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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Rings, strings & things :: Magic with loops of string (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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I'm finding the 'searches' for this topic are swamped with other results. Here's what I'm looking for: I carry around loops of string for string figures. These loops are fused, not tied so there's no untying when I need a string. I know some 'tricks' from the string figure community that go nicely with stories but I was wondering if you knew of some magic that made use of loops of ordinary string? Thanks in advance.
John Long
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Profile of John Long
Seems like I might have responded to something like this before, but if I understand you, I think of

- loop passes through your neck
- loop is put through a button hole, then magically escapes from the button hole
- 2 paper clips are threaded onto the strands of the loop, then loop is wrapped around a specs wrist, then it is magically
pulled through the wrist (in Elliot's The Best in Magic)

- loop put over specs upright thumbs & ring is openly placed over the loop, then w/o taking the loop off the spec's thumbs, the ring is removed (in Magic for Dummies)

- The loop is passed through a hole in a block of wood, then ~knotted; the block is removed under cover (Blocked of Wood Release Tarbell 8 p168)

Some that aren't dependent on a "loop" of string
- cut and restore of the loop (using a TT)
- use what I think is called the Kellar cut and restored string: which will make the loop look like a single piece of string (the untwisting method), the string could then be magically converted to a single loop, or the apparent non-loop of string could be truly cut (which in the specs mind should make 2 pieces) but you restore it back to one piece (if you color the initial "ends", the color will then be on the middle of the string

- Using two loops, but presented as a single loop would enable various Grandmother's Necklace type effects

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Great suggestions, John. The famous ShoeLace effect can be done with a loop. I suggest having a knot fly off into the audience from the restored "mess,"
perhaps with spectators holding the side loops.
"the more one pretends at magic, the more awe and wonder will be found in real life." Arnold Furst

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John Long
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I'm not sure what you are referring to. There is a fake knot that Wilson's book entitles "Shoelace Rope Tie"? Pop-off knots are always fun.

Certainly many standard rope tricks can be done with a "loop" (by treating it as if it was a single strand), but I tried to list those that specifically use a loop.
Breathtaking Magic;
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Profile of Ergerbor

Thanks for the response (to both threads). I'll look into these. I was also told, today, about a trick called "Fast & Loose" that is usually done with a loop of fine chain but could be done with a loop of string. I'll look into all of these and try to report back (so the conversation may help someone else).

John Long
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Profile of John Long
Whit Haydn has his version of fast and loose

or you can find it other sources Magic Digest (called Australian belt), keable's The Big Book of M Fun, and the "Scam School" on youtube has a presentation as well

Breathtaking Magic;
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John, Indeed, was directed towards "School for Scoundrels" and have also been reading the many threads on the Café about the SFS handling or other handlings. In fact, in the penguin promo video, where Harlan interviews Haydn, Haydyn recounts how a friend of his leads with a brief description/demostration of cats cradle and then leads into the con game. I've watched some presentations and I'm definitely going to pick up the manuscript and DVD. Also, while not done with a loop, Pricking the Garter looks fun as well if you tend to wear a belt.