hybrid Hunter
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I think it depends on your hand size as well and if it can accommodate the dollar size coins comfortably.
I learnt CCC with dollar size coins but my hands are too small to convincingly palm them, so I settle with half dollar coins.
Audiences aren't going to watch CCC or any other coin magic with half dollars and think "I'd be more impressed if it was with a bigger coin!", and if they do think that when watching your magic, that's probably not a good thing!
David French
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I have been doing this for many years. I learned the original routine by Troy and used the Sterling half dollar coins he recommended in his first DVD. I have tried every coin out there and gone back and forth with half dollar size vs dollar size. I always come back to the original sterling half dollars. Of course this is all personal preference. I use the half dollar size for walk around and small stand up. They work fine for groups up to 30 people. I like the sterling coins as they have the brass "ring/boarder" and really pick up the light. So they are very visible in the correct lighting.

I agree with Hybrid, no audience will compare/think of any other coin while you work. Use what you like and feel most comfortable with. I doubt and one ever thought they wish the cards we use were just a tad bigger...Smile
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Profile of Kyoki_Sanitys_Eclipse
Thanks for all the insight. I am much more fluid with half dollars as they fit my hands well. I just really like the dollar sized coins but didn't know if they are worth the extra effort.
Bill Wood
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For me size isn't the big issue however I find working with soft coins is very helpful.
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Profile of NicholasD25
On Apr 19, 2021, David French wrote:

I agree with Hybrid, no audience will compare/think of any other coin while you work. Use what you like and feel most comfortable with. I doubt and one ever thought they wish the cards we use were just a tad bigger...Smile

Sort of makes you wonder why bridge sized cards aren’t used more often. After all, passes and other angle prone moves are easier with the smaller cards. Couldn’t be because poker sized cards look better and more professional. Just thinking out loud.

And, Three Fly with half dollars. I don’t think so.
David French
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Nicholas -

It all depends to me...I have seen guys do three fly with half dollars. Eric Jones does a very nice coin fly routine using halves. I think Bridge sized cards can be used, but most people know of poker sized cards. I think most folks don't really associate with half dollars or silver dollars. Just not very common as cards are. Either way, I agree with what Eric Jones once said. Use the size you are comfortable with. But we are on a slight tangent here, I have used both silver dollar sized and half dollar sized coins for CCC and it has not (that I could tell) made a difference to the audiences perception of the effect. I suppose we could argue 2 inch vs. 3 inch sponge balls...

All just personal preference.
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Profile of bhavz95
I just use half dollar sizes for all of my coin magic. If you do strolling or close up there won't won't much of a difference.
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Profile of ringmaster
Hay, let me go get my kid, he's never seen a half dollar.
One of the last living 10-in-one performers. I wanted to be in show business the worst way, and that was it.