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The Magic Cafe Forum Index :: Rings, strings & things :: Changing the Look of a PK RIng (0 Likes) Printer Friendly Version

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There are numerous posts on virtually every magic forum regarding the look of PK rings for one's personal preferences, age, and desired image.

The better PK rings generally come in styles that are too formal-looking for some, or are too adult in appearance, or the wedding band style would be on the wrong finger if placed on the right hand, or the black PK rings are too sinister looking, and on and on. This post solves all of these problems.

Starting with a FLAT BAND style ring (mine is the Wizard G2 flat band style in silver), purchase 1/8-inch art tape from any office supply store, or online. It's about $2 for more than you'll ever need. It comes in black and also in several colors. Wrap a few layers of the tape around the outside of the ring, centered between the sides of the ring. This will usually leave about 1/16-inch of ring showing on either side of the tape, making for a really nice accent. Make sure that each layer overlaps the previous one perfectly. The width of the flat band ring shouldn't be less than 1/4-inch.

I used black tape on a silver ring. It made the ring less formal, and looks great! Other tape colors could be used for an even more casual look ... especially on black flat-band rings. I never tried this on a curved ring style, but I imagine that the tape wouldn't hold on a curved surface.

It may take several tries to get the tape perfectly centered on the ring. After three tries, I'd cut a new length of tape, since the adhesive may have become less tacky.

I don't thing it would look as well with a gold ring, but might try it.

I hope it works for you!
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PS ... the tape should be the glossy type, not the "crepe" type. The brand I used was "Cosco".
Mr. Mystoffelees
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Well, that is one way. I like my ring to look like my ring, so bought the cylinder-style neo mags and can fit up to three of them under one of my regular rings, and on more than one ring at a time. They stay in place by pressure and friction, but if I am likely to sweat or it is a long performance, I wrap a skin-colored band aid around the inside where it doesn't show. I would try your idea, it sounds good, but I keep breaking the mag rings as they are very brittle...

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Ray Bertrand
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On 2012-06-07 12:13, Mr. Mystoffelees wrote:
Well, that is one way. I like my ring to look like my ring, so bought the cylinder-style neo mags and can fit up to three of them under one of my regular rings, and on more than one ring at a time. They stay in place by pressure and friction, but if I am likely to sweat or it is a long performance, I wrap a skin-colored band aid around the inside where it doesn't show. I would try your idea, it sounds good, but I keep breaking the mag rings as they are very brittle...


I really like your idea for placing cyclinder-style neo magnets under your personal ring. That would definitely work for me. Thank you.

Mentalism in Ontario.
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Profile of cafezingo
Hi Ray ... might try the gimmick at . I have two of them, and they're great! I use a PK Ring for close-up, and one of these gimmicks for stage and platform. A PDF book is also offered on the website, showing how to make the gimmick .... but purchasing the gimmick worked better for me. It allows you to use any ring as a PK ring, and easily ditch the gimmick after completing the effect.
Mr. Mystoffelees
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You are welcome, Ray! Try it sometime with a regular copper cup and a chop ball- the routines you can do are fantastic...

Also known, when doing rope magic, as "Cordini"
Andre Hagen
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On 2012-06-07 15:24, Cafézingo wrote:
Hi Ray ... might try the gimmick at . I have two of them, and they're great! I use a PK Ring for close-up, and one of these gimmicks for stage and platform. A PDF book is also offered on the website, showing how to make the gimmick .... but purchasing the gimmick worked better for me. It allows you to use any ring as a PK ring, and easily ditch the gimmick after completing the effect.

Thanks Cafézingo! I just pushed the PayPal for the ebook and gimmick. I really like this!
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one - Albert Einstein
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You're welcome, Andre. In the PDF, you'll find my (real) name mentioned in a very flattering credit for the Misers Dream application of the Gimmick. Additionally, I recommend flattening a small dab of magicians wax in the center of one side of the coin, for better gripping by the thumb in "producing and vanishing" the shimmed coin. It works best with half-dollars. (Quarters are too small to grip, and silver dollars may flash too much.)

For variety, try producing the coin from different parts of the hand (top of fingers, fingertips, etc.). It may take some practice to vanish the coin smoothly, having it "fly" back from the fingertips to the Gimmick. I found the Gimmick much smoother to use than my PK ring. However, the PK ring avoids the need to ditch the Gimmick in close-up effects.

I also use a PK ring (or Gimmick) in place of some standard sleights, since they allow my fingers to remain in an almost fully opened position without flashing the coin from behind the fingers.

You'll love it!.
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Andre just ordered four of my gimmicks yesterday, thank you so much Andre! Cafézingo is being modest, he has come up with a FANTASTIC use of a PK ring or my ANY Ring PK Gimmick. I'm actually surprised that no one has ever done this before. I was blown away and I'm so happy that he allowed me to add his ideas into my E-Book to share with other ANY Ring PK Gimmick customers. I'm glad that people have seen the value in my little idea.

Hank Morfin
Hank Morfin Rocks!
Andre Hagen
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On 2012-06-11 11:16, Astrocity wrote:
Andre just ordered four of my gimmicks yesterday, thank you so much Andre! Cafézingo is being modest, he has come up with a FANTASTIC use of a PK ring or my ANY Ring PK Gimmick. I'm actually surprised that no one has ever done this before. I was blown away and I'm so happy that he allowed me to add his ideas into my E-Book to share with other ANY Ring PK Gimmick customers. I'm glad that people have seen the value in my little idea.


You are welcome! Yes, I ordered four. Cheap at twice the price. These are perfect! Wearing a PK ring is an annoyance when you only use it part of the time.

Cafézingo's idea in the PDF is excellent and worth the price of the PDF. I highly recommend these gimmicks whether you make your own from the PDF or have Hank make them for you.

Now I can slip this under my wedding ring (it's about time that constant companion on my finger earned its keep) whenever it is needed. Goes on and off quite easily and I believe with practice I can put it on right in front of the spectator.

(In case my wife reads this...just kidding about the ring dear...and it's the gimmick that goes on and off easily...not the ring!)

Thanks Hank!
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one - Albert Einstein
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Thanks again for your support, I'm very glad to hear that you like your gimmicks and that they are going to serve you well. As I was telling Cafézingo in an email, I am continually pleasantly surprised and blown away by the reactions to the ANY Ring PK Gimmick and E-Book. It's funny, when I first decided to release this, I looked for a company to actually make the gimmicks and release them for sale to the magic community, I was told by the companies I contacted that they were not interested. They said it was not a "saleable idea", in other words,it was not something they could sell, no one would be interested. Then I decided to release it as a DIY E-Book and again many online magic companies that carry E-Books passed on carrying mine saying that it would not sell, not appeal to their customers. I see the constant praises and thank you's from the hundreds of magicians who have purchased the E-Book and now the gimmicks, and I have to chuckle to myself. Thank you to everyone who has found value in the gimmick and the E-Book.

Hank Morfin
Hank Morfin Rocks!